22-04-2024, 07:22 PM
Have to give Baker some credit where credit is due. At least he cared initially to tell the truth in his same day affidavit, where he swore the only individual he encountered was nowhere near let alone inside the 2nd floor lunchroom ----->
and, also to his credit, I'm left wondering if at some point doing the constant rehearsals to regurgitate the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to frame an innocent party (the wrongly-accused) if Baker's conscience was trying to summon the courage to do the right thing. especially when his sulky, deflated demeanor at one point during his WC testimony prompted the following...
Mr. BELIN. Officer Baker, when you talk, I wonder if you would look at me, we might be able to hear a little bit better. Would you tell us what else you did?
At this make or break moment, Baker had the choice to summon the immense courage of American Revolutionary Hero Nathan Hale and do the right thing, but alas courage like that doesn't grow on trees, so rather than call out the charade of the proceedings for what they were, he made a choice to sit up straighter in his chair, make full eye-contact, and speak louder to carry on with parroting back the hastily contrived script in spite of the foreshadowing gloom and doom it would cast over a once vibrant and open Democracy.
A duly elected representative of the American People was assassinated in broad daylight by the sinister wing of the ominous deep-state. Bunch of lying treasonous cowards. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.
and, also to his credit, I'm left wondering if at some point doing the constant rehearsals to regurgitate the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to frame an innocent party (the wrongly-accused) if Baker's conscience was trying to summon the courage to do the right thing. especially when his sulky, deflated demeanor at one point during his WC testimony prompted the following...
Mr. BELIN. Officer Baker, when you talk, I wonder if you would look at me, we might be able to hear a little bit better. Would you tell us what else you did?
At this make or break moment, Baker had the choice to summon the immense courage of American Revolutionary Hero Nathan Hale and do the right thing, but alas courage like that doesn't grow on trees, so rather than call out the charade of the proceedings for what they were, he made a choice to sit up straighter in his chair, make full eye-contact, and speak louder to carry on with parroting back the hastily contrived script in spite of the foreshadowing gloom and doom it would cast over a once vibrant and open Democracy.
A duly elected representative of the American People was assassinated in broad daylight by the sinister wing of the ominous deep-state. Bunch of lying treasonous cowards. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.