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The Lies of Colby: New Spartacus? McAdams...
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:That was great work by you Dave.

Someone else informed me of this crucial information you unearthed.

I could not understand why the guy was so bonkers.

Years ago I got into it with Len Colby over 9/11.

When he started bashing witnesses I bowed out.

I can't stand it when witnesses are bashed, I don't care who does it or how.

We got into it over a point of law sometime later and I crushed him. Had to do with multiple indictments and Bin Laden, a now moot point.

I learned that Len was a nasty rhetorician.

I liked to think of myself a savage rhetorician when it's called for.

Turns out Len ain't a Lone Nutter. He acknowledges the SBT doesn't work, JFK conspiracy.

So why anybody would fear being "trolled" by Colby on the EF JFK Debate is a mystery.

Turns out that Len tour managed GG Allin, one of the most violent nihilistic performance artists of our time.

Rough trade, indeed.

I've handled a fat slice of music biz rough trade myself.

You guys don't get Colby. He's a hardcore punk rock bull buster.

But he ain't a Nutter.

You are being very kind to Mr. Colby.

I think much too kind.

If one adds up the comments he has made in support of the critical community with all the comment she has made negatively about them, IMO, the scales of justice tip over in favor of the latter.

As I said, one of my informants caught him at a sinper site trying to get someone to say the King kill shot was an easy shot, without the info about the bathroom and the tub position etc. Which is sort of like saying, well what is Oswald had a semi automatic rifle?

Colby and DVP? Ridiculous.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Cliff:

You are being very kind to Mr. Colby.

I think much too kind.

No doubt. It's honor among hardcore punk rock ball busters.

If one adds up the comments he has made in support of the critical community with all the comment she has made negatively about them, IMO, the scales of justice tip over in favor of the latter.

An understatement.

As I said, one of my informants caught him at a sinper site trying to get someone to say the King kill shot was an easy shot, without the info about the bathroom and the tub position etc. Which is sort of like saying, well what is Oswald had a semi automatic rifle?

Colby and DVP? Ridiculous.

Not enough to keep anyone off the EF. DVP has given up on "bunch theory" without a struggle really, crying about it.

Interesting: he cites the same talking points for the non-existent "high back wound" as Tink Thompson, Cyril Wecht, Pat Speer, Stu Wexler and John Hunt.

Why is DVP any more ridiculous than those guys?

With respect Cliff, it was more than enough to keep many of us off the EF. Here we are.

There was no balance with regard to some moderators like Evan Burton, Andy Walker etc., who clearly favoured Colby and who engaged in so many tricks - probably invisible to all but those directly involved in the various discussion threads - to sabotage contrary arguments. These included thread shifting, thread merging - both at critical points - plus one-sided deletions, thread locking and so on. It seemed that anything and everything that could be used to disrupt a thread was used. On the other side, lies and deceits were common place. As I said earlier truth became a distant and subjective thing.

How come that for years after everyone else on the EF had to use a genuine picture of themselves or be banned, that Len was able to use a fake picture of a black man, which clearly was a serious misrepresentation? I had a reason to use a facsimile and one John Simkin knew about and approved of. Colby did not.

Personally, I don't really buy into the "punk" argument either (at least based on my understanding of "punk"), because Colby was all about fighting anyone who disagreed with the official version of deep political events. I don't ever recall him ever once pursuing a subject from a non establishment point of view. Pro establishment attitudes are pretty unusual for the rock music industry in general and very strange for the punk culture, I think.

Besides all this, Jan had Len nailed down on his association with the James Randi False Memory Syndrome outfit (I forget all the details now - it was a long time ago) which was, as you may know, a CIA creature.

Things got so one sided and distorted that ultimately some of us got together and founded DPF as an alternative forum - a safe harbour if you will, where discussions could be held without fear or favour --- and where all those thread sabotaging tricks of the EF are absent.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Colby was a troll, pure and simple. That he was managing a vulgar "artist" was irrelevant. He was at the EF 24/7 causing several of us to believe there was more than one of him. Mainly posted in the political conspiracies area and bashed every one. Only years later did he venture into the JFK part of the forum, after we were over here. Then he just disappeared, as did that area of the forum.

Well put David.

Cliff Varnell Wrote:[quote=Jim DiEugenio]

So why anybody would fear being "trolled" by Colby on the EF JFK Debate is a mystery.

Turns out that Len tour managed GG Allin, one of the most violent nihilistic performance artists of our time.

I've been a fan of punk for about 30 years now, and I never liked GG Allin. I think certain acts are promoted to discredit rock music and keep kids away from the bands that would make them think (Dead Kennedys, for example). "Hey kids, listen to Alice Cooper sing about dead babies, though he's really a golf-playing Republican Christian in real life!"

"The 56-year-old Cooper says he was disgusted to learn the likes of Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, R.E.M., Sheryl Crow, James Taylor and Dave Matthews were hitting the road for a series of concerts designed to help defeat President Bush."To me, that's treason," Cooper told the Canadian Press. "I call it treason against rock n' roll because rock is the antithesis of politics."

Yup, gatekeepers everywhere.

The reason I post the brain evidence wherever I can is because it is evidence of a conspiracy. Any Lone Nutter who says there isn't any evidence is a liar and shouldn't be allowed fair access amongst honest people.

If the brain evidence on its own wasn't enough Bugliosi's clearly obvious tap dancing around it is. Some people might like the useless exercise and entertainment of tap dancing but I say it flares-off the energy needed for actually doing justice for Kennedy.
I agree with you on the brain evidence Albert. It is incredibly strong for our side.

Bugliosi does not tap dance around it. He censors it. He does not quote Stringer as denying the photographs or that he took them. Which I think is one of the big bombshells of the ARRB.

BTW, I will be on BOR tonight talking about McAdams and the Holz letter.

ALso, should we not request Marquette get his site off of their servers? Lisa Pease says that is where it is.

I mean if so, if they fired him, why should they maintains his site?
I should add one more thing.

The way that Burton etc favored Colby, reminds me of how Jefferson Morley favored McAdams at his web site, which I will not name since the title is an oxymoron with McAdams posting there.

Many I talked to on our side said they had their posts disappeared, not moderated. And this was done to me more than once.

Morley famously put McAdams on moderation, but his posts eventually got through. The two gave the appearance of having a tussle, which Mili Cranor properly called a pillow fight for the public. But McAdams was the most frequent poster there, no matter how many lies he told. It did not matter.

I heard later that Morley and his moderator then defended this, and the ridiculous Harvey widow tape, as being free speech. I have to laugh. How does disappearing posts from our side, that are truthful, and footnoted, but letting their side's undocumented BS slide, how does that equal free speech?

Go figure.
I stopped posting at Morley's site because my comments weren't appearing anymore. Supposedly his moderator was on vacation, or something like that.

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