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Positional Disinformation: re the currently INCREDIBLY well selling Lies My Teacher Told ME and JFK
And more importantly it is using the IMO, research perfected POSITIONAL DISINFORMATION technique.

By "positional disinformation" I mean using an OSTENSIBLE position on the political spectrum (with JFK it is invariably "left" [really faux-left]) to make it seem like the policy implications of the Coup were nil, specifically in order to get "the left" (or what remains of it, so effective has this positional disinformation tech been, its as if Noam Chomsky might switch places with the hitting coach of the 2014 San Dieago Padres and nobody would notice) to shrug their shoulders and identify being "left" with ONLY doing social history after 1952 or their like ..... Weird or something. Note that this was not always the case with the US left but has been enforced through foundation policing.

What I am trying to say is that this book Lies My Teacher Told Me is Lies My McLeftist Sociologist is Telling Me. More importantly, young people are reading it at record levels.

True the book is old but a recent edition came out, and I think it must be getting really pumped by faux left media outlets like The Nation, Pacifica Guru Noam and Amy etc. because every time I look on Amazon its between 500-900 and under 10,000 on kindle which is really really high 1) for a history book (which it isn't but will be taken as) 2) for a kindle book out that long. This has gone on FOR MONTHS IN A ROW.

Now why am I posting this here on the JFK page? Because the most incredible bs ever 1) about JFK 2) about the evolution of the National Security State which is really the same thing is in this book. I kid ye not, there is shit in here that would even embarask Seymour Hersh on the way to a North Virginia Fondu-Twister party.

Details of this later but for now I beg those two and half readers on this site who actually realize that history is not what you or I know but what is SOCIALLY constructed , i.e. who somehow give a damn that billions are being lied to daily re the most important event in the history of the National Security State that is our de facto government.. .to take a look at this book FOR FREE ON THE INTERNET YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT... DO NOT GIVE IT ANY MORE MONEY PLEASE!! and then write a review on Amazon with a title that will SNAG attentions. I.e. Mine will be something like "WHY THIS BOOK WILL KEEP US MOVING RIGHT" That snags. I know there are those who say reviews on Amazon don't matter, I KNOW they do, if they are correctly snagged using oxymoronic directional gimmicks which was major in colleges. I obsessively search Amazon sales lists ten times a day because I am interested in circulations of history books at this psychotic stage of capitalism and also because we have become, by 2015 Greater Macondo, a comparison I am following up further after reading Greg Parker's fascinating comparison of Garcia Marquez' journalism re his first hand observation of the famous CIA 1948 assassination in Columbia with how that Columbia -- the literal history-forgetting machine -- influenced his fictive history forgetting fiction which seems to be becoming our non-fiction unless I can stop it on FB.

In shorter, this book is reaching more non-fiction reading young people than almost any other right now. It will have the effect of turning an entire generation from ever reading about the Coup of 1963 because it is lying about JFK and the policies even worse than Chomsky and Hersh do. Please help me review if you care about history at all.

This book is also very interesting because it shows so clearly how and why sociological "ideal types" approaches are so favored by professional propagandists as the preferred Werbellian silencer's for the assassination of US history.

here is one tiny example of this pure bs. I would not care a damn, that how terrible it is -- WERE IT NOT FOR THE FACT THAT IT IS COATING THE MINDS OF HALF OF AMERICAS YOUTH AS WE SPEAK!! I MEAN AS I TYPE.

Ali twelve textbooks are silent about our repeated attempts to assassinate Premier Fidel Castro of Cuba. The federal government had tried to kill Castro eight times by 1965, according to testimony before the US. Senate; by 1975 Castro had thwarted twenty-four attempts, according «_Cuba. These undertak- ings ranged from a botched effort to get Castro to light an exploding cigar to a contract with the Mafia to murder him. Since Pres. John F, Kennedy probably
ordered several of the earlier attempts on Castro's life personally, including the
Mafia contract, Kennedy's own assassination might be explained as a revenge
slaying. Because no textbook tells how Kennedy tried to kill Castro, however,
none can logically suggest a Cuban or Mafia connection in discussing
Kennedy's death,
of the Bay of Pigs invasion; immediately after that failed, Kennedy launched Operation Mongoose, "a vast covert program" to destabilize Cuba. Pierre Salinger, Kennedy's press secretary, has written that JFK even planned to invade
27 Cuba with U.S. armed forces until forestalled by the Cuban missile crisis. No
textbook tells about Operation Mongoose.
Undaunted by its failures in Cuba, the CIA turned its attention farther
south. Only three textbooks, Life and Liberty, The American Adventure, and Triumph of the American Nation, mention Chile. "President Nixon helped the Chilean army overthrow Chile's elected government because he did not like its radical socialist policies," Lift and Liberty says bluntly This single sentence, which is all that Life and Liberty offers, lies buried in a section about President Carter's human rights record, but it is far and away the best account in any of the textbooks. According to Triumph, Nixon approved "the secret use offunds by the CIA to try to prevent a socialist-communist election victory in Chile. The CIA later made it difficult for the Marxist government elected by these parties to govern." Since the "difficulties" President Allende faced included his own murder, perhaps this is the ultimate euphemism! The American Adventureoffers a fuller account:"

This book reminds me of Howard Zinn's People's History, which is good for what it is - labor/feminist/immigrant/civil rights history - but mostly avoids talking about the National Security State and conspiracies. It is a highly effective way to keep the Left on its reservation, so they spend their time worrying about voting rights (make sure everyone has the opportunity to vote for our puppet leaders!) or fighting to take down the Confederate flag or some other purely symbolic battle.
You can still read about Operation Mongoose on Google, that font of all internet collectivist wisdom. It's Northwoods that's rarely mentioned.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Tracy Riddle Wrote:This book reminds me of Howard Zinn's People's History, which is good for what it is - labor/feminist/immigrant/civil rights history - but mostly avoids talking about the National Security State and conspiracies. It is a highly effective way to keep the Left on its reservation, so they spend their time worrying about voting rights (make sure everyone has the opportunity to vote for our puppet leaders!) or fighting to take down the Confederate flag or some other purely symbolic battle.


My so-called liberal friends just get so squishy about it, too.

"You just have to hear him!!"

Me: "What about the TPP trade bill?"

Them: (long awkward pause) "You have hear Barrack sing Amazing Grace."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
I read the JFK stuff at a bookstand.

It was just awful. ITs part of what I call the Pacifica David Barsamian left that has just about neutered whatever there is of a strong Democratic Left in this country.

The guy also goes after Oliver Stone with both hands.

The idea that Kennedy was in on the Castro plots is nixed by the CIA's own internal report and also the Church Committee.

As per invading the island, give me a break. There are contingency plans for the USA to invade several countries. As there were for Cuba. But if Kennedy did not invade at the Bay of Pigs, and he did not invade during the Missile Crisis, then he was not going to do it.

What utter crap.

Please use this info in your reviews.
Will do and was planning on it, Jim. Problem is the sewage is just so bad one could write books about it and many people would be absolutely correct in saying the book doesn't deserve a serious response.

But the problem is its targeted at the McLeftists-- a term I prefer to real leftist because the net effect of The Barsamians and Foundation Friends is to segment and firewall the political spectrum so that all dissent is marketed into centripetal dissent that will never effect and THREATEN TO TAKE MASS READERS AWAY FROM MSM, BELIEF IN THE OLD OUTDATED MODEL OF POWER (CHECKS AND BALANCES) ETC.

And the problem is that this book is selling like hotcakes because its being pushed by corporate media reviews such as NYT USA Today etc. Moreover all the under 50 or over 50 and lobotomized crowds are calling this book leftist which only reinforces the false dichotomy of cultural McLeftism v MSM. In fact, as we know, this relationship is symbiotic. Utterly, were we to look at McGeorge Bundy's redirection of the Ford Foundation's utters in 1966.

Short and long of it is we need more MEDIA ACTIVISTS OUT THERE denouncing this book and putting other reviews on Amazon. I am a veritable botched-sociologist (the only sociologists I trust) of Amazon. They DO make a difference. People rush to judgement about their worth because they are generalizing about one or two reviews which are quickly off the front page of a mass corporate-pushed book like this.

History is being rewritten with the left pixels of the right wing corporate media. That's where the Great Erase is happening. Anyone who cares about history and wants to prevent Greater Ociania has to make a commitment to not only exchange information with those who already are researching the assassinations but also to those younger at whom today's increasingly sophisticated propaganda techniques are aimed. Without that younger blood history dies and Chomsky marketeers have won.


Check out this lil jem..

This account reverses leader and led. In reality, Kennedy initially tried to stop the march and sent his vice-president to Norway to keep him away from it because he felt Lyndon Johnson was too procivil rights. Even Arthur
Schlesinger, Jr., a Kennedy partisan, has dryly noted that "the best spirit of
60 Kennedy was largely absent from the racial deliberations of his presidency." I wouldn't care but this is the ONLY NONFICTION YOUNGSTER ARE READING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(VERY SLIGHT EXAGGERATION) what is to be DONE?
"It is a highly effective way to keep the Left on its reservation, "-- Tracy Riddle

Bingo. My only qualm with this near-Bingo is that IMO we should be clear in distinguishing between "left" media and a real left. Its problematical in this stage of capitalism, on account of ANYTHING reaching 10,000 eyes or more needs foundation grants which is why we have seen so much BS in the NOMINALLY left sites like Counterpunch and Truthout re JFK and RFK. That's how they pay their rent. Quid pro quo. If we dignify this rent money propaganda by conflating it with a "real left" -- whatever the hell that might mean in 2015 I certainly agree it's is of necessity conjectural-- we play right into the small group psychology and spectrum-positional-identity-manipulation that our communications researchers lay out for us. But generally I agree that this is a reservation. And if so McGeorge Bundy's move to Ford Foundation in 1966 may have been The Dawes Act of The McLeftists.
MOre baloney about the march.

Kennedy was the only white politician in Washington to endorse the march.

And he announced he would at a I've press conference., He then assigned Bobby to organize the thing, saying 1.) They had to get more white people there, so call the unions and 2.) No screw ups, no violence, because their enemies would use it to crucify them.

It went off beautifully.
This book seems to reinforce the mantra of the New Left. The Kennedys were bad, no different (and actually worse) than LBJ. Traditional liberals like Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and Charles Dickens would be repulsed by today's "Left." The overt authoritarianism, the strict adherence to political correctness, the support of virtually every war, the absence of concern over civil liberties.

Lost in the emotional victory some felt over the confederate flag issue was the fact that President Obama removed the anti-slavery clause in the odious TPP, which was quietly passed while people were distracted by confederate flags, gay marriage and Kaitlyn Jenner. It doesn't get much more hypocritical than that.

I wrote a recent blog entry addressing the phony left-right paradigm:

I would humbly suggest that anyone interested in the real history their teachers never told them check out my book Hidden History.

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