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How many wallets were found that were supposed to belong to LHO?
Dawn Meredith Wrote:The Hidell alias did not become "important" until the DPD learned that it was this name used to "purchase" the infamous rifle. I suspect there were more reports that were disappeared until needed. Just as I have never believed that no notes were taken of Harvey's interrogation. They were simply not released to anyone as such information would have made it far more difficult to frame the patsy.


Drew Phipps Wrote:DPD could not have "officially" known the significance of the Hidell name until after the FBI traces the weapon back to Klein's, amazingly excellent police work, (early Saturday AM if memory serves), and then altruistically discloses that fact to DPD. Perhaps someone has the memo where, and when, the FBI generously shares this tidbit with DPD.
Hah! Great minds think alike.
Drew Phipps Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:The Hidell alias did not become "important" until the DPD learned that it was this name used to "purchase" the infamous rifle. I suspect there were more reports that were disappeared until needed. Just as I have never believed that no notes were taken of Harvey's interrogation. They were simply not released to anyone as such information would have made it far more difficult to frame the patsy.


Drew Phipps Wrote:DPD could not have "officially" known the significance of the Hidell name until after the FBI traces the weapon back to Klein's, amazingly excellent police work, (early Saturday AM if memory serves), and then altruistically discloses that fact to DPD. Perhaps someone has the memo where, and when, the FBI generously shares this tidbit with DPD.
Hah! Great minds think alike.

It gets even better Drew. The money order for said "purchase" according to JA was never cashed. (Hope I am remembering this accurately, it's from a phone conv. with John months ago) Talking to him on this subject is like talking to my deceased deep cover friend J. Massive amounts of information for any one conversation. No time to take notes.

Yes, you remember correctly, and the dates of the transactions didn't quite match up to the ad and the coupon used... But the main thing is to try to match up the changes in DPD's stories with the timing of being notified of the Hidell alias and see if there is any correlation there.
Drew Phipps Wrote:Why would a Before conspiracy go thru the trouble to plant a disappearing wallet? Seems to me that would be like a "suicide note" written in disappearing ink. Especially to give it to a cop whose name will be known and eventually will be called to give an account of its discovery. The only mysterious wallet in this situation is the wallet whose "provenance" keeps changing, and that isn't an intrinsic property of the wallet, but instead is a property of the stories told of its discovery.

Drew makes a fine case for the number of wallets expanding as part of the cover-up process, but I'd like to take a look at the other side.

The murders of JFK and Officer Tippit were not just crimes. They were part of an elaborate INTELLIGENCE OPERATION, with all the planning and psychological trickery that typically goes with that sort of thing, including what is sometimes referred to as Cognitive Dissonance, which Wikipedia defines as "the excessive mental stress and discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time."

This type of contradictory evidence is ALL OVER THIS CASE, one of the many reasons it just smells like a black op. And so we are given a presumed assassin who has been quite clearly in two different places at the same time many, many times, making it easy to confuse and discredit witnesses and confound investigators. Pieces of physical evidence that make no sense whatsoever spread like wildfire, from too many wallets, to shells and bullets that don't match the rifle or the wounds they were supposed to have created, to paperwork offered as proof that is laughably irrelevant to the specifics of the case, and on and on. I believe at least some of this mumbo-jumbo was set up by the Plotters, not just the Plodders.

And so in the early afternoon of 11/22/63 we have a young man who looks a bit like the guy soon to be killed by Jack Ruby who assassinates a cop and then begins hightailing it in the direction of the Texas Theater, where he tries to create a scene by entering without buying a ticket. The poor doomed schmuck soon to be arrested is already seated inside, nervously moving from patron to patron, no doubt looking for his "contact."

Back at 10th and Patton, Captain Westbrook proudly presents to WFAA and the world a wallet which ties "Lee Harvey Oswald" to the killing of Tippit, and will soon connect "Alek Hidell" to the assassination of JFK, regardless of the memory shenanigans at DPD Headquarters. It takes no miracle to make this evidence disappear as long as someone in a position of authority in the DPD happens to be on the Plotter's team, and that guy was probably Captain Westbrook, who would soon exploit his intelligence connections to become a Saigon police advisor.

The Oswald arrested at the Texas Theater probably did have his wallet on his person at the time. The Oswald who led police to the theater may have been missing a wallet, but if so, I'll bet he never got it back.

Probably no one will be able to prove it, but I'll bet that wallet on display at 10th and Patton contained a current Texas driver's license to one "Lee Harvey Oswald."




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So the guy who could not drive had a driver's license. Of course.


There is a facebook Harvey and Lee page run by our good friend Marty Bragg and earlier I saw a most interesting post. I think Bill Kelly wrote it up but it was about John Judge and BK during a conference in the 70's where Mae Brussell was speaking. Donald Norton showed up. The remarkable thing was that Mae stated that he had been sending her money to support her research. Which he called conscience money. I know that most of us believe Donald Norton is Lee and that the only reason John Armstrong did not put this in his book is because he needed more proof. This is certainly great circumstantial evidence. (And was new to me. )
Examination of the property inventories maintained by Dallas reveals:

A search warrant (295) dated 11/22/63 for N. Beckley house was executed that day. The following items were recovered and logged into evidence that have a "Hidell" connection:

"A WHO vaccination card listing LHO as the patient and A. Hidell as the vaccinator"

** no wallets were recovered.

This material was handed over to the FBI on Nov., 26, 1963

A search warrant ( ? ) dated 11/23/63 for Ruth Paine's house was executed on that day. The following items are listed that have a "Hidell" connection:


** A brown billfold with a Marine Corps photo in it was recovered

Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald turned over numerous items to DPD, among which is:

** A red billfold with a scrap of paper with Russian writing

DPD turns over much more material than that to the FBI, among which is:

2 Klein's ads (now alleged to be recovered from Ruth Paine's house - even though not part of the "search warrant inventory" or the "voluntary turn in inventory." - turned over to the FBI on 12/2/63

Interesting fact: Oswald's birth certificate #17034 from the parish of New Orleans is listed as discovered by DPD F.M Turner during the execution of search warrant #295.

A exposed roll of "620" film was discovered amoung Oswald's belongings at Ruth Paine's house. A couple other exposed rolls of film were voluntarily turned over to DPD by Paine and Marina

Turned over to FBI: A slip of paper was discovered bearing the names "Carlos J. Bungier, Maguil M. Cruz, and Lt. William Galliot" allegedly discovered at Ruth Paine's house, but not specifically listen in either inventory of those materials. (these could be misspellings of Carlos Bringuier, Miguel M. Cruz, and there was a Lt. William Galliot who was a Navy guy but he died in WW@?)
No doubt the license of the driving Oswald seen by Dial Ryder, Edith Whitworth, Gertrude Hunter, and William Chesher. Chesher died of a heart attack soon after.
You have to be really careful with the Oswald possessions lists, because the FBI began altering the DPD lists less than 24 hours after the assassination, when all of Oswald's possessions were secretly sent to the FBI and returned to DPD a few days later. The FBI's James Cadigan inadvertently spilled the beans during his WC testimony, indicating that the Bureau hadn't finished desilvering some of the docs before they were returned secretly to Dallas. His sworn testimony was altered.


From the Harvey and Lee website:

After James Cadigan's testimony WC attorney Eisenberg, and Commission members, learned for the first time that the hundreds of items confiscated by the Dallas Police (Oswald's possessions) had been quietly taken to FBI headquarters on November 23 and then secretly returned 3 days later to the Dallas Police (11/26/63). Cadigan's testimony was altered, because neither the FBI nor the Warren Commission wanted the public to find out that the FBI had secretly taken all items of evidence to FBI headquarters less than 15 hours after the assassination.

After the FBI returned the evidence to the Dallas Police on November 26, the FBI and Dallas Police jointly photographed, numbered, and inventoried all items. Each item was listed and numbered individually, line by line, and appear on Warren Commission Exhibit CE 2003, pp 263-283. But CE 2003 shows 455 items of evidencenot the 225 items of evidence originally sent to the FBI on November 23but 455 items of evidence!! From November 23 through November 26 the FBI added over 230 items of evidence to the original 225 items, and then quietly returned the "evidence" to the Dallas Police. After the joint FBI/DPD inventory and photographing was complete (11/26/63) the FBI took the evidence, and the 5 rolls of undeveloped film, to Washington, DC. The Dallas Police requested the FBI to process the film and return three photographs of each item of evidence.That afternoon (11/26/63) President Johnson announced the FBI was taking over the investigation. And that evening, with WFAA film crews recording the event, all items of "evidence" and the 5 rolls of undeveloped film were turned over to the FBI by the Dallas Police and immediately taken back to Washington, DC.

Much more about FBI shenanigans is here:

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Dawn Meredith Wrote:So the guy who could not drive had a driver's license. Of course.


There is a facebook Harvey and Lee page run by our good friend Marty Bragg and earlier I saw a most interesting post. I think Bill Kelly wrote it up but it was about John Judge and BK during a conference in the 70's where Mae Brussell was speaking. Donald Norton showed up. The remarkable thing was that Mae stated that he had been sending her money to support her research. Which he called conscience money. I know that most of us believe Donald Norton is Lee and that the only reason John Armstrong did not put this in his book is because he needed more proof. This is certainly great circumstantial evidence. (And was new to me. )

Way back on the EF someone posted Donald Norton's address in Florida. I looked up the address on Google Earth before Mr. EF Head Honcho had the address removed. I posted about what I found [of course now gone]...but Jack White and I both discussed it in detail - so maybe Jack's posts on this still exist there with the image [doubtful]. Anyway, to make a long and another sad EF story short, it was in a suburban development area - the type where all the homes were built by the same developer at the same time with about the same design and size. All the other homes looked fairly normal - but the address that was supposedly Nortons did NOT look normal AT ALL! The 'roof' was not a real roof [as the other houses clearly had], but instead was a computer-inserted image vaguely resembling the local roofs, but so large as to cover most of the surrounding yard and all of the driveway - so no cars could be seen, as was the case in some of the neighboring homes. Such computer generated images [or blanks where there should be something] are regularly found if one looks on Google Earth for a secret military/intelligence base/facility [or similar]. I believe one can request to Google Earth that one's home be obscured, as well. Whatever, whoever lived at that address didn't want his/her/its house or car or persons around it to be visible! Jack White took a look and agreed with my appraisal and found the image most strange indeed. Jack knew more of JA's work to track and ID Norton than is publicly known - except by a select few.
......end short version.:Ninja:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
A second set of DPD material was turned over to the FBI on 12/2/63 apparently. It's interesting that we've managed (in one morning) to identify at least 2 bits of evidence that weren't on the original search inventories that did subsequently appear in the FBI inventory and attributed to the DPD searches: the Klein's ad "connecting" Oswald to c 2766 and a scrap of paper connecting Oswald to the New Orleans fight with anti-Castro members of DRE.

Again, though, doesn't this look more like a post-assassination attempt by law enforcement Plodders to affect the investigation? If your Plotters are intelligence agents, they sure wouldn't want their footprints near the investigation. Wouldn't their stuff appear to be discovered BEFORE LHO dies?

Good find, btw, on the alteration of actual WC testimony. Definitive proof that the WC was a con job.

I am not trying to suggest that there was not a group of conspirators acting in advance of the assassination to "plow the field" in advance of the event. I am suggesting that membership in one group doesn't imply membership in both groups.

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