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How and Why the Z-film was altered
Here's a gold mine of wound testimony:

I think Sherry Feister has suggested the elevation from the overpass would clear a throat shot from that location.

Weldon posited a through-the-windshield

Carrico is cited as stating the wound was above the necktie

You and I both know the proofs of conspiracy are abundant and not dependent upon the throat wound characterization

Zapruder has been made into the Very Large Visual Vacuum into which all still and motion pictures must pass

So say the helpful men from the government who only want to borrow your film and will return it at some date in some state

All evidence is aligned with the overarching myth, all witnesses bow to the specter of the star chamber

Dr. William H. Zedlitz, Resident Surgeon :

a) WC reference: 6 H 83;

b) 11/4/98 letter to Vince Palamara---

At this point, Dr. Carrico indicated that he was unable to effectively ventilate the patient via the endotracheal tube. Dr. Baxter and Perry immediately began to perform a tracheostomy. Prior to making the incision, it was noted that a small (5mm to 7mm) hole in the front of the neck below the thyroid cartilage was present. This was in the exact location where the tracheostomy was to be performed. Dr. Baxter and Perry decided to do the procedure by extending the transverse incision on either side of this hole so that the tracheostomy tube ended up being inserted in the site of the former hole."

Donna Willie, Parkland nurse:

"High Treason", p.456 (based off article by Nicole Levicoff of the "Jenkintown Times Chronicle")---"the President had a wound in his throat that the Commission said was an exit wound or was made from a tracheotomy…the entry wound is always small, and the exit wound is much larger. I saw the entry wound in the front of the President's neck. I know he was shot from the front, and I couldn't understand why that wasn't released."

Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, Resident Surgeon:

a) "Conspiracy of Silence" (1992), p. 86 (and throughout)

"I also identified a small opening about the diameter of a pencil at the midline of his throat to be an entry bullet hole. There was no doubt in my mind about that wound."

Shot in the throat, is he saying something, "I am hit"?

In a world where Oswald can fire a magic bullet with a cheese sandwich four floors below the sniper's nest, anything is possible.
Q: What did Lee Harvey Oswald say to Michael Jordan?

A: Out the book-depository window, over the sign, through the governor,
nothing but neck...
At the Jan 27th Exec Session we find reference to an autopsy report conclusion that does not appear in the existing autopsy and offers yet another explanation for the hole on the neck. Now it has been proven that the SBT was anatomically impossible, the bullet could not get to the vertibrea without damaging items posterior... whatever caused the hole and damage entered from the front.... and was removed from JFK's neck by opening the trach opening 3-4x normal.

If a fragment exited that hole, it would have had to have been caused by a different shot... higher on the back, lower on the head... as Lipsey testifies to...

Mr. Rankin:[size=12]

Then theres a great range of material in
regards to the wound and the autopsy and this point of exit
or entrance of the bullet in the front of the neck, and that all
has to be developed much more than we have at the present time.
We have an explanation there in the autopsy that probably
a fragment came out the front of the neck, but with the elevation
the shot must have come from, and the angle, it seems quite apparent,
since we have the picture of where the bullet entered in
the back, that the bullet entered below the shoulder blade to the
right of the backbone, which is below the place where the
picture shows the bullet came out in the neckband of the shirt
in front, and the bullet, according to the autopsy didn't strike

any bone at all, that particular bullet, and go through.
So that how it could turn, and --

Rep. Boggs. I thought I read that bullet just a
finger's length.

Mr. Rankin. That is what they first said

Think about it though... as CD so humorously suggests... Thru the windshield, pass the SS agents, pass JC and wife, not hitting jackie and hitting JFK in the throat from 50 yards.... wow. I just don't see it and with as much that flew around in that limo... other causes for the crack/hole should be more seriously considered...

Add to this that we really don't see evidence of that hole until Alt 7... my gut tells me it was a byproduct of the headshot... but that jury remains on its per diem...


Since we are talking about shots in Dealey Plaza, i believe - and i am not an expert when it comes to shots and trajectories-that two shots hit JFK's head, one at the back of his head near the EOP and one near the right temple from somewhere the front. The shot near the EOP was probably a tangential shot and originated either from behind (Dal Tex top floors or roof or the County recrds building). Alternatively this shot could have been fired from the front (near the overpass where it meets the grassy knoll). Dr. Kemp Clark at Parkland first described a tangential shot. Boswell and Lipsey also described such a shot.

Kemp Clark testimony

Dr. CLARK - I described the President's wound in his head in very much the same way as I have described it here. I was asked if this wound was an entrance wound, an exit wound, or what, and I said it could be an exit wound, but I felt it was a tangential wound.

Lipsey testimony

LIPSEY: No. That's...No. I hope I'm not contradicting myself. But at this point, there again, like I said, it's been a long time. I feel that there was no really entrance wound --maybe I said that --in the rear of his head. There was a point where they determined the bullet entered the back of his head but I believe all of that part of his head was blown. I mean I think it just physically blew away that part of his head. You know, just like a strip right across there or may have been just in that area -- just blew it out..
Q: So you say the damage caused by the entrance and the exit of the bullet to the head caused one large hole?
LIPSEY: To the best of my recollection, yes it did.

Boswell testimony

Q. Let's go back, if we could, to the location of the entrance wound in the skull. Could you tell me whether the entrance wound that you identified in the skull was something that appeared like a puncture in a bone with the remainder of the bone surrounding the hole? Or did the hole break off such that you would need other pieces of bone to be brought into place to show the entire periphery of the wound?

Q. Let me just state for the record you're referring now to the second page of Exhibit 1, and when you say "this," you're referring to the small fragment at the bottom of the page. Is that correct? A Yes.
Q. Okay.
A. And the beveling is such on both the wound here--or the remaining bone that is someplace in this area, but not shown in this diagram, and in this piece which, when put there, shows the approximate dimensions of the wound, and the beveling on the bone shows entrance and exit.

So according to Boswell, when a fragment was attached to the skull, they formed a wound that it was both of entrance and exit, what the experts call a key hole. So to my understanding the wound near the EOP was a tangential wound that it was revealed only after the fragment was fitted to the skull. Or else how the beveling would show both entrance and exit?
The Medical Evidence once JFK leaves Parkland is not to be trusted.... period.

It doesn't even make sense with itself, let alone with the assassination... unless you consider two headshots... which I agree with.
and quite a bit of pre autopsy surgery by our friends Humes/Boswell....

THEY enlarged a 3-4" hole in the rear to cover the ENTIRE head.... I'm sure you;ve seen Horne's skull which Boswell marked with the head injusry...matches his drawing from the day of...

A complete alteration of what was seen in Parkland. As if that little black circle at the right temple is just Not there


As if it was possible for a FMJ bullet to leave a trail of dust particles ABOVE the entrance wound as the bullet travel DOWNWARD... please.


And this travesty.... unmarked... this xray is also a complete lie as is it's front view companion...


So if we start with the understanding that NOTHING coming out of Bethesda is authentic... that NONE of the physical evidence takes precedent over testimony...
we can begin by asking the most basic of questions...

CE399 goes thru two men and multiple bones unscathed... while Z313 disintegrates like the plane hitting the pentagon...

SPOILER ALERT... no FMJ bullets were damaged during the filming of this movie...



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