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People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing
I got this from A half-dozen questions that the US news media still haven't answered, and never will. As famed muckraker George Seldes said when speaking about the media, "Take nothing for granted". Indeed.

1. Who is Osama bin Laden, and where did he come from?

On this point, the 9/11 report retreats into obfuscation. While acknowledging that he had something to do with resisting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the report suggests, without explicitly so stating, that the links between Osama and the United States were practically nonexistent. This will not parse: until the present Global War on Terrorism, the CIA's operation against the Red Army in Afghanistan was the biggest and most expensive covert operation in the agency's history. The 9/11 Report provides no convincing documented refutation of Osama's links with the CIA, given that the agency was running a major war in which he was a participant. Similarly, the report's authors did not plumb the informal U.S. government connections with the same Saudi government whose links with the bin Laden family could have provided a cut-out for any CIA-Osama relationship. [1]

2. When were Osama's last non-hostile links with the U.S. government?

Consistent with its view of Osama's relationship with the CIA during the anti-Soviet enterprise, the 9/11 Report ignores the possibility that he may have had a continuing relationship with the U.S. government, particularly with its intelligence services. The report brushes this hypothesis aside with a footnote to the effect that both the CIA and purported second-ranking al Qaeda figure Ayman al Zawahiri deny a relationship. [2]

One may doubt the veracity of Langley's denials of a relationship with Osama bin Laden and his associates, given the lack of truthfulness of its earlier statement to the Warren Commission about not having had a relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald. Or in alleging that an employee named "Mr. George Bush" whom the agency cited in its reporting of the events of 22 November 1963 was a completely different person from the George Bush who subsequently became the 41st U.S. president, after serving as Director of Central Intelligence.

Likewise, Mr. Zawahiri's assertion of not having received a penny of CIA funds deserves the searchlight of skeptical scrutiny. What the report describes as Zawahiri's "memoir" is actually a broadside published in a London-based newspaper in December 2001, i.e., after the events of 9/11. It was obviously intended as a call to the Muslim faithful for a holy war against the infidel desecrator of the holy places; would such a person, conscious of the need to gain recruits in a war of pure faith against the Great Satan, have confirmed having been on the payroll of his principal enemy? It is no more likely than for the current President of the United States, in drawing parallels between the war in Iraq and World War II, to advert to the fact that his grandfather's bank was seized by the U.S. government in 1942 for illicit trading with the Third Reich.

Indeed, U.S. intelligence agencies have had, purely as a function of their charters, relationships with most of the world's scoundrels, con-men, and psychopaths of the last 70 years: from Lucky Luciano and the Gambino Mob, to Reinhard Gehlen and Timothy Leary, to the perpetrators of the massacre of 500,000 people in Indonesia in 1965, to the Cuban exiles who blew up an airliner in 1976 [3], to such shady characters as Ahmed Chalabi and his friend "Curveball." Among such a gallery of murderous kooks, bin Laden and his cohorts do not especially stand out.

More dispositive than these speculations, however, are the very real connections between Washington and Islamic jihadists in the Balkans throughout the 1990s. The report hints at this relationship by mentioning the presence of charity fronts of bin Laden's "network" in Zagreb and Sarajevo. In fact, the U.S. government engaged in a massive covert operation to infiltrate Islamic fighters, many of them veterans of the Afghan war, into the Balkans for the purpose of undermining the Milosevic government. The "arms embargo," enforced by the U.S. military, was a cover for this activity (i.e., using military force to keep prying eyes from seeing what was going on).

A key Washington fixer for the Muslim government of Bosnia was the law firm of Feith and Zell. Yes, Douglas Feith, one of the principal conspirators involved in launching the Iraq war under the banner of opposing Islamic terrorism, was a proponent of introducing Islamic terrorists into South Eastern Europe. Do the "Islamofascists" of pseudo-conservative demonology accordingly seem less like satanic enemies and more like puppets dangling from an unseen hand? Or perhaps the analogy is incorrect: more like a Frankenstein's Monster that has slipped the control of its creator.

3. How did the President of United States React to the August 6 2001 President's Daily Brief?

Although the August 6 PDB had been mentioned in the foreign press since 2002, it did not come to the attention of official Washington until then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice impaled herself upon the hook of 9/11 Commission member Richard Ben Veniste's artful line of questioning in mid-2004. Blurting out the title of the PDB, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," she let the cat out of the bagor perhaps not. Having opened Pandora's Box, the commissioners displayed no troublesome curiosity about its contents.

What concrete measures did the president take after receiving perhaps the most significant strategic warning that any head of state could have hoped to receive about an impending attack on his country? Did he alert the intelligence agencies, law enforcement, the Border patrol, the Federal Aviation Administration, to comb through their current information and increase their alert rates? Did the threat warning of the PDB (granted that it did not reveal the tail numbers of the aircraft to be hijacked), in combination with the numerous threat warnings from other sources [4] elicit feverish activity to "protect the American people?" Not that we can observe.

So what was the actual response of the U.S. government? Here the 9/11 Report exhibits autism. As nearly as we can determine from contemporaneous bulletins, the president massacred whole hecatombs of mesquite bushes and large-mouthed bass, perfected his golf swing, and hosted various captains of industry in the rustic repose of Crawford, Texas. In other words, he presided over the most egregious example of Constitutional nonfeasance since the administration of James Buchanan allowed Southern secessionists to take possession of the arms in several federal arsenals. The 9/11 Commission's silence on this point is an abundant demonstration of its role as an apologist, rather than a dispassionate truth-teller.

The testimony of federal officials about what they did up to and during the attacks is telling, in so far as the false and misleading statements of witnesses provide clues. Ms. Rice, her tremulous voice betraying nervousness, averred, against the plain evidence of the public record and common sense, that a PDB stating that Osama bin Laden was determined to strike within the borders of the United States was too ambiguous to take any action.

Likewise, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft may have perjured himself when he denied under oath that acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard came to him on July 5, 2001 with information of terrorist plotsinformation that the Attorney General "did not want to hear about anymore," as NBC News reported on June 22, 2004. It might be considered a matter of Ashcroft's word against Pickering's, except for the fact that Pickering had a corroborating witness.

4. Who wrote the script for the rhetorical response to 9/11?

The smoke was still rising from the rubble of the World Trade Center complex and the Pentagon when the unanimous and universal cry erupted in government circles, and was relentlessly amplified by the media, that this was "war," not a criminal act of terrorism. How very convenient that this war, declared against a diffuse and stateless entity, would trigger long-sought legal authorities and constitutional loopholes which would not apply in the case of a criminal act. [5] Torture, domestic spying, selective suspension of habeas corpus, all the unconstitutional monsters whose implications are only clear four years after the event, all slipped into immediate usage with the rhetorical invocation of war.

This was not merely war, it was unlimited war, both in the sense of total war meant by General Ludendorff (civilian rights being trivial), and in the sense of lacking a comprehensible time span. "A war that will not end in our lifetimes," said Vice President Cheney on Meet the Press on the very Sunday following the attacks. How could he be so sure during the fog of uncertainty following the strike?

If bin Laden and his followers were merely a limited number of fanatics living in Afghan caves, as we were assured at the time, why did the Bush administration relentlessly advance the meme that a decades-long war was inevitable? Could not a concerted intelligence, law-enforcement, and diplomatic campaign, embracing all sovereign countries, have effectively shut down "al Qaeda" within a reasonable period of timesay, within the period it took to fight World War II between Pearl Harbor and the Japanese surrender?

Four years on, Vice President Cheney, doing a plausible imitation of the radio voice of The Shadow, continues to publicly mutter, in menacing tones of the lower octaves, that the war on terrorism [6] is a conflict that will last for decades. [7] This at the same time as the junior partner of the ruling dyarchy, the sitting president, is giving upbeat speeches promising victory in the war on terrorism (i.e., Iraq, the Central Front on the War on Terrorism) against a papier maché backdrop containing the printed slogan "Strategy for Victory."

It is curious that no onenot the watchdogs of the supposedly adversary media, nor the nominal opposition party in Washington, nor otherwise intelligent observershas remarked on this seeming contradiction: victory is just around the corner, yet the war will last for decades. Quite in the manner of the war between Eastasia and Oceania in 1984.

In earlier times, this contradiction would have seemed newsworthy, if not scandalous. Suppose President Roosevelt had opined at the Teheran Conference that the Axis would be defeated in two years. Then suppose his vice president had at the same time traveled about the United States telling his audiences that the Axis would not be defeated for decades. An American public not yet conditioned by television would at least have noticed, and demanded some explanation.

So question number 4 concludes with a question: why does the U.S. government hive so firmly to the notion of a long, drawn-out, indeterminate war, when Occam's Razor would suggest the desirability of presenting a clear-cut victory within the span of imagination of the average impatient Americana couple of years at most? Or is endless war the point?

5. Why did the mysterious anthrax attacks come and go like a wraith?

For those in immediate proximity to the events, the September 11attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were frightening in the extreme, but they had not the slow accumulation of dread that the anthrax scare of October 2001 presented. Far more than any anomaly concerning 9/11 itself, the anthrax mystery is the undecoded Rosetta Stone of recent years.

The anthrax attacks were the most anomalous terrorist attacks in history: clever, successful, unpunished, causing five deaths and a billion dollars' damage. Yet never repeated. This alone makes them remarkable in the annals of criminal activity, but there is morethe intended victims (at least those with an official position) were warned in writing of their peril in sufficient detail that they could take steps to administer an antidote. Is this characteristic of terrorist attacks by "al Qaeda," or by any known Middle Eastern terrorist group?

Except for the ambiguous first attack (which killed a National Enquirer photo editor), all the deaths resulting from the anthrax plot were incidentalmail handlers and innocent recipients of mail which had been contaminated by proximity to the threat letters. Evidently the West Jefferson anthrax strain was more powerful and had greater accidental effects than the plotters had intended.

But what did the plotters intend, if they did not will the deaths of the addressees of their anthrax letters? It was pure coincidence, perhaps, that the anthrax scare was at its height, producing psychosomatic illness symptoms among members of Congress and staffers, just as the USA PATRIOT Act was wending its way through the legislative process. This measure, which originated among the same Justice Department lawyers who legally opined that torture was wholesome, was rammed through the Congress after enactment of the authorization of the use of force in Afghanistan. Why is this sequence significant?

The then-majority leader of the U.S. Senate, Tom Daschle, wrote a curious op-ed in the Washington Post four years after the events just described. [8]. In attempting to refute the administration's allegation that it had been granted plenary wiretap powers in the Afghanistan authorization, he stated that he and his Senatorial confreres explicitly rejected an administration proposal to authorize an effective state of war within the borders of the United States itself.

Given the administration's repeatedly demonstrated refusal to accept any limitation on its powers, it is logical that the rebuff on the war powers authorization was followed by the prompt submittal of the Justice Department's draft of the PATRIOT Act, containing many of the domestic authorities the Bush White House had sought in the use of force legislation. How doubly coincidental that two of the limited number of addressees of the threat letters should have been the offices of Daschle himself, and Sen. Patrick Leahy, then-chairman of the committee of jurisdiction over the PATRIOT Act.

Needless to say, the measure was passed by an even more comfortable margin than that enjoyed by the 1933 Enabling Law in the Reichstag. [9] Notwithstanding buyer's remorse exhibited by many members of Congress, and current efforts to amend its more onerous provisions, it appears we are saddled with the main burdens of its edicts in perpetuity.

How the government placed this perpetual burden on its citizens is bound up with the mysterious anthrax scare of October 2001, an outrage that, unlike 9/11, does not even merit an official explanation. No one has been charged.

6. Why did Osama bin Laden escape?

"Wanted, dead or alive!" "We'll smoke em out of their caves!" All Americans know the feeling of righteous retribution that attended the hunt for Osama bin Laden in the autumn and winter of 2001. Yet, suddenly, it fizzled out and became subsumed in attacking Iraq and its oilfields.

We know the explanation. Somehow, bin Laden escaped in the battle of Tora Bora, because "the back door was open." Only after the invasion of Iraq, more than a year later, was there general acknowledgement that resources intended for Afghanistan had been diverted to the buildup for Iraq. The public was lead to believe that supplemental appropriations for Afghanistan were siphoned into the Iraq project beginning about mid-2002.

But the strange apathy about Osama's whereabouts began sooner than that. In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, then-Senate Intelligence Committee Bob Graham states the following:

"I was asked by one of the senior commanders of Central Command to go into his office [this presumably means the CENTCOM Commander, GEN Tommy Franks. Underlings do not summon senior Senators into their offices]. We did, the door was closed, and he turned to me, and he said, Senator, we have stopped fighting the war on terror in Afghanistan. We are moving military and intelligence personnel and resources out of Afghanistan to get ready for a future war in Iraq.' This is February of 2002 [emphasis added]. Senator, what we are engaged in now is a manhunt not a war, and we are not trained to conduct a manhunt.'"

Senator Graham elaborates on this matter in his book, Intelligence Matters , on page 125:

"At that point, General Franks asked for an additional word with me in his office. When I walked in, he closed the door. Looking troubled, he said, Senator, we are not engaged in a war in Afghanistan.'

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Military and intelligence personnel are being redeployed to prepare for an action in Iraq,' he continued. The Predators are being relocated. What we are doing is a manhunt. We have wrapped ourselves too much in trailing Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. We're better at being a meat axe than finding a needle in a haystack. That's not our mission, and that's not what we are trained or prepared to do.'"

In the first excerpt, the military officer might be ambivalent about the change in mission, merely saying that the U.S. military is supposedly not trained for conducting manhunts. The second excerpt provides more substance, suggesting that Franks himself agrees that looking for Osama bin Laden is a mug's game ("We have wrapped ourselves too much in trailing Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar.")

There we have it: as early as February 2002, the U.S. government was pulling the plug. Or was it even earlier? Gary Berntsen, a former CIA officer, says in his book Jawbreaker that his paramilitary team tracked bin Laden to the Tora Bora region late in 2001 and could have killed or captured him if his superiors had agreed to his request for an additional force of about 800 U.S. troops. But the administration was already gearing up for war with Iraq and troops were never sent, allowing bin Laden to escape.

Now, Berntsen is a typical Langley boy scout who buys into most of the flummery about the war on terrorism; but it is precisely for that reason that his testimony is worthwhile. Here is no ideological critic of the Bush administration and its foreign policieson the contrary, he shares many of its assumptions. Like fellow Agency alumnus Michael Scheuer, he has experienced the cognitive dissonance of dealing with the administration's policies at first hand, and wishes to report on his findings.

Is it plausible that the United States Military, disposing of 1.4 million active duty troops and a million reservists, could not scare up 800 additional troops to capture what was then characterized as a fiend in human form? Perhaps the then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers, explained it best in a CNN interview on 6 April 2002, well after the hunt for bin Laden had apparently been concluded:

"Well, if you remember, if we go back to the beginning of this segment, the goal has never been to get bin Laden." [10]

What can one conclude from this series of questions? If the 9/11 mystery is like other great, mysterious eventssuch as the Kennedy assassinationthe course is probable. For a year or two, raw emotion over the event forecloses inquiry; for the next several years after that, the public's attention wanes, and the desire to forget the painful memory predominates.

In a decade or so, though, some debunker will bring new facts into the public arena for the edification of those Americans, then in late middle age, who will view 9/11 as an intellectual puzzle: far from the urgent concerns of their daily lives.

Many people may, by that time, accept that the official explanation is bunk, and suspect that the government had once again tricked the American public, those ever-willing foils in the eternal Punch-and-Judy show. But the majority will neither know nor care about obscure international relationships during a bygone era.

In 1939, the English author Eric Ambler wrote a brilliant and now-disregarded novel whose theme was that the political events culminating in World War II were indistinguishable from the squalid doings of ordinary criminals. Let us quote from that novel, The Mask of Dimitrios:

"A writer of plays said that there are some situations that one cannot use on the stage; situations in which the audience can feel neither approval, sympathy, nor antipathy; situations out of which there is no possible way that is not humiliating or distressing and from which there is no truth, however bitter, to be extracted. . . . All I know is that while might is right, while chaos and anarchy masquerade as order and enlightenment, these conditions will obtain."

Werther is the pen name of a Northern Virginia-based defense analyst. Werther can be reached at:
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
I see at least one method for the "ignition" of pre-set explosives, if we are going to construct that thesis. The first would be some form of receiver that was attached to the explosive(s) and which was "triggered" by remote control from either the OEM in WTC7 and/or by helicopter or other aircraft.

Secondly, in terms of having a script for "the show",any media producer (and I think we have a few here) could familiarize us with a shooting script or a story-board. Now, the first issue is that such a device would likely be cumbersome as hell, especially for something as fast-moving and intricate as that show. However, keep in mind one of the primary suspects -- in the Evica-Drago model, a facilitator at a high level -- was Cheney. Another was Jerome Hauer. No doubt there were others involved at lesser levels, the mechanics. But the one thing that we can say definitively about both Cheney and Hauer, aside from their other "credentials" and connections, is that they were both deeply into emergency management concepts and technologies. Hauer, of course, was the chief of the Mayor's Office of OEM and manager/designer of its command facility inside WTC7, a sealed and secure facility in any city and certainly hyper-secure in this case. Cheney was in command of the entire nation's system of emergency response and testing that day and has been described as "the maestro", a term used inside the system called NIMS, National Incident Management System -- in which I was certified to the 400 (exercise design) level. When you have a drill, you utilize a script with "injects" (planned or potential "inputs" into the exercise). But more importantly, as professionals in this field and with the resources of the nation's budget, you have sophisticated computer control systems available.

Remembering that Cheney was also the SecDef during Desert Storm and was instrumental in planning and executing that event, which came off without a hitch until some "maestro" stepped in a la James Earl Scott in "The Hunt for Red Oktober" and put his hand over the switch to prevent, in this case, the complete capture of Hussein's vaunted Republic Guard to make sure we had someone to fight again a decade later (very Rothschildian), one of the primary tools functionally available at that time was the sophisticated simulation system used to train for brigade-level tank warfare=designed at BB&N , and another was the synchronization matrix used by military units and built into the computer simulation software which eventually emerged to a more visible place in DARPA's desktop simulation upgrade.

For background, see Into the Storm: A Study in Command, Tom Clancy with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.), Putnam Books, New York 1997. [This is, among other things, a good description of the value of simulation gaming as it applied to leadership, training and strategic/tactical plan development as executed by the US Army during Desert Storm. It speaks of nested concepts in allowing downline inferiors the room to make independent decisions within the plan or matrix.]

See also "Coordinating, Integrating and Synchronizing Disaster Response: Use of an Emergency Response Synchronization Matrix in Disaster Planning, Response and Operations", Paul Hewitt, Jacques Mitrani, William Metz, and William Vercellone, (
and/or "The Emergency Management Synchronization Matrix A Method of Coordinating, Integrating and Synchronizing Disaster Response", Paul Hewitt, Jacques Mitrani, and William Metz, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, November 2001, Vol. 19, No. 3, oo. 329-348. (

See also "Emergency Management Logistics Planning: Transitioning the Enhanced Logistics Intra-Theater Support Tool (ELIST) from the DOD to the Emergency Management Community"( )

A Google search of the term "synchronization matrix" will turn up a large volume of examples and links from military sites, Northrup-Grumman, et al.

this link, from Global, explains "nested concepts":

And here is a monograph entitled "Nested Concepts: Implementing Commander's Vision and Securing Unity of Effort":
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Could you explain the triggers you refer to? What were they triggering? Are you assuming there were bomb(like) devices which exploded and destroyed columns?

Or perhaps this set off some sort of pre placed incendiary devices which
burned through structural members which caused no explosion... and therefore no sound?

There was the odd eutectic steel found showing some sort of intense heat attack or chemical "eating away" at the steel. This sort of finding indicates that this was NOT from and explosive by some sort of incendiary. If so perhaps the fires from the plane strikes or the initial event... could simply ignite or set off these devices... which would take their time to "do their thing" until the member they were fixed to no longer could support weight - too much steel gone. This is similar to termites eating up a wood house's structure and then one day it collapses.

To me it makes more sense to use something quiet (incendiary) and which would take time and "mimic" some sort of natural destruction that a heat weakened steel frame would manifest. And then blame it on the heat from fires. Anyway... no elaborate wiring, timing, det chord, radio control, precise sequencing necessary. This is effectively no different from leaving cans of gasoline in your house which if they catch fire will RAPIDLY cause the structure to burn... and provide the accelerant.
9/11 Survivor Describes Multiple Explosions

>>> Teresa Veliz, the facilities manager for a software development company, was on the 47th floor of the North Tower when Flight 11 hit. First, like many witnesses, she describes the building shaking twice:

"I got off [the elevator], turned the corner and opened the door to the ladies' room. I said good morning to a lady sitting at a mirror when the whole building shook. I thought it was an earthquake. Then I heard those banging noises on the other side of the wall. It sounded like someone had cut the elevator cables. It just fell and fell and fell.

I began to cry. "Oh, my God, I just got off that elevator!" I said. "That could have been me." I prayed those other people had gotten off on the 48th floor before the elevator dropped. But I didn't have much time to be upset because the building shook again, this time even more violently. The lady at the mirror grabbed onto me and held on for dear life."

Veliz went down a staircase with a coworker to the concourse level. In the mall, they got onto an up-escalator as the South Tower collapsed, causing a rush of wind which knocked them down. In the pitch black, Veliz and her coworker followed someone carrying a flashlight:

"The flashlight led us into Borders bookstore, up an escalator and out to Church Street. There were explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons. I was afraid to go down Church Street toward Broadway, but I had to do it. I ended up on Vesey Street. There was another explosion. And another. I didn't know where to run."

Source: "Teresa Veliz: A Prayer to Die Quickly and Painlessly," in September 11: An Oral History by Dean E. Murphy (Doubleday, 2002), pp 9-15.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Interesting testimony, but I don't know how reliable it is. Assuming that the plane had just slammed into the towers and spilled fuel inside and electrical transformers could be exploding as well as other "systems" inside the building.

Also if there were large explosions going off inside the towers... the kind to destroy the steel which was quite thick the lower you are in them... one would expect to SEE some evidence of these explosions blasting through the glass... no? What was being exploded assuming this testimony is true?

I'd like someone to make sense concerning the "detonated" explosions going off all throughout the tower... what was the plan?
This may help explain the testimony from more than one person about multiple explosions in the Twin Towers before the buildings came down. First, this excerpt from E. P. Heidner's online book, "September 11 Commission Report"

"The pinpointed targets of the 9/11 hijackers were the North Tower (FBI offices on
floors 23 and 24 and the Cantor Fitzgerald offices), Building 7 (various Federal
investigative agencies), the Pentagon (Office of Naval Investigation), and the
South Tower (Eurobrokers and the NY State Tax Investigation Department).
Flight 93, delayed for 40 minutes at the gate and downed in Pennsylvania, was
probably intended for Building 7. Building 6 (US Customs) was destroyed by an
internal explosion. These buildings were targeted because they housed the
investigative offices and evidence of multiple investigations into money and gold
laundering and securities fraud."

"The airline attacks on the World Trade Center were cover-up for explosives
placed in the building. There are nine categories of evidence which support the
statement that the North and South Towers were subjected to "targeted"
1. Numerous eyewitness statements of explosions in and throughout the
2. Seismographic recording of the incidents showing massive underground
explosions just prior to the collapse of Towers 1, 2 and 7;
3. Analysis of videotape of the collapse of the South Tower which shows the
order in which floors are collapsing by exploding windows, demonstrating
non-sequential explosions on lower floors;
4. Video tape evidence recorded on-site at the WTC by a rescuing fireman;
5. The pattern of deaths in the North Tower reinforces the theory that there were
explosives set at lower levels of the North Tower, especially in the vicinity of
floors 23 and 24 of the North Tower (Tower 1), which suffered inexplicable
and unusually high death rates;
6. Multiple testimonies from a) small rescue team, 2) trapped workers and 3)
people leaving the building which help explain events on the 23rd floor site
of a secretive FBI office which housed investigations into illegal gold-price
fixing, gold trades and the Kazakhgate investigation linking Dick Cheney and
George Bush Sr. to illegal bribes paid to Kazakhstan officials;
7. An FBI agent in the North Tower Operations Center received a call on his cell
phone advising him the North Tower would soon collapse. The timing of this
call, approximately 15 minutes before the building collapsed, suggests
someone was in control of the primary demolitions in the basement;
8. Investigating government agencies have not been able to explain how fires
reached required temperatures to melt steel and thus cause the towers to collapse.
An official letter from Underwriter Laboratories to the National
Institute of Standards and Technology, explains why the government's official
stance on how/why the buildings collapsed has no merit;
9. Unexplained and forgotten CNN video footage of the explosion inside WTC
6, which housed US Customs Agency, the agency that coordinated multiple
federal agency money laundering investigations with its El Dorado task force."

Secondly, this from "The 9/11 Attacks and the Black Eagle Trust Fund"

"Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11
The September 11th attacks were likely meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th. The attacks ... were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which unknown' western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas.
The 9/11 attacks also served to derail multiple Federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. Hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically "cleared" without anyone asking questions which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its "emergency powers" that very afternoon.
There were three major securities brokers in the World Trade Center: Cantor Fitzgerald, Eurobrokers and Garbon Inter Capital. Cantor Fitzgerald was the largest securities dealer in the US and arguably the primary target. 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 39 of 40 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. The Naval Command Center had been moved into that newly opened section of the Pentagon only a month earlier. And in the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed."

And lastly, but not least, William Rodriguez's statements about what he heard on that day, about explosions he heard in the basement.

9/11 attacks
Rodriguez said he usually clocked in at 8:00 a.m. and rode an elevator to the 106th floor, where Hispanic employees of the Windows on the World restaurant fed him a free breakfast. On 9/11, however, he was half an hour late and so reported directly to a basement office of his employer, American Building Maintenance.
On 9/11, Rodriguez told CNN that shortly before the plane hit the tower he was in the basement when:
"...we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin. We went crazy, we started screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside to the loading dock area."
Rodriguez's early accounts repeatedly mentioned a large fireball that shot down the elevator shafts and exploded through the doors, causing serious burn injuries to a man who happened to be standing in front of one of the freight elevator doors. This was consistent with similar reports by numerous other witnesses who saw fireballs erupting and blowing out elevator doors and burning people. In September 2002, Rodriguez said in an CNN interview:
"...and at that terrible day when I took people out of the office, one of them totally burned because he was standing in front of the freight elevator and the ball of fire came down the duct of the elevator itself, I put him on the ambulance."

"The fire, the ball of fire, for example, I was in the basement when the first plane hit the building. And at that moment, I thought it was an electrical generator that blew up at that moment. A person comes running into the office saying 'explosion, explosion, explosion.' When I look at this guy; has all his skin pulled off of his body. Hanging from the top of his fingertips like it was a glove. And I said, what happened? He said the elevators. What happened was the ball of fire went down with such a force down the elevator shaft on the 58th (50A) freight elevator, the biggest freight elevator that we have in the North Tower, it went out with such a force that it broke the cables. It went down, I think seven flights. The person survived because he was pulled from the B3 level. But this person, being in front of the doors waiting for the elevator, practically got his skin vaporized."

Interesting testimony, indeed...

Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Interesting testimony, but I don't know how reliable it is. Assuming that the plane had just slammed into the towers and spilled fuel inside and electrical transformers could be exploding as well as other "systems" inside the building.

Also if there were large explosions going off inside the towers... the kind to destroy the steel which was quite thick the lower you are in them... one would expect to SEE some evidence of these explosions blasting through the glass... no? What was being exploded assuming this testimony is true?

I'd like someone to make sense concerning the "detonated" explosions going off all throughout the tower... what was the plan?
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
As to how the bombs could have been planted in the WTC before September 11, here's this synopsis from "September 11 Commission Report", by E. P. Heidner. It should be noted that on this particular point, he's not working from theory, all of this stuff is in the public record.

"There are five indicators that World Trade Center security management (with the
top security manager being George Tabeek) were co-conspirators in the attack:
1. The power shut-down during the weekend prior to the attack could not happen
without security approval because it involved shutting off a primary building
utility and security surveillance;
2. Permits to work in the building on the water system over the weekend could
not happen without security approval because it involved shutting off a
primary building utility and safety system. The attacking plane hit the floor
where the 5000 gallon reserve water tank for the sprinkler system was staged.;
3. Bomb sniffing dogs were removed from service the day before the
unexplained "power down", during which all internal electronic surveillance
(cameras, videos) were turned off. Rocky Hammad's activity in the Towers
occurred during this power down. The person who authorized these activities
has not been found. Removal of the bomb sniffing security dogs could not
happen without security approval. The dogs were brought back on the day of
the attack, probably after any explosives were allowed in the building;
4. A CIA front company known as Stratesec Incorporated, formerly Securacom
had a maintenance agreement for access control' with the WTC. A Director
on the Board for this company is Marvin Bush, brother of President George
Bush. This company is linked to the aerial attack on government investigative
offices in the Pirelli Building in the financial district in Milan, Italy in April of
5. The New York City Emergency Command Center, located on the 23rd floor
of Building 7, was ordered to evacuate hours in advance of the building's
collapse, but within a few minutes after Flight 93 was downed in
Pennsylvania. Fires started after the evacuation. In the North and South
Towers, there was no order to evacuate, and employees remained until the
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
The twins collapsed from the top not by being undermined at the bottom as a standard demolition would do. The core columns at floor one were still standing as "stubs"... 36' tall and they were cut in the clean up... the famous diagonal cut column. So the notion that the towers were "demo'ed" from explosive in the basement is not credible.

As for death rates at around the 20 something floor this means nothing as far as bombs causing it. The death rate would reflect the occupancy rate on each floor at the time of collapse.

As far as I can tell WTC 6 fell victim to the massive steel from the facade falling off of tower one. That steel weighed in the order of 15,000 tons falling from as high as 1,300 feet. Not many buildings can survive such an assault. Plus... you can see the panels in the hole they created in WTC 6.

I am not going to refute the points you mention. I do think there were explosions after the tower was hit. I doubt that there were before, and think Rodriquez is not credible on this. Considering there were thousands of people in the towers we should have many witnesses who heard the explosions BEFORE the plane strikes and WR is the only one I can recall. Hardly convincing.

The post strike explosions certainly included "things" in the building exploding which were not planted devices. There could have been planted devices, but we don't have visual evidence of this as far as I know. That WOULD corroborate witness testimony of hearing explosions.

The collapsing floor / avalanche was NOT uniform and areas of the "footprint" fell victim ahead of others... by a fraction of a second... but all the footprint crashed down. So seeing "expulsions" which were likely pressurized air created by the avalanche is expected. This caused a pulse at each floor which were over 200mph when then blasted through the facade. Each pair of intact floors contained 18,000 cu yards of air and when the floor above was destroyed by the advancing crush front it displaced the air through the path of least resistance - the windows... and likely shattered the slab as well. This happened in about .1 seconds per floor.

This is getting into motives for the destruction ASIDE from starting the GWOT and grabbing the Iraqi oil.
Actually, the book I reference doesn't posit Iraqi oil as the reason for the attacks at all. It suggests that the actual motive for the attacks went back quite a bit further than PNAC and others have suggested. It has to do with gold trading and money laundering investigations that would have traced directly back to George H. W. Bush, the Iran-Contra gang, and the destabilization of the Soviet ruble that helped lead to the fall of the Soviet Union. That's why floors 23 and 24 of the North Tower were said to have had multiple explosions and fires before the buildings collapsed, because those floors housed the FBI and a securities firm, Cantor Fitzgerald, who were investigating those crimes and also investigating massive money and gold laundering that also involved Bush I and the Iran-Contra gang. When you consider the size of the fraud involved, and the people allegedly involved, you get a good sense of why those particular floors were targeted.

It also gives a very plausible reason why Building 7 was brought down - because Building 7 housed evidence of multiple investigations into the aforementioned frauds. Remember, Customs workers were told to stay home on September 11, much the same as the ATF were told to stay home the day of the Oklahoma City bombing - which the official version doesn't adequately explain. Heidner posits that Flight 93 was originally bound for Building 7, and when it didn't get there, they had to go ahead and "pull" it.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:The collapsing floor / avalanche was NOT uniform and areas of the "footprint" fell victim ahead of others... by a fraction of a second... but all the footprint crashed down. So seeing "expulsions" which were likely pressurized air created by the avalanche is expected.
Yet those "expulsions" were obviously more than just pressurized air, being the thick grey clouds that they were, and many of them were far more than a fraction of a second below the supposed avalanche which looks far more to me like what one should expect from waves of explosives being detonated throughout the building.

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