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The State of the Case: by Jim DiEugenio

John Kelin suggested I write this article for New year's. I was a little late but I think it turned out pretty well.

I mean someone had to call out that psychotic media reaction at the 50th right?

And expose what they hid from the public.
edits: 1.paragraph beginning with Newman, second sentence, 'along the *why," 2. subsequent paragraph, 4th sentence, beginning with Therefore. 3. paragrpah beginning with 'What makes the shell evidence', 4th sentence, 'extracted from a*weapons",

thanks for the article, especially like the indictment of the msm.

interesting omission in your evidenciary rundown--Feister's work. Any significance there?
Jim has gotten so close to the truth that he has been sucked into the black hole of the media shadow. That is, a shaded limbo that exists like an umbra around the truth that the media never shines any light on. A few typos, but understandable for someone with such prolific output.

The brain evidence proves conspiracy alone. The Dox drawing is visibly different from the phony brain photos that show the brain almost undamaged. So how can you have two visibly differing representations of the same object? They had to control O'Neill because when he saw the photo of the brain he protested "It's almost complete". The attempt to pass off this obviously substituted brain was even too flagrant for his sensibility. The brain autopsy weighed this bogus brain at 1500 grams. 150 grams above the weight of an average human brain. So what they are trying to get away with is saying the brain that all observers at Bethesda said was over 50% gone and could fit into the palm of one hand was intact to the eye and weighed 150 grams more than an average human brain. Let's do some math. If we were generous and said the Dox brain was real and accurate and lost, say, 1/6th of its mass then that would make the original undamaged brain weigh 1800 grams. Since Wikipedia says an average human brain weighs only 1350 grams we have to admire president Kennedy's cranial prowess at 1800 grams! How did he fit all those brains into his head?

The brain is key to proving a conspiracy because any idiot can look at the photograph the Commission presented in evidence showing a brain with mostly intact parietal brain creases. Over on the Education Forum Pat Speer is conducting a debate over Kennedy's head wounds. He's arguing that the parietal wound connected to the rear occipital McClelland wound as one continuous wound. However the famous Bethesda photo of a large avulsed parietal wound with macerated brain tissue clearly shows a wound that would have ejected a serious amount of brain material from the parietal area. Some of it is even matted in the hair in the photo. When we go back and look at the Commission's photo of this mostly intact 1500 gram brain it shows the brain creases in that parietal area mostly intact. One look at the Bethesda photo automatically shows a wound that would not leave any parietal brain creases intact. That's photographic proof of criminal manipulation of the evidence and a substituted brain. When I argue this on the internet with deniers they suddenly get dumb. By the way, the right side parietal brain creases in the Dox drawing are missing, showing a difference between their own evidence. Not only that, Dox's entire cerebellum is completely intact.

This is prima facie evidence of conspiracy. They're busted. This is the smoking gun.

I never see it so clearly stated as written by Jim DiE. I use his works when referring friends/colleagues expressing an interest in the subject. Another excellent article.

Thank you for your extremely detailed commentary on the deplorable media coverage of the JFK assassination at the time of the 50th anniversary.

I appreciated how you mentioned the lapses on the part of PBS to update the public on the new discoveries made especially in the past decade. Incredibly, the only program from Frontline was the rebroadcast of a 1993 two-hour program, Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? Astonishingly, there was no attempt to revise the program, based on new information on Oswald uncovered over the past two decades. Where were John Armstrong or John Newman to offer their insights? There was not even a Frontline host or narrator to add any new details. Rather, it was a verbatim script from 1993!

Frontline recently aired a superb two-hour documentary on the endemic problem of concussions in the NFL and how the top brass among owners and the Office of the Commissioner had engaged in a "conspiracy" to refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of the long-term effects of head trauma to NFL players. The program, which was entitled League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis, aired around the time of the 50th anniversary of the death of JFK. The Frontline staff had no problem in delving into the "conspiracy" of the NFL Commissioner, owners, and loyal team doctors.

So, why couldn't Frontline explore the JFK assassination with an equal amount of integrity? The answer is that the subject is taboo.

Yes, I agree with you that PBS has gone into the tank on the JFK case.

Nothing from Frontline and that awful Nova program with McAdams.

BTW, the second highest rated articles at CTKA are the Nova reviews--behind Shenon.

From my knowledge, the only interview with Jeremy Gunn was on NPR. That is just ridiculous. If I was going a documentary, he would be my number one target for an interview.

PS : We should never stop trumpeting the CBS McCloy operation since that is as bad as it gets. But something I did not put in the article is that Dan Rather had a technical consultant for his medical interviews. He was also uncredited. It was Lattimer.
The link to your fearalhouse extract of 'Reclaiming Parkland' is helpful for to those who haven't read the book yet. They should. It's probably the best book I've read on the subject.

Otherwise the people you want to read this article - the ones in the MSM - won't bother. They don't want to learn new stuff. They'd rather be reassured about the old stuff they already learned - that you are trying to prove wrong. They don't want to be proven wrong. Few people do.

It's an old story - human nature. As Schopenhauer pointed out, 'truth' goes through three phases. First, it is ridiculed. Next it is violently opposed. Finally, it's accepted as self-evident.

If he was right, where are we? Ridicule doesn't work for them now. We're the ones ridiculing them.
Violent opposition has already happened. There are a lot of dead witnesses - not to mention participants - already.

Are they going to start whacking researchers next? I doubt it.

So maybe we're moving into the 'self-evident' phase now. If I were Bugliosi, I'd be very depressed about that.
As for the MSM, it is dying anyway, as Jim D. points out at the end.
Ken Garretson Wrote:edits: 1.paragraph beginning with Newman, second sentence, 'along the *why," 2. subsequent paragraph, 4th sentence, beginning with Therefore. 3. paragrpah beginning with 'What makes the shell evidence', 4th sentence, 'extracted from a*weapons",

thanks for the article, especially like the indictment of the msm.

interesting omission in your evidenciary rundown--Feister's work. Any significance there?

Feister's work depends on the authenticity of the Z-film, which, after Horne's Inside the ARRB and other works, is very much a debatable point. Her particular form of psychobabble regarding the limo stop has all the depth of a parking-lot puddle. I would say DiEugenio's failure to credit Horne is the far more egregious omission, but then, alas, Horne is a "Liftonite." Certainly DiEugenio's State of the Case is a good effort, but to this reader very much an incomplete account.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Yes, I agree with you that PBS has gone into the tank on the JFK case.

Nothing from Frontline and that awful Nova program with McAdams.

BTW, the second highest rated articles at CTKA are the Nova reviews--behind Shenon.

From my knowledge, the only interview with Jeremy Gunn was on NPR. That is just ridiculous. If I was going a documentary, he would be my number one target for an interview.

PS : We should never stop trumpeting the CBS McCloy operation since that is as bad as it gets. But something I did not put in the article is that Dan Rather had a technical consultant for his medical interviews. He was also uncredited. It was Lattimer.

It was especially distressing to see PBS pushing this garbage. I could not watch it.
Now that Rather has been busted I had hoped he'd change his stance on this issue. Alas he built his career on the phony WC lie, beginning day one.

Daniel Gallup Wrote:
Ken Garretson Wrote:edits: 1.paragraph beginning with Newman, second sentence, 'along the *why," 2. subsequent paragraph, 4th sentence, beginning with Therefore. 3. paragrpah beginning with 'What makes the shell evidence', 4th sentence, 'extracted from a*weapons",

thanks for the article, especially like the indictment of the msm.

interesting omission in your evidenciary rundown--Feister's work. Any significance there?

Feister's work depends on the authenticity of the Z-film, which, after Horne's Inside the ARRB and other works, is very much a debatable point. Her particular form of psychobabble regarding the limo stop has all the depth of a parking-lot puddle. I would say DiEugenio's failure to credit Horne is the far more egregious omission, but then, alas, Horne is a "Liftonite." Certainly DiEugenio's State of the Case is a good effort, but to this reader very much an incomplete account.

I have it on good authority that she- Sherry Feister- obtained her "credentials" from some mail order op. (Not naming my source however.) And this is second hand so I should be hesitant in posting it.


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