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Once and for all - JVB is a con and here's the proof
So much is tossed around related to JVB and she always has an answer - or one of her minions has...

So let's put the only two pieces of evidence to rest.

The W-2 has a host of problems with it...

The forms from these years did not look like the one she offers:

In addition, COPY B would have been filed with the return. If this was how it was mailed to her, COPY A would be on top and COPY C would remain in her possession.
Has anyone seen this tax return? The COPY A or C of this document?

There is not a Withholding Tax Statement during the 60's that puts the income info below the name

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6657&stc=1]

In addition, the page on top of this book (she would not have been sent a book of W-2's. This appears to be Reily's book since we can see the blled thru of Reily and other info.
When I superimpose this sheet back into position onto this book, lining up the holes to the right - it doesn't fit.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6658&stc=1]

Finally, This is a link to an interview page where she claims to have been interviewed by Conway.

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]In early January 2000, Debra Conway (owner and co-founder of JFK Lancer) volunteered to video-tape Anna Lewis in New Orleans. In the videotape, Anna said that she and her husband David Lewis had socialized frequently with Judy Baker and Lee Oswald in New Orleans in the Summer of 1963, including a visit to The Five Hundred Club, where they met with Carlos Marcello. Anna stressed that she thought Judy and Lee were lovers at that time. Anna's filmed testimony was witnessed by Anna's daughter Sondra, Dr. Joseph Riehl, Dr. Howard Platzman, historian Martin Shackelford, Judyth Baker, and Debra Conway who asked Anna questions as she filmed her.
[TD="colspan: 5"]The photo shown about was taken immediately following the Anna Lewis interview.
[TD="colspan: 5"]Has Debra Conway forgotten that she interviewed Anna Lewis?"

Has Debra forgotten?? I could not find the Conway interview yet here is the Wim interview.

At 1:45 - "In about Feb 1962, I met Lee Harvey Oswald in the Park" (by Bannister's place where she went for a date with he husband to be David Lewis, a friend of Jack Martin who was pistol whipped by Bannister.
The park as you can see from the map above, was Lafayette park.

In Feb 1962 Ozzie was in Minsk. She goes on to say she and David leave NOLA in April 1962...

Problem is that even if she meant 1963... in Feb, March and April 1963 Ozzie is in Texas.
He does not get to New Orleans until the end of April 1963.

This woman is completely lost... she ways Jack Martin and David were NOT working for Bannister when they moved back to New Orleans sometime later in 1962.
She then tells stories of Lee in NOLA in 1962...

The man Ruby killed and the claimed lover of JVB does not get to New Orleans until the end of April 1963. and NEVER lives in New Orleans in 1962...

Fromwhat I can tell - that's the sum total of the evidence which puts her in Harvey's world... and not a soul who has read her book or supports her story has addressed these conflicts.

The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... especially here.


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6659&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   Baker Reily Coffee 1963 W-2 NOT the NEW FORM.jpg (Size: 305.2 KB / Downloads: 65)
.jpg   Baker w-2 overlay and adjusted overlay.jpg (Size: 430.18 KB / Downloads: 65)
.jpg   Anna Lewis meets Oswald in Feb 1962 - he is in Minsk.jpg (Size: 370.16 KB / Downloads: 64)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Nice one.

Let me know if you want to expand this into an essay for CTKA.

I am seriously thinking of doing one myself. JVB's story has more holes than a Swiss Cheese and they are wider than a highway.

If you want to get an earful, call up Carol Hewitt about Baker. But Debra Conway is OK too.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:LOL ROTF

Nice one.

Let me know if you want to expand this into an essay for CTKA.

I am seriously thinking of doing one myself. JVB's story has more holes than a Swiss Cheese and they are wider than a highway.

If you want to get an earful, call up Carol Hewitt about Baker. But Debra Conway is OK too.

I've waded thru enough knee deep BS related to Baker for one life... thanks.

You might want to check this post as it dawns on me there that if Oswald and Marina are not really at Neely
they'd need to be somewhere... I posted just a small bit of testimony about Oswald not being seen at Neely and tehre being a man, woman and two small children there...

Obviously that would need to be 1963, not 1962 since Harvey does not get back from Russia until June 62.
Anna says 1962 a number of times and NEVER mentions 1963.

It would be a pleasure to take these last few posts and turn them into an article. Yet we still have part 3b and I'm working on the final piece of the Mexico puzzle now.
But I can take this info and do a decent sized essay while adding in a bit more background related to 1962 and 1963, the Ryder Cafe, and other New Orleans/Dallas charades...

Just let me know whether I finish Mexico first or throw this in now...


ps - between Marion and Judy there doesn't seem to be a Baker that can tell the truth....

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6667&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   Bakers hadwritten note about Oswald in Lunchroom.jpg (Size: 103.25 KB / Downloads: 42)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Not speaking for anyone else, but I've seen enough. Please do more work on Mexico.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:Not speaking for anyone else, but I've seen enough. Please do more work on Mexico.

Will do Drew....

So you over at the Mexico threads....
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
This shows the effect a doubles program can have on the truth. It creates such a difficult scenario that it can be used to muddy the truth and make witnesses look uncredible.
Drew Phipps Wrote:Not speaking for anyone else, but I've seen enough. Please do more work on Mexico.

I agree that all this discussion of JVB just gives her an undeserved platform. I speak as someone who was once a supporter, way back in 04 but I have come to the point where I not only disbelieve her I find her pathetic. Right up there with James Files.


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