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James Tague Gets 'It' do most of the eyewitnesses
Peter here is an fbi article that may be of interest...b

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Shaneyfelt ; Tague shot...Investigation...

Current Section: Shaneyfelt Ex 26 - FBI report, dated July 17, 1964, concerning investigation into curb mark on Main Street in Dallas

One July 15th, 1964 two special agents of the FBI accompanied by Tom Dillard, DMN, and James Underwood KRLD/TV aligned three reference points, in a photo of the TSBD of the mark on the curb.

Shaneyfelt Photos.....
this shaneyfelt photo, was researched and the conclusion some came to was the shot led back to the 2nd floor of the dal tex building...b

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Just throwing this photo info in ..

The days after, when oswald position was not known by journalists, many reporters climbed the DALTEX buiding to reproduce the sniper's nest. For many people, this place was a logical alternative for killng somebody in the limousine. Note that when Kellerman and Greer hear the shots, they begin to go to the right, til z237, and then begin to go to the right , closing to the border of the grass. The Limousine re-take his normal trajectory when the pilot accellerate , precisely after frame 330. Note that the position at DALTEX is perfectly aligned with James Tague position, the first shots must be perfectly in line with Tague (coming soon). The shooter has low elevation and sun in the eyes, and SS agents shield kennedy most of the time, except 180 till 310.
Photograph published three days after in france comments:
"the shots came from this window, our reporter is in position"

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Man[/URL] grazed by JFK bullet spreading gospel of cover-up. By Maggie Souza

i tried at the article site to bring it up, but it appears it is not accessible now so...the yahoo group link appears to be the only, TAGUE has written a book on his part and calls the assassination a cover-up...

this was a 2008 article resurfaced;

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

In the hours after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, James T. Tague went down to the Dallas police station to give a statement of what he had seen.

Speaking Tuesday night to a group of about 20 people at the Longview Public Library, Tague once again recounted the afternoon: Late for a date, he had gotten out of his car to find out why traffic had stopped. He soon realized it was because of the president's motorcade.

As Tague watched the procession make its way down the street, he heard what sounded like a firecracker go off, followed by rifle shots. The next thing he knew, a man standing on the grassy knoll nearby yelled out, "His head exploded! His head exploded!"

Kennedy had been shot.

Caught up in the commotion, it took Tague a moment to realize that his face had been grazed by shrapnel after a bullet struck the curb near where he was standing.

Like many other witnesses, Tague was drawn into the initial investigation, asked by officials to recount what he had seen.

Nearly 45 years later, Tague continues to tell audiences of his observations and about the cover-up he believes the government was in on.

"Kennedy was murdered by our own government," Tague said. "They wanted (Lyndon) Johnson in the White House. Everyone around Johnson wanted him" to be president.

Tague's interest in the 1963 shooting led him to evidence that he says points to the government's involvement in the assassination.

After years of digging, he has completed his book, "Truth Withheld."

"The story needs to be told," Tague said.

One of the things that convinced him that the government had Kennedy killed was a memo he saw from J. Edgar Hoover, then the director of the FBI. Tague said that in the memo, which was sent out about two days after the shooting, Hoover stated that the job of the FBI was to convince the public that Lee Harvey Oswald was the real assassin.

More proof of the conspiracy was the faulty information that the Warren Commission went on in its investigation into the shooting, Tague said.

The commission, which eventually determined that Oswald had acted alone, had gotten all of its information from the FBI a bureau headed by the very man who helped orchestrate the assassination, Tague said.

"This was a planned-out thing," he said. "The cover-up is simple enough."

Tague is not the first to question the findings of the Warren Commission.

In 1992, the Assassination Records Review Board was created by the JFK Records Act to collect and preserve the documents relating to the assassination. According to the Federation of American Scientists, the review board pointed out in its final report:

"Doubts about the Warren Commission's findings were not restricted to ordinary Americans. Well before 1978, President Johnson, Robert Kennedy and four of the seven members of the Warren Commission all articulated, if sometimes off the record, some level of skepticism about the commission's basic findings."

According to, three other U.S. government investigations have agreed with the Warren Commission's conclusion that two shots struck JFK from the rear: the 1968 panel set by Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the 1975 Rockefeller Commission, and the 1978-79 House Select Committee on Assassinations, which re-examined the evidence with the help of a forensics panel.

Tague admits that nobody will ever know the exact truth about what happened. There are a number of details that he said he isn't sure about how many shooters there were, for instance. But he is positive of at least one thing: "This is a complete cover-up of a coup d'etat."
James Tague's book is out now published by Trine Day.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Surprise, surprise: Tague's uncertainties have vanished, only to be replaced by his endlessly reiterated statement of "fact" that LBJ ordered the assassination.

They come in sheep's clothing ...
Here we go again. This is getting so old.

James Tague's new book, LBJ and the Kennedy Killing, will be published later this summer.

James Tague:
Once you understand that Lyndon Johnson and his cronies were behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy and that J. Edgar Hoover was in charge of the cover-up, the questions you have had start giving you answers. The Warren Commission did not stand a chance of presenting the truth. The 7 men appointed by President Johnson contributed little to finding the truth, Commission staff lawyer Wesley Liebeler probably said it best, and that was that "the 7 men we know as the Warren Commission were a joke." The staff lawyers complained that these commissioners were absent most of the time, and while a staff lawyer was taking a deposition from a witness they would "step in for a few moments, ask a question and leave." This would blow the staff lawyers line of questioning.

The Warren Commission had 14 staff lawyers, to start with, hired to do the majority of witness questioning and take statements/depositions from the witnesses. When one of these staff lawyers ran into something that needed farther investigation, he would go to J. Lee Rankin, who was chief Counsel for these lawyers. Rankin would turn down their request with the statement, "we are here to close doors not open new ones." It is evident that when one of these staff lawyers stumbled onto the truth of who was behind the assassination and was controlling the investigation, they quit the Warren Commission. When they quit the Commission, they were were warned that whatever they had learned on the Commission, was considered to be lawyer client information and not to be discussed with anyone or they could face disbarment. The fact that several of the Commission lawyers quit the Commission was not made public, the lawyers that quit the investigation were still listed as staff lawyers in the Warren Report.

Through the years if someone discovered something important that differed from the Warren Commission, not only would that person's discovery be attacked as false but he would be attacked personally. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison is a good example of these attacks. One problem is that there have been too many crazy theories advanced in the 2,000 books written in the last 50 years. That 2,000 books could probably be reduced to 25 reliable books that have been printed. The misleading conspiracy books have been a big contributor to the attacks, and they well deserved to be attacked for the misinformation they contained.

That leaves the 25 or so good honest books that did not deserve to be attacked. But some of these honest books have been attacked. To understand why a well documented book can be attacked, a book that names two of our countries most honored men as being part of a murder plot, one has to assume that some of the attackers had good intentions, they simply want our countries dirt swept under the rug.

To accept the fact that a United States President and a man who headed our FBI for 50 years were involved in a plot to kill another President puts our country in the same category as a "Banana Republic." It has been 50 years and it is time for the truth, at least what we know of it, to be told. The attacks on the facts has to stop.

First, that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin and he had raced down 4 flights of stairs to be seen calmly buying a coke in the lunch room 75 seconds after the assassination of JFK, was calm, normal and not out of breath was hard to accept. Then Barry Ernest finally finally found the School Book Depository witnesses who were using the stairs, nullifying that Lee Harvey Oswald using the stairs. It was too simple, Oswald was actually eating his lunch in the second floor lunch room, just like he said he was and just like witnesses said he was.

Second, my facts come from direct conversations with Johnson insiders who have told me the exact same story years apart from each other. There was a fingerprint on a box on the sixth floor. There was also a United States Federal Marshall that knew the full story. For reference, I have a set of the 26 volume Warren Report that contains the testimony of nearly 600 witnesses. I have scores of internal FBI documents that my friend Harold Weisberg sent to me after he won his Freedom of Information Act law suit. I have spent hours and hours of

research for verification of what I have been told and many of the facts are taken from witness testimony right out of the full 26 volume report, not to be confused with the misleading one volume report. . That's umpteen points of verification and then when I am through with my verification, I am handed the Russian KGB's 1965 investigative report shows that Lyndon Johnson was behind the assassination of President Kennedy. And guess what? My hours and hours of work match the Russian KGB report to a tee, Lyndon Johnson was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The public loved President Kennedy, but he had stepped on some powerful toes, some big money toes, The President had made too many changes, too quick, too fast. President Kennedy had made enemies.

The assassination of President Kennedy was 2 years in its planning, the assassination was pulled off by professionals, there were many people involved. We now know that the planned assassination did have leaks, and little attention was paid to these leaks. One man even shot up a bank so he would be in jail and not associated with the killing when it happened.

The sad part is that many of the power brokers who pulled the strings with their influence on our Government, oil, banking, etc, they had no part in the assassination, but silently cheered in their hearts that Kennedy was gone. The public loved Jack and Jackie Kennedy, but Jack was making too many changes too quick to suit the big money. The hate this power and money bunch had bottled up, unknowingly helped in covering up what was behind the assassination. When someone in this power and money group stumbled onto what really happened, they kept silent about the truth, and used phrases like "for the good of the country," and "for the sake of the Kennedy family," that were popular in not seeking information beyond what the Warren Commission had to say.

The truth has been there all the time with a few good researchers and a few good authors, by each in their research being able to document a small piece of the truth. Putting the full story of the assassination together was like, in a way, working a cross word puzzle. There are a few pieces of the puzzle missing that have probably been destroyed and will never be found. When the 50th anniversary comes on November 22, 2013, I will be 77 years old and for reasons only the good lord knows, I have been given information that demands that I write this book so the public and future generations know the truth about the Kennedy assassination. This book started by me being in Dealey Plaza that day, November 22, 1963 it was an accident I was there, it was un-planned, I just happened to get stopped in traffic. Being injured in the shooting was minor, a sting on the cheek from the debris from a missed shot that had hit the street in front of me. I am proud that I spoke up 6 months after the assassination when it appeared the Warren Commission was about to make a total cover-up on the assassination of President Kennedy. My Warren Commission testimony was important, it changed history. Having Harold Weisberg,

the best, most dedicated and serious Kennedy assassination researcher alive as my dear friend for almost 35 years was important. Harold's winning his FOIA lawsuit against the FBI and sharing the FBI documents with me was important. Having well meaning insiders to the assassination step into my life unsolicited was important. What amazes me is I did not go looking for any of this, it all came to me and dropped into my lap.

I have a thin skin, so I know I must brace myself for the dissenters when this book comes out. There are some people that will not accept the facts, even when it is shoved into their face. 40 some years ago while being interviewed on film, I was asked about my minor injury and without thinking I motioned to my left cheek for some reason. Actually I had been sprayed with debris on the right cheek. The point is, there are still people who want argue over which cheek I was stung on during the shooting. Then there are those that have read one of the many JFK assassination books that contain one of the many theories advanced through the years, many of these readers now have a mind-set that the theory presented in the book they read is the truth.

There have been over 2,000 books written about the assassination of President Kennedy the last 50 years, some of these books are excellent books, but far too many of these publications have done nothing but screw up the readers mind until the reader does not know what to believe anymore.

Harold Weisberg was constantly after me to write the story about the curb being altered, I struggled to start the book which, it was to be a book about my dealings with the FBI, the Warren Commission and the tampering with the curb. My struggle with writing was real, I tried to copy styles and it did not work, no assassination theories. Then Harold died, I had promised Harold he would be the first read the book, but he was gone. Suddenly it happened, I started writing what I knew, it was too simple, I had found out that the truth was easy to write about and I threw together a simple book "TRUTH WITHHELD, Why We Will Never Know the Truth About the JFK Assassination." I self published the book in 2003 and it has sold a few thousand copies and still selling today. I have included a few of the chapters in "TRUTH WITHHELD," in this book.

I took a break, the John F. Kennedy assassination had been a part of my life for over 40 years, I bought a nice country place in east Texas, 3 ½ mile south of Pittsburg and I sold the home in Plano I had owned for 30 years. Still, after all the years that had passed, people were still looking me up and coming to East Texas for an interview or whatever, I had not left the Kennedy assassination behind. Then it happened, I woke up one morning with my feet so swollen I could not put my shoes on and I had broke out all over with what I thought was the measles. My daughter Suanna took me to the doctor, he was puzzled but ordered a blood test and sent me home. At 7 AM the next morning the phone rang and it was my doctor. He told me to have someone drive me straight to the hospital in Tyler 50 miles away, that the doctors were waiting for me in the emergency room. I had had complete kidney failure and my body was shutting down. I was put on dialysis upon arrival.

Dialysis for 4 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week is not fun, the misery and pain you are surrounded with is a new way of life. I do not think I had missed a total of 5 days of work due to illness in my entire life. It was a constant effort to get through each 4 hours without being bored to death. The health check-ups were a constant part of my life. Once your kidney's quit on you, they are done, they are not supposed to ever work again. I was having a regular urine and blood check up on January 16, 1010 at my doctors office and out of the blue my doctor announced "Jim, your kidneys are working again and I am taking you off dialysis." When I recovered from the shock he said the odds of my recovery were over 10,000 to 1. It has been over 3 years, I still get regular check-ups, and my doctor just shakes his head at my recovery.

I am not a regular church goer, but I am a god fearing man and I do say a silent prayer for my family every so often. I took this recovery as a signal that I am on this earth for a purpose. I did not need to guess what purpose. I knew in my heart I needed to tell the true story of the President John F. Kennedy assassination, there had been too much information dumped in my lap and there had been too many years of the "Lone nut assassin," Lee Harvey Oswald did it, end of the story.

For you Historians it will not take much research to find out what a bi- polar sick man Lyndon Johnson was. I feel sorry for his 2 daughters by Lyndon and Ladybird, I hope they do not read this book. One of his Secret Service agents probably said it best "if he was not President, he would be locked up in a nut house." His friend who handled the cover-up, head of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover was without morals, I cover Hoover in an earlier chapter. There was the big money and power, the men who where admired as pillars of society who let their power and greed get to them and allow a murder. They supplied the money without asking questions to keep their lilly white hands clean. There were the known and main planners, Lyndon Johnson's attorney Edward Clark, Head of the National Democratic Party Clifford Carter, Owner of the School Book Depository, co-founder of LTV and Malcolm Wallaces employer David Harold Byrd, Billionaire oil man Clint Murchison Sr., Billionaire oil man H. L. Hunt, George and Herman Root of Brown & Root, and others.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy to the shooting, but not completely innocent of involvement. There was at least 3 shooters, probably 4 shooters, and maybe as many as 5 shooters. Two shooters are known, Malcolm Wallace and Loy Factor, a third shooter was seen by Ed Hoffman behind the fence, and the forth shooter was probably the third man on the sixth floor. There is eyewitness and finger print evidence on Wallace and a confession by Loy Factor to three reputable men.

The clean escape from the assassination scene was handled by several men who pretended they were Secret Service agents, these false Secret Service agents mingled with the crowd, the fake agents carried fake Secret Service badges, and placed themselves all around the area of Dealey Plaza and the School Book Depository. More than one person, in the confusion of hearing shots fired and wondering what had just happened had a fake Secret Service badge pulled out by a stranger and used for identification by a phony Secret Service agent. The cover-up was in effect the moment the first shot was fired.
Tague has contributed nothing to the quests for truth and justice for JFK other than a few drops of blood.

He came in sheep's clothing, and now -- wittingly or otherwise -- he goes for our collective throat.
I've got one (among many other) things to say to Tague: "Mexico City".

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