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The Magic Tonsillectomy or Armstrong's Voodoo Science?
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Also, Jim, if Dr. Philben was such a notorious quack and witch doctor, one wonders how he attained the prestigious position of chief of staff at Dallas Memorial Hospital.

Funny, but I Googled Dr. Philben of Dallas a few hours ago and saw EXACTLY the same thing. No doubt this guy was Board Certified for surgery, or he would have been tarred and feathered in Dallas. This argument is over! No doubt Parker will keep saying blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah.
Quote:Number 2 would have problems. Doctors, I'm sure, are sophisticated enough to distinguish between regrown tonsils and originals. They are professional enough to see there were no surgery marks and therefore no removed tonsils. Being a doctor I think Dr Philben would be smart enough to realize this too and know he couldn't get away with it. Professional doctors would not reach for the easily disproven 'regrown tonsils' excuse as quickly as you do because they would realize it wouldn't work - just as it isn't working for you here. Doctors also collect data. They want to collect statistics on regrown tonsil rates. They would inquire and ask Marguerite and even Lee if the original tonsils were removed. Perhaps you sense these serious flaws so you prefer number 1.

What bones and muscles do you manipulate to treat tonsils? And what possible reason would Marguerite think whatever manipulation she witnessed was intended for the tonsils? You're on swampy ground at best and fishing. Could you please articulate clearly how a non-present Marguerite came to the conclusion that a treatment she had no means of witnessing was a tonsillectomy? Your scenario requires Marguerite to drop Lee off for a non-specific illness for which she had no consultation with the doctor and then made a completely blind assumption that it was a tonsillectomy based on nothing you can describe. I'm sorry but you're not seriously offering this to adult people? You're not seriously offering this after attacking and ridiculing people for their entries? Is this what a mother would have done with a 5 year old child? Dropped him off and guessed?

Are you joking? You dare offer something like this? This is the old option number one isn't that believable so offer option number two, but then bounce it back to number one since number two isn't that believable either...

Doctor can tell the difference between regrown tonsils and originals? ROFL. Got a cite for that, Albert?

Philben was NOT a MD in 1945. Will you guys ever get that through your skulls? The only bodies recognizing him as a doctor were Osteopathic associations.

This is from the Michigan Daily, October 4, 1972. I did link to it before but apparently none of you are really interested in learning, only in how to get me off this board.


There is NO WAY that Philben was licensed to practice medicine as an MD in 1945 - and therefore no way he could legally have performed any operation.

Moreover, if somehow he did perform this operation, and the FBI destroyed the medical records to hide a CIA plot involving two boys, then ewhy didn't they also destroy the mastoidectomy records?

So let's try and work backwards, okay?

ON April 17, 1945, Marguerite took out a life insurance policy on Lee and wrote on the form that Lee had had a tonsillectomy performed by Dr Philben on Jan 17 of that same year.

You should by now however, be accepting that this was not possible.

Which leaves us to try and explain why she wrote what she wrote.

If you have better explanation, please provide them.

If you insist Philben must have performed this operation, back it up with evidence.

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Jim Hargrove Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Also, Jim, if Dr. Philben was such a notorious quack and witch doctor, one wonders how he attained the prestigious position of chief of staff at Dallas Memorial Hospital.

Funny, but I Googled Dr. Philben of Dallas a few hours ago and saw EXACTLY the same thing. No doubt this guy was Board Certified for surgery, or he would have been tarred and feathered in Dallas. This argument is over! No doubt Parker will keep saying blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah.

Get a grip.

Board certified from the 1970s - and then only because of a national shortage of MDs.

Osteopaths are not MDs even now - they are DOs (Doctors of Osteopathy).
David Josephs Wrote:Tonsils grew back...

and a 3" lt mastoid scar disappears and a bullet wound to the left elbow also disappears... from the man Dr Rose performs an autopsy upon...

nice work Greg... no stone left unturned in your quest for the truth... ::face.palm::


While we are all so concerned over the provenance of documents, would you please give up where you got this particular document?

Quote:Well said, Albert! This entire thread is INSANE. A mother doesn't know when her young son's throat has been cut open? It takes two weeks to recover from a tonsillectomy, and a far higher percentage of young children had tonsillectomies sixty years ago than do now. Mothers knew more about the procedure then. This is Crazy Town!


IIRC, you were one of those who said he has had his tonsils out? Did they cut your throat to get to them?

Remind me NEVER to go to any doctor you ever recommend. What a laugh riot you are! Crazy Town indeed!

That would have to take the cake as the most moronic statement made on any board anywhere.

And stay away from strop razors, okay?
Quote:What bones and muscles do you manipulate to treat tonsils?

Here you go, Albert... the complete osteo treatment for tonsillitis.
Quote:III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

Tonsillectomy as such should be reserved for those cases which are refractory in their nature or which create a dangerous level of toxins within the system.

Osteopathic adjustments and manipulations should be begun immediately to correct abnormal impulses from lesions and subluxations and to bring about more adequate lymph drainage to the area of the tonsils and surrounding tissue.

Cleansing of the body should be instituted, using enemas or colonics where possible, or cathartics such as BiSoDol, phosphate soda, or syrup of pepsin (such as is found later in this commentary).

For those conditions in which drainage from inflamed nasal tissue and tonsillar tissue creates an acid condition in the stomach, Glyco-Thymoline in small doses is helpful. Most commonly an alkaline-reacting diet would be advisable.

Rest without straining of the body or throat or eyes is important in this condition. Persistence and consistency in carrying out the recommendations always seem to be a portion of the suggestions given in the readings.

It is important that the adjustments and the cleansing of the intestinal tract be done in cycles until the throat is completely normal and that a proper diet be maintained during this time.

Tonsillitis Tonic

If we would take a tonic such as Codiron, three tablets each day - these taken at mealtimes - we will find that we will make for greater improvement in the general health of the body. (815-4)
Just to make sure everyone understands Parker's position here.

He says that the "quack Philben," who somehow later became chief of staff of Dallas Memorial Hospital, somehow faked a tonsillectomy so well that "Marguerite honestly believed the tonsils had been removed."
Greg R Parker Wrote:Doctor can tell the difference between regrown tonsils and originals? ROFL. Got a cite for that, Albert?

I think this should go to consultation. An expert should be asked if the scar tissue from a previous surgery would be obvious or if the regrown tonsil would be distinguishable from the original. Also, the regrowth rate should be gotten. How common would it be for them to regrow? Is there any way to check the medical records for the second tonsillectomy to see if mention of the first was cited?

Greg R Parker Wrote:Philben was NOT a MD in 1945. Will you guys ever get that through your skulls? The only bodies recognizing him as a doctor were Osteopathic associations.

There is NO WAY that Philben was licensed to practice medicine as an MD in 1945 - and therefore no way he could legally have performed any operation.

It would also be illegal for him to impress upon Marguerite that Lee had had a tonsillectomy. Whether there is a holistic procedure for tonsils or not the term "tonsillectomy" specifically means surgical removal of the tonsils. For Marguerite to believe Dr Philben performed this surgery when he did not is equally as illegal as him performing it without a medical license. Note in my Wikipedia link for Andrew Taylor Still that he was a Civil War field surgeon assistant before he created the field of Osteopathic medicine. This is interesting. I guess what this comes down to is what exactly Philben told Marguerite when she consulted him. I think you need to talk to the Grove Medical Center pharmacist and ask him when exactly did Dr Philben perform tonsillectomies? Why don't you and David call him on a conference call and put the dilemma to him and see what his answer is?

Greg R Parker Wrote:ON April 17, 1945, Marguerite took out a life insurance policy on Lee and wrote on the form that Lee had had a tonsillectomy performed by Dr Philben on Jan 17 of that same year.

It might make sense that if this were true that Dr Philben did this with other patients. Can you cite any? Can you access any records for Dr Philben?

Seeing Mrs Oswald's other statements about Lee and his spy status she strikes me as being intelligent enough to know better than to refer to a non-tonsillectomy as a tonsillectomy. Don't forget this is the same woman who went to Washington and triggered the return of Lee by threatening to out his spy status. She also strikes me as being shrewd enough to know that entering a false surgery on an insurance form might be enough of a violation to void the policy.

I think the pharmacist needs to be consulted and asked how far back did Dr Philben's tonsillectomies go? Even if Armstrong was wrong on this one I still think the rest of his theory has some merit.
Greg R Parker Wrote: Tonsillectomy as such should be reserved for those cases which are refractory in their nature or which create a dangerous level of toxins within the system.

Touche on me I guess. Hmm. However realize that the above description for the Osteopathic treatment of tonsils clearly distinguishes "tonsillectomy" as being the surgical removal of the tonsils and Marguerite clearly said "tonsillectomy". I'd imagine in her consultation with the doctor that he would clearly establish that his treatment was a holistic one and was not a tonsillectomy. I would imagine this would be a regular hurdle for such an experimental doctor that he routinely faced. One that defined his practice and had to be gotten across with each patient as the reason and purpose for his particular form of medicine. So, I find it difficult to accept that after getting that sales pitch for his form of medicine that Marguerite would refer to it as a common tonsillectomy when any mother who confronted that situation with Dr Philben would have had it made clear exactly what it was since, as you yourself show, there were serious medical license issues with it that were clearly understood. I think you also realize this from your entries. Dr Philben would have to had explained this was a non surgical procedure and was not a tonsillectomy, so why would Marguerite refer to it as such?

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