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Why the second floor lunch room encounter could not have happened
Quote:Pure make believe, without the backing of any evidence whatsoever, no different like Doyle and Miller.

The head basher Bart Kamp wrote the above on the Education Forum under the assumption it would be approved by Jim D. The context of this is Kamp ran from the thread when I appeared even though, like he does here, he bad-mouthed me calling me a coward for not signing-on to the Education Forum to confront him. When I signed-on his bully moderator James Gordon rode my back applying draconian rules to all my posts and nit-picking them for site rules violations. When I pointed out to Gordon that I actually hadn't violated the rules he was moderating me over his response was "I am not going to debate you on this. Any further challenges from you may result in your banning". In other words the bully coward James Gordon couldn't justify his actions against me and was just straight censoring me for his ROKC friends. My post was the ultimate refutation for Stancak's and ROKC's Prayer Man bullshit. Kamp is a lying coward because he had every opportunity to show where my material was lacking and couldn't when I was there on the board. It isn't until he's protected by a British coward named James Gordon, who likes to play things the English way (crooked and dirty), that Kamp is back loud-mouthing knowing he'll never have to actually back up that bravado. Meanwhile reality dictates that Kamp and Stancak still haven't answered my last post to Stancak showing why Prayer Man is standing on the landing and is therefore too short to be Oswald. Since then I have discovered even more photographic evidence that further reinforces Prayer Man being on the landing. Even though Gordon said he was moderating for academic rigor he refused to let me post it. When I e-mailed him asking why I was banned he ignored it. The Education Forum is a dirty room run by an uncredible bully moderator who serves the dishonest interests of a select group of members and lies about his reasons for banning. The members are not honest because they gladly accept this self-serving censorship in order not to have to answer for the flaws in their material. They have given birth to a major jackass named Bart Kamp who specializes in boasting when he knows Gordon has silenced the opposition. After banning me in a cowardly way Gordon has dropped out of posting. He also applies none of the phony restrictions he was citing against me to his favored posters who can post anything they feel without fear of moderation. Having the one person who can out-argue the pro-Murphy majority on the Education Forum out of the way the rest of the members won't complain and Kamp's rank cowardice will be tolerated. Miller has offered a pretty good case against Kamp and his bs. Much better than Kamp's contrived bs that is the specialty of the ROKC evidence-cookers. As usual, Kamp is guilty of the lack of evidence he accuses us of. The others know this but won't point it out because it preserves their pro-Murphy position. However Miller has ignored my evidence that goes right to the heart of the issue and finally proves Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton. The dishonest majority know this disproves their favored Murphy theory so they practice an open defiance of reality and pretend our evidence doesn't exist. When you have a 95% percent majority who didn't see the evidence and don't want to admit they were wrong it is much easier to just push the guy with the good evidence over the side and pretend not to notice. And then the boasting of the crank who benefited from this can be silently honored, even though everybody knows he's yahoo. (An "Excellence In Research" yahoo)

I just wanted to point-out that Kamp addresses his dishonest bragging to Jim DiEugenio as a partner and approver of all this. Jim has given approval to the Cinque-like efforts on Prayer Man and they acknowledge him for it. Jim also never made any attempt to respond to Davidson's metadata. Miller is a dummy and doesn't point this out. That's why Gordon has sculpted the site after his own personal inclinations, violating moderator neutrality British style, and forcing weak-handed Miller as the only opposition to his Prayer Man mob. By forcing Miller as the only opposition Gordon gives artificial life to a now debunked theory and its credulous proponents saving him and his uncredible Education Forum website from being shown to have strongly supported a bogus theory. Jim D works all the dirty levers with his silent approval.
Here is the dishonest evidence DiEugenio now supports from ROKC as spoken by Andrej Stancak:

Quote:I have commented on reasons for which those seeing Oswald in the doorway in a number of my previous posts. For instance, I pointed to the treatment which witnesses opposing the official line received (e.g., Serrano's interview in the RFK case, The Thin Blue Line which actually relates to Dallas) unless they agreed to keep silence. Only the people on the top landing were in position to see Prayer Man. Other people, such as Carl Jones standing at the lower west corner of the doorway, would not know who stood behind him. Oswald stood in the doorway for a short period of time, maybe 120 seconds, and it was the time of pandemonium; Prayer Man would not be a conspicuous person to remember even if someone would glance on the doorway. He would only be seen from certain view angles, excluding a large number of potential random observers. The lack of information about Oswald's whereabouts, especially at the time of shooting and shortly later as he was leaving the Depository, equals the lack of information related to his possible short stay in the doorway. He allegedly left three minutes after the shooting, and there were already people around on his way out in the doorway and the vestibule. No one from the employees remembered seeing him leaving? How comes?
The reason for covering up Lee's whereabouts after 12.00noon was the necessity to place him to the sixth floor. Any testimony about Lee's whereabouts would lead to further questions and to a likely dismantling of the cover-up.
I will come to Mr. Frazier's credibility in one of my next posts. I am on travel at the moment and have no access to my notes and to original sources.

Jim D is over on the Education Forum supporting Stancak because Jim is a Murphy die-hard who show-cased Murphy on his CTKA site and is not going to back off it no matter what counter evidence he sees. CTKA does not admit it is wrong. What these pro-Murphy mainstream researchers are doing is the equivalent of Fetzer and Cinque winning with their Doorway Man theory and taking over the assassination internet with it, pushing everyone else out of the way - including banning.

What ROKC and Stancak are presently doing is retreating in to the safe haze of the Frazier intimidation one-size-fits-all excuse for Frazier not seeing Oswald standing right next to him. It's not that Frazier wasn't intimidated. I think he definitely was. In fact, that police intimidation at Frazier's father's hospital room probably accounts for why Frazier said nothing about Baker. The Murphy theory supporters are hypocrites because they are quick to use that intimidation to explain why Frazier allegedly didn't mention Oswald but then ignore how it would equally apply to Frazier's not mentioning Baker.

It's pathetic seeing DiEugenio shilling for this obvious hack Stancak who is only getting away with this level of disingenuous garbage analysis because he knows he has some giant egos and assassination research dominators going along with him who won't call him on it. What Jim is helping Stancak ignore is that we have proven on many levels that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton. For some reason Bill Miller is blind to our best technical evidence that proves Prayer Man is too short to be Oswald and also has a clear woman's face as seen in the Davidson enhancement. Gordon is forcing Miller to be the only spokesperson for our side exactly because his inability helps artificially preserve the Prayer Man theory by omission.

The JFK research community is supposed to be an ego-less, objective academic group that honors good science and evidence. Thanks to these dominators it has now lapsed in to the ultimate hypocrisy where it practices the same dirty political tricks of those it has spent decades criticizing. DiEugenio is now openly assisting ROKC avoid the fact Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton. And he's doing it with the censorship assistance of James Gordon that this site was formed in opposition to. What Stancak is doing here is trying to conflate Frazier being intimidated by the DPD into it equaling evidence of Prayer Man being Oswald. This has gone too far and anyone who practices a sound level of Deep Political analysis will see Stancak achieves that by ignoring the evidence that disproves it - as does Jim. Jim is violating the ROKC proxy edict Dawn imposed on this board. It doesn't matter who you are. If you're ignoring good evidence you are violation the Deep Politics Forum rules.

There has to be a small percentage of the community who realizes that the only reason Stancak is posting the 6th Floor interview is because of his psychological unconscious awareness that Frazier's witnessing confirms it is Sarah Stanton. This is supposed to be an intelligent academic community god-damn it. It's definitely not an honest one.

Bill Miller is weak opposition who doesn't point-out the murder Stancak is trying to get away with where he doesn't acknowledge that Frazier says right there it was "Sarah" who he was talking to at the time of the Darnell shot. One look at the Darnell shot shows Frazier is facing Prayer Man. Prayer Man is therefore Sarah Stanton. The dummy Stancak fails to compute that the reason Frazier never came forward to say he was talking to Oswald is because Oswald wasn't there and it was Sarah Stanton instead, as all the evidence shows. The one thing that all the evidence is pointing to is the one thing Stancak can't allow and he has a bully moderator to help him.

Any research community that is more into personal vindictiveness and persecution than fact is not credible. Who is the idiot who decided to give Bart Kamp an "Excellence In Research" award?
Bill Miller:

Quote:Prayer Man still looks too wide to me to be skinny Oswald.

Frazier said Sarah Stanton was heavy-set. Those are female wide hips Mr Miller is detecting.

(Starting to get it yet?)
Quote:Pauline Sanders said she stood on the east side of the steps, with Sarah Stanton standing right next to her.

Bart Kamp is ignoring Andrej Stancak's post on that same page that shows Frazier saying he was talking to Sarah when Calvery ran up. Kamp is an idiot. He ignores that the juncture we are referencing is the Darnell frame which is taken exactly at the time Calvery is seen running up. We know that Stanton can't be on the east side of the steps at that point because Frazier said he was talking to her. There's no doubt that Frazier is facing Prayer Man at this point. The only person that can be is Stanton. Kamp is too incompetent to detect the female features that make Prayer Man a woman. That woman would have to be Sarah Stanton as Frazier made more than clear. The research community is incompetent and has honored a group of hacks in ROKC.

Kamp will not post this on the Education Forum because he knows it refutes him. Another thing he hasn't answered is that the Darnell frame does show wide hips by itself that still show the wide hips of a woman. Of course I can't quickly dispatch Kamp and his idiotic entries on the Education Forum because he's protected by crooked Gordon who bans people who can out-argue his favored "Excellence In Research" buffoons.

It's a pitiful state the research community is in and the main boards have been hijacked by incompetents. Fools.

Kamp is an idiot. No one on the Education Forum asks him the obvious question where was Sarah when Frazier said he was talking to her? The obvious answer is right there where Frazier is seen facing talking to Prayer Man who is indeed Sarah Stanton as her wide hips, purse, and woman's hair show. The only reason we are still talking about this is because the Murphy advocates lack film analysis skill.

The only reason ROKC is calling the foyer the "vestibule" is because they are dishonestly trying to suggest previous references to the lunchroom vestibule meant 1st floor foyer. And the community lets them get away with it.
Beyond doubt is the fact that on 11/22/'63, the TSBD entrance portal had a small landing area on the top step, about 3 feet deep and about 11 feet wide, and the center handrail on the steps indicates where the center of the landing is. And sometimes, east-west and north-south are only perceptions that may or may not be correct. In any event, someone on the east side of the imaginary center line on an 11 feet wide landing cannot be very far away from someone on the west side of said imaginary center line. And, Ms SarahStanton testified/stated that she was on the landing when the shooting occurred, but could not see the westbound JFK limousine at that time.


Quote:lol [Image: default_wink.png] Me thinks he (Doyle) doth protest too much. [Image: default_wink.png]

The Education Forum isn't credible or competent. When someone who offers the better arguments is viciously banned they don't complain and then when that person is unable to defend themselves they mock him. Alistair Briggs doesn't notice that Stancak never answered my last post to him before I was banned without explanation by the coward James Gordon. No problem for these people who mock instead of acknowledging good evidence.

The problem here is the Education Forum members don't protest enough when Stancak and Kamp offer easily refuted garbage information. Kamp is desperately trying to limit the only reference to Sarah Stanton's location to Pauline Sanders quote putting her on the east side of the steps. However if you look at Sanders' statement it doesn't have any qualifying information associated with it. The reason Kamp trying to restrict all references to Stanton's location to Pauline Sanders' statement is because he is desperately trying to eliminate Stanton as a candidate for Prayer Man.

If you look at Frazier's 6th Floor Museum statement from 2013 it has much more qualifying information that allows us to judge Stanton's location. Just as I predicted, while Kamp is quoting me from this thread on the Education Forum, he ignored this information because he knew it refuted him so he dishonestly did not mention it because he is not honestly offering objective information to the public. Kamp is a weaseling fraud who is deliberately omitting information that disproves his Murphy thesis. There can be no doubt that the Pauline Sanders statement offers no orienting information as far as time and place. Frazier's 2013 statement, however, offers some very specific orienting detail that makes it the much more meaningful reference to Sarah Stanton's location. What do Alistair Briggs and Bart Kamp do? They totally ignore it while they ask people to take them seriously as Prayer Man analysts.

What Kamp is deliberately ignoring is the fact Frazier very clearly says that he was talking to "Sarah" when Calvery ran up shouting the president had been shot. Frazier said he did not hear what the running woman said so he asked Sarah and Sarah told him "I think she said the president has been shot". If you look at the Dunkel clip you can see the running woman is approaching the portal exactly at the time the infamous Darnell frame of Prayer Man was taken. In that frame you can see Frazier is facing Prayer Man as if talking. What Frazier's 2013 statement does is give very precise orientation to the exact time and place that he was talking to Sarah. There's zero doubt whatsoever that the precise time and place where Frazier was talking to Sarah was right when the Darnell frame was taken. I have mentioned this over and over and the mockers on the Education Forum have completely ignored it even though it is the irrefutable final proof on Prayer Man that proves it is Sarah Stanton beyond a doubt.

I don't know who this asshole Alistair Briggs is but while mocking me he ignores the entire intelligent argument I'm making while pretending to be a serious debater. These evidentiary scofflaws are protected by a miserable coward and crook who prevents what is the best argument and information on the subject from being posted on the Education Forum while having the balls to say he is moderating for quality of information. Gordon is obviously a crook who is strictly moderating for his favored Murphy posters and doesn't have the intellect to judge my offerings. Gordon is enforcing a lower standard and preventing a serious issue from finally being resolved, forcing the community to listen to the lesser offerings of persons ignoring the better proof.

Bart Kamp is a weaseling coward and offerer of deliberately false information. There's no doubt that of the two sources, Frazier's 2013 statement is the vastly superior as far as determining Sarah Stanton's location in the portal. Additionally, Larry Trotter showed that Stanton herself said she was in a location where she could not see the limousine. The eastern portal has a perspective where the limousine was fully visible. The west side of the portal where Prayer Man is standing could not see the limousine when Kennedy was shot. So Larry has offered a reinforcing statement from Stanton herself that, once again, Kamp and his Murphy mob deal with by ignoring. They also ignore that many members can see wide hips on Prayer Man - indicating a woman's hips. Frazier further said Sarah was heavy-set (meaning a person whose hips would be visibly wide). Kamp reacts to this by lying and saying Miller and I are the only two who can see this, and the others let Kamp get away with it. These people love bullshit unending conversation. They don't like final resolutions based on intelligent evidence.

This information should be on the Education Forum where it could challenge the pro-Murphy liars in a place where they would be forced to answer it. The only reason it isn't is because of a criminal fraud and intellectual coward named James Gordon who deliberately censors it because he is aware of its impact on his favored posters. The JFK Assassination research community are like Welsher gamblers who when the person they patronized, condescended to, and censored cleans their clocks with the real evidence, what the do is ignore his winning hand, have a corrupted sheriff falsely accuse him and then boot him out of the bar and keep playing as if nothing happened. If they pull dirty tricks to Welsh on a bet is OK with them as long as they all pretend not to notice. On Prayer Man the JFK Community are Welshers just as bad as the Warren Commission.

Watch them ignore this and honor Kamp's lie about Pauline Sanders putting Stanton on the east side of the portal. OK with them and they'll grab the winner's pot and keep playing.

Dang, Albert. It's more fun to read Mr. Barwell's posts. It always has been.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Quote:lol [Image: default_wink.png] Me thinks he (Doyle) doth protest too much. [Image: default_wink.png]

The Education Forum isn't credible or competent. When someone who offers the better arguments is viciously banned they don't complain and then when that person is unable to defend themselves they mock him. Alistair Briggs doesn't notice that Stancak never answered my last post to him before I was banned without explanation by the coward James Gordon. No problem for these people who mock instead of acknowledging good evidence.

The problem here is the Education Forum members don't protest enough when Stancak and Kamp offer easily refuted garbage information. Kamp is desperately trying to limit the only reference to Sarah Stanton's location to Pauline Sanders quote putting her on the east side of the steps. However if you look at Sanders' statement it doesn't have any qualifying information associated with it. The reason Kamp trying to restrict all references to Stanton's location to Pauline Sanders' statement is because he is desperately trying to eliminate Stanton as a candidate for Prayer Man.

If you look at Frazier's 6th Floor Museum statement from 2013 it has much more qualifying information that allows us to judge Stanton's location. Just as I predicted, while Kamp is quoting me from this thread on the Education Forum, he ignored this information because he knew it refuted him so he dishonestly did not mention it because he is not honestly offering objective information to the public. Kamp is a weaseling fraud who is deliberately omitting information that disproves his Murphy thesis. There can be no doubt that the Pauline Sanders statement offers no orienting information as far as time and place. Frazier's 2013 statement, however, offers some very specific orienting detail that makes it the much more meaningful reference to Sarah Stanton's location. What do Alistair Briggs and Bart Kamp do? They totally ignore it while they ask people to take them seriously as Prayer Man analysts.

What Kamp is deliberately ignoring is the fact Frazier very clearly says that he was talking to "Sarah" when Calvery ran up shouting the president had been shot. Frazier said he did not hear what the running woman said so he asked Sarah and Sarah told him "I think she said the president has been shot". If you look at the Dunkel clip you can see the running woman is approaching the portal exactly at the time the infamous Darnell frame of Prayer Man was taken. In that frame you can see Frazier is facing Prayer Man as if talking. What Frazier's 2013 statement does is give very precise orientation to the exact time and place that he was talking to Sarah. There's zero doubt whatsoever that the precise time and place where Frazier was talking to Sarah was right when the Darnell frame was taken. I have mentioned this over and over and the mockers on the Education Forum have completely ignored it even though it is the irrefutable final proof on Prayer Man that proves it is Sarah Stanton beyond a doubt.

I don't know who this asshole Alistair Briggs is but while mocking me he ignores the entire intelligent argument I'm making while pretending to be a serious debater. These evidentiary scofflaws are protected by a miserable coward and crook who prevents what is the best argument and information on the subject from being posted on the Education Forum while having the balls to say he is moderating for quality of information. Gordon is obviously a crook who is strictly moderating for his favored Murphy posters and doesn't have the intellect to judge my offerings. Gordon is enforcing a lower standard and preventing a serious issue from finally being resolved, forcing the community to listen to the lesser offerings of persons ignoring the better proof.

Bart Kamp is a weaseling coward and offerer of deliberately false information. There's no doubt that of the two sources, Frazier's 2013 statement is the vastly superior as far as determining Sarah Stanton's location in the portal. Additionally, Larry Trotter showed that Stanton herself said she was in a location where she could not see the limousine. The eastern portal has a perspective where the limousine was fully visible. The west side of the portal where Prayer Man is standing could not see the limousine when Kennedy was shot. So Larry has offered a reinforcing statement from Stanton herself that, once again, Kamp and his Murphy mob deal with by ignoring. They also ignore that many members can see wide hips on Prayer Man - indicating a woman's hips. Frazier further said Sarah was heavy-set (meaning a person whose hips would be visibly wide). Kamp reacts to this by lying and saying Miller and I are the only two who can see this, and the others let Kamp get away with it. These people love bullshit unending conversation. They don't like final resolutions based on intelligent evidence.

This information should be on the Education Forum where it could challenge the pro-Murphy liars in a place where they would be forced to answer it. The only reason it isn't is because of a criminal fraud and intellectual coward named James Gordon who deliberately censors it because he is aware of its impact on his favored posters. The JFK Assassination research community are like Welsher gamblers who when the person they patronized, condescended to, and censored cleans their clocks with the real evidence, what the do is ignore his winning hand, have a corrupted sheriff falsely accuse him and then boot him out of the bar and keep playing as if nothing happened. If they pull dirty tricks to Welsh on a bet is OK with them as long as they all pretend not to notice. On Prayer Man the JFK Community are Welshers just as bad as the Warren Commission.

Watch them ignore this and honor Kamp's lie about Pauline Sanders putting Stanton on the east side of the portal. OK with them and they'll grab the winner's pot and keep playing.


How vicious is it that you have always represented yourself on this forum to be your now deceased father,
Tom Scully Wrote:................
The problem is that the entity takes advantage. You post under your real name, as do I. The entity posts under his deceased father's name on this forum,
and, since earlier this month under his own name on the other forum.

Quote:Albert Regan Doyle - Sanibel-Captiva Islander
Feb 5, 2014 - Albert, the son of William and Gertrude Maye Doyle, attended...
... Special thanks to Albert's son Brian who provided care for him at home.

....yet on the Education Forum,before you were viciously banned, you presented yourself as Albert's deranged son?[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8554&stc=1]

This madness..... .... interminable posting here by the Doyles,
will continue as long as good people choose not to object to this forum plagued by Doyle acting out the impulses symptomatic of his disorder.
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964

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