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Wickliffe Draper funded the MissSovComm, Sen. James Eastland, American Mercury and the IAAEE
Within this single organization, IAAEE, you can find essentially the the entire hierarchy of the JFK Assassination Cabal in one nice neat package. From Jesse Helms and the H.L. Hunt family from the Council for National Policy and the Intl Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture, to the Order of Saint James, a racialist Knights Templar organization headquartered in Robert Gayre's Scotland, to Senator James O. Eastland who worked on the Draper Genetics Committee and sent Oswald on various incriminating missions including the Klein's Sporting Goods expose when Oswald bought his Manlicher-Carcano which he was allowed to keep, to K. Otto Reche who headed up Hitler's policy making on Racial Hygiene, to Willis Carto's and Mark Lane's Liberty Lobby and Right Magazine, including Clendenin J. Ryan's American Mercury, mentioned at the Winnipeg Airport Incident and his association with Eugenicist and Egyptologist, Dr. Carleton S. Coon and OSS programmed assassination operative Ulius L. Amoss who ran Robert Emmett Johnson, a confirmed JFK sniper, out of ISI in Baltimore, MD, to Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton who served with Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby on the Armed Services Committee of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta and helped his brother Douglas to hide Rudolph Hess from the authorities in Great Britain, to Roger Pearson and Ray S. (Manchurian Candidate) Cline both of whom served as heads of Draper's World Anti-Communist League, and including many others from the Radical Reich Wing Extremists in America and Internationally who plotted to murder JFK and then succeeded.

My work is done with IAAEE since I wrote almost this entire article published on Wikipedia. If you do not believe that this nexus of characters around Draper and IAAEE were responsible for the assassination of JFK, then there is nothing more that either myself or anyone else will ever be able to produce which will convince you otherwise. And that makes you at fault for being so fixed and intransigent in your ideas and in your ways.
The International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics (IAAEE) was a prominent group in the promotion of eugenics and segregation, and the first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. History

IAAEE was founded in 1959 and has headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Russ Bellant, it was later also incorporated in the United States through the personal agency of Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, a member of the British Cliveden Set which supported appeasement of Adolf Hitler prior to World War II. [1][2] Alger Hiss, in his autobiorgraphy, laid the brunt of the blame for his unjust persecution as an alleged Communist and traitor on the The Cliveden Set as well. Other historians, including Bruce Minton, give differing evidence. [3]
A. James Gregor was a founding director of the IAAEE which was, according to Gregor, established to restore "an intellectual climate in the U.S., and throughout the Western World, which would permit a free and open discussion of racial ... problems."[4] Gregor would later assert that his association with the organization was based on his concerns about congenital birth defects and the reproduction of the mentally retarded, as opposed to racial matters. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaires H. L. Hunt, Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt.
The IAAEE's main benefactor was Colonel Wickliffe Draper, a segregationist who opposed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to fund research that would provide scientific justification for segregation and revive the concept of racial hygiene which had been discredited as a result of the Nazis. In the 1970s Gregor was criticised for accepting grants from the Pioneer Fund which had been established by Draper to advance his views. IAAEE received $82,000 in grants from the Pioneer Fund between 1971 and 1996.
In the 1960s, Stanley Porteus served on the Executive Committee of the IAAEE.[5] Henry E. Garrett, professor emeritus of psychology from Columbia University, was president of the IAAEE and one of the editors of Mankind Quarterly. Other key figures included Robert E. Kuttner and Donald A. Swan. There is currently an active ongoing campaign to rename a student residence hall named after Stanley Porteus at the University of Hawaii because of his history as a racist and a fascist. Robert E. Kuttner's son, Robert B. Kuttner from Creighton University is a well known conservative, rightist, columnist and author still promulgating the philosophy of both his father and the IAAEE itself.
The five founders of IAAEE represent a cross-section of representatives from The International Fascista as described by Charles A. Willoughby (born Adolph Tscheppe-Weidenbach). Adolph Tscheppe-Weidenbach (a/k/a Willoughby) was identified by Dick Russell's unnamed informant as being the lynchpin behind the assassination of JFK with the alleged complete approval of General of the Armies Douglas A. MacArthur who was relieved of duty by Pres. Harry A. Truman in the early 1950's, in The Man Who Knew Too Much, Dick Russell - (Carroll, Graf 1994 & 2002)

  1. R. Ruggles Gates - England - (1882-1962)
  2. Nicholas Lahovary - Hungary - (1883-1963)
  3. Heinrich Quiring - Germany - (1885-1964)
  4. Charles C. Tansill - USA - (1890-1964)
  5. Corrado Gini - Italy - (1884-1965)
Professor Charles C. Tansill was formerly associated with American University in Washington, D.C. but was forced to leave in 1936-37 due to controversial pro-Nazi statements.40 He also was on boards or committees on each of these organizations or publications also according to Wes McCuen from Group Research: The John Birch Society, Mankind Quarterly, American Mercury, Citizens Foreign Aid Committee, Federation of Conservatives, Human Events Magazine (also partially funded by Wickliffe Draper), and the Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberty.
The Executive Committee of IAAEE consisted of the following representatives in the mid-1960's:
1) Professor Garret Daams, Kent State who Was actually present during the Kent State riots and murders during 1968 and was involved with writing extensive justifications for this horrible tragedy.
2) Professor Henry E. Garrett, Columbia University, Draper Committees, Pioneer Fund, White Citizens' Councils Professor Garrett used to brag to colleagues that he was related to the "Garrett's Farm" owner where John Wilkes Booth was discovered hiding after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
3) Professor Robert Gayre, University of Saugor, India the predecessor of Roger Pearson at The Institute for the Study of Man (ISM) and Mankind Quarterly. The close relationship between Gayre and Wickliffe Draper began when Draper was involved as a forward observer during World War II as a Colonel with Army Intelligence in India. Roger Pearson was later head of the World Anti-Communist League during its most pro-Fascist and violent periods of anti-Communist military activity in Latin America.
4) Professor Luigi Gedda, member of P-2 the secret fascist organization in Rome, Italy
5) Professor Wesley C. George, University of North Carolina, Pioneer Fund funding recipient and frequent contributor to White Citizens's Councils publications and "Right Magazine" published by Willis Carto and funded by Wickliffe Draper.
6) Professor William C. Hoy, University of South Carolina Pioneer Fund funding recipient who was a close friend of Senator J. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. Thurmond was not only the Presidential Candidate of Joseph Milteer's NSRP and the DixieCrat Party but was also surreptitiously referenced by Richard Condon his novel, The Manchurian Candidate as "Senator Thomas Jordan" which is almost a perfect anagram on a letter-for-letter basis for "J. Strom Thurmond" or "J. Strom Thormond" since Thor was the Greek God for War.
7) Professor Robert Kuttner, Creighton University on the Liberty Lobby Board of Policy and an Editor for The American Mercury. His son, Robert B. Kuttner is a nationally syndicated columnist whose right wing predilections are foisted on the unsuspecting public without any knowledge of his father's background.
8) Professor Frank C. J. McGurk, Alabama State recipient of funding from the Pioneer Fund
9) Professor Clarence P. Oliver, University of Texas who is the brother of Dr. Revilo P. Oliver who was a Warren Commission voluntary interviewee and on the board of the pro-fascist and racist Church of the Creator. One of their members went on a shooting spree near the Urbana, Illinois campus of the University of Illinois where Oliver had previousl worked killing or wounding several persons at random who were members of racial minority groups in the late 1990's. (N.Y. Times and the Chicago Tribune)
10) Professor Robert Osborne, University of Georgia, most likely related to Fairfield Osborne an incorporator of The Pioneer Fund who co-authored books with Nathaniel Weyl, a proto-Fascist eugenicist and a staunch believer in white supremacy causes who tried to frame Alger T. Hiss for alleged communist affiliations. Alger Hiss attributed his persecution to members of the British Cliveden Set run by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton whose brother was the host for Rudolph Hess when he parachuted into England on an isolationist mission in support of Hitler's war aims. Lord Douglas-Hamilton was also on the Armed Services Committee along with Charles Willoughby, of the racist and pro-Fascist Shickshinny Knights of Malta one of the many non-credentialed "mimic orders" patterned after the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. Joining them on this committee were Lt. Gen. Pedro a del Valle, who once invited an unrepentant Nazi to speak at the U.S. Naval Academy, Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, who ran the Vatican Rat Lines behind the back of Giovanni Battista Montini (Pope Paul VI) as his emissary, and Brigadier General Bonner Fellers who was not only mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon but was also implicated as the person who leaked the tank movement plans of British General Montgomery directly to Nazi General Rommell, making it appear as if he deserved the title of "The Desert Fox" when in fact James J. Angleton from the Rome based O.S.S. office fed him this inside information directly.
11) Professor K. Otto Reche, University of Vienna " anthropologist who later became a leading figure in planning for the 'removal' of 'inferior' populations in eastern Germany." [Stefan Kühl. The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994] Reche was a member of The German Society for Racial Hygiene and the Chairman of The Vienna Society for Racial Care. K. Otto Reche is the most direct linkage from IAAEE into Hitler's Master Race policies and The Nuremberg Laws. Draper himself created the controversial Supreme Court case called Buck vs. Bell (1924) heard by Oliver Wendell Holmes, which became the justification for his "involuntary sterilization" campaigns from 1924-1972 resulting in the sterilization of 75,000 individuals in dozens of states. See: "Against Their Will" a revealing series of articles by Kevin Begos in the Winston-Salem Times.
12) Helmut Reuning, NIPR, South Africa, supported apartheid policies of South African government
13) Professor Ernest van den Haag, New York University on the American Committee for Aid to the Katanga Freedom Fighters, The Charles Edison Dinner Committee (son of Thomas Alva Edison and a founder of William F. Buckley's YAF group), the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, a frequent contributor to William F. Buckley's National Review. van den Haag opposed the 1954 Supreme Court Desegregation decision on the basis that it was based on "inaccurate psychological conclusions."
14) Professor Armando Vivante, Bueno Aires, Argentina Not much is currently known about Vivante, but he was reported to have been involved with contacting and harboring escaped Nazi War Criminals in South America
15) Professor J. D. L. Hofmeyr, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Someone whose name appears often on the masthead of the racist reich in America and a rapid supporter of "apartheid policies."
16) Professor C. D. Darlington, Oxford University
The IAAEE, according to the 8-page organizational description printed by Wes McCuen of Group Research, Inc. in 1969, is also closely associated with both the "Noontide Press" of Willis A. Carto and the Eagle Forum of Major Gen. Edwin A. Walker, who was identified by Jack Ruby in his Warren Commission testimony as being directly behind the murder of John F. Kennedy.
"IAAEE members have written for two Noontide Press publications, Western Destiny and American Mercury, while the sole distributor for Mankind Quarterly (of Roger A. Pearson), semi-official organ for IAAEE, is Noontide."
The source of this statement was from Wes McCuen and Wilbur Baldinger from the Group Research Published Monograph (June, 1965). Group Research, located in Washington, D.C. was the main intelligence gathering arm of Victor and Walter Reuther of the United Auto Workers Union as part of their efforts to combat the anti-Union forces among American anti-Communists, the major industrialists from The National Association of Manufacturers and both Ford Motor Company and Sears Roebuck, plus the Draper Company which was partially owned by Wickliffe Draper and the other militant rightists with large employee bases.
The officers of IAAEE in 1969, included the following persons with affiliations to either The Pioneer Fund, the Liberty Lobby or related right wing extremeist organizations violently opposed to John F. Kennedy:
Robert E. Kuttner - Member Board of Policy Liberty Lobby, contributing editor American Mercury.
Donald A. Swan -Pioneer Fund grant recipient and Assistant Editor Mankind Quarterly Professor.
Professor Swan once had his house raided and the amount of Nazi memorabilia and paraphernalia that was discovered was astounding, according to one of the arresting officers.
Listed as an "Associate" of IAAEE by Wes McCuen of Group Watch, in Washington, D.C. is Attorney Sam Crutchfield, Jr. who was part of the nefarious and sinister Jesse Helms organization. He has provided legal advice to the Jesse Helms camp for years and was formerly chairman of the Virginia State Advisory Board of "Young Americans for Freedom" started by William F. Buckley, Jr., Marvin Liebman and Douglas Caddy in Connecticut. Funding for YAF came from multi-millionaires Charles Edison according to Douglas Caddy, the Georgetown roommate of Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr., and from Clendenin J. Ryan, Sr. as well according to John Bevilaqua on the Spartacus Education Forum who has been investigating the Kennedy assassination and Wickliffe P. Draper for almost 20 years.
Crutchfield was also the attorney of record for the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission during the period when Wickliffe P. Draper provided secretive funding to the MSC using his J. P. Morgan trust fund account as documented by recent Pulitzer Prize winning author, Doug Blackmon in a Wall Street Journal article published on June 11, 1999. Three of the four major funds transfers from Draper to the MSC occurred either right after the assassination of Medgar Evers, Jr., in Mississippi in June 1963, just before the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, in Mobile, Alabama, in September of 1963, killing several choir girls, or just before the murders of the Freedom Riders: Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman in Philadelphia, Mississippi in June of 1964. Draper was linked to the Medgar Evers, Jr. murder via Senator James Eastland, from Mississippi, who headed up the Draper Genetics Committee for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. Evers' killer was KKK and NSRP member, Byron DeLa Beckwith, who was visited often in jail after he was arrested for the murder of Medgar Evers, Jr. by Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker who had organized and led the riots at Ole Miss when James Meredith attempted to enroll there as the first Afro-American student. Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker was specifically named by Jack Ruby, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, in his Warren Commission testimony as being directly involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Byron DeLa Beckwith whose middle name was only one word and pronounced like "delay" and not like "day-lah" was also a close friend of Joseph A. Milteer a racist leader in both the KKK and The National States Rights Party (NSRP), who predicted the exact way that JFK would meet his ultimate demise a few weeks before the assassination actually occurred: "...from a tall building with a high-powered rifle." This statement was made by Milteer and secretly tape recorded by Willie Somersett, an informant for the City of Miami Police Intelligence Division. This intelligence gathering incident was arranged by Lt. Gracey Lockhart from that department while Somersett and Milteer were attending a Congress of Freedom convention in Indiana. The Congress of Freedom was started in the early 1950's by Willis A. Carto with financial support from Wickliffe P. Draper. Conventions of the COF featured rabble-rousing, hate filled and vitriolic anti-Kennedy speeches made by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver who was later referred to in the novel, The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon in 1959. Some of his bombastic, vindictive and hate filled tape recorded anti-Kennedy speeches can be heard at this white supremacist website:

The group published a series of monographs that were cited in many papers on race and intelligence.
In the controversial book The Bell Curve, authors Charles Murray and Richard J. Herrnstein recommend two books on race and intelligence by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite in support of the idea that IQ tests are not racially biased. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the IAAEE.[6]

  1. ^ Bellant, Russ (1991). Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party: Domestic fascist networks and their effect on U.S. cold war politics. South End Press, ISBN 978-0896084186
  2. ^ Staff report (April 03, 1939). Stop Hitler. Time
  3. ^ Minton, Bruce. Washington's Cliveden set. Reprinted from New masses, Feb. 24, 1942.
  4. ^ Tucker, William H. (2002). Our Source of Funds: The Campaign against Civil Rights. in The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund. University of Illinois Press, ISBN 0-252-02762-0
  5. ^ Stannard, David (December 12, 1997). Why Porteus Hall must be renamed. Honolulu Star Bulletin
  6. ^ Winston A. Science in the service of the far right: Henry E. Garrett, the IAAEE, and the Liberty Lobby - International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology - Experts in the Service of Social Reform: SPSSI, Psychology, and Society, 1936-1996. Journal of Social Issues, Spring, 1998.
Database of Council for National Policy Past/Present Officers & Prominent Members Index
A - G
Jack Abramhoff
Howard Ahmanson, Jr.
Thomas R. Anderson
Dr. John F.Ankerberg
Hon. Richard K. Armey
Thomas K. Armstrong
Sen. William L. Armstrong
John M. Ashbrook
Edward G. Atsinger III
Carole Baker
Theodore Baehr
William B. Ball
David Balsiger
Hon. Gary Bauer
John Beckett
Ray Berryman
Morton Blackwell
Thomas A. Bolan
Pat Boone
Richard Bott
Dr. James Bowers
Lynn Francis Bouchey
David W. Breese
Dr. William Rohl Bright
Floyd Brown
Sam Brunelli
Larry Burkett
John Commuta
Robert Cone
Peter Cook
Holland (Holly) Coors
Jeffrey Coors
Joseph Coors
Mary C. Crowley
Beverly Danielson
Sen. William Dannemeyer
Karen Davis
Cullen Davis
Arnaud deBorchgrave
Richard DeVos
Rich DeVos
Dick Dingham
Dr. James Dobson
John T. (Terry) Dolan
Arthur M. Dula
Ann Drexel
Pierre du Pont
John East
Thomas F. Ellis
Stuart Epperson
Dr. Jerry Falwell
Joseph F. Farah
Michael P. Farris
Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr
Father Charles Fiore
Foster Friess
Willard Garvey
Peter B. Gemma
George F. Gilder
Dr. Duane Gish
Ronald P. Godwin
Alan Gottlieb
Robbie Gowdey
J. Peter Grace
Lt. General Daniel O. Graham
Robert Grant
H - M
Anthony Harrigan
Preston Hawkins
Jesse Helms
Thomas Hess
Rev. E.V. Hill
Jimmy Hill
Joe Hilyard
Roland Hinz
Hon. Donald P. Hodel
Rev. Melvin Hodges
Robert Holding
George Holland
John Holt
Donald R. Howard, Ph.D.
Dr. John A. Howard
Max Hugel
Herbert William Hunt
Mary Reilly Hunt
Nelson Bunker Hunt
Reed Irvine
Hon. Ernest J. Istook, Jr.
Lorena Jaeb
Kay Cole James
Gary Jarmin
Louis (Woody) Jenkins
Terry J. Jeffers
Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson
Bob Jones III
James F. Justiss
Rep. Jack Kemp (R-NY)
Dr. D. James Kennedy
Alan Keyes
Brig. General Albion W. Knight
Dr. Robert H. Krieble
Beverly LaHaye
Dr. Timothy LaHaye
Reed Larson
Dr. Ernest Lefever
John Lenczowski
Earl Little
John Lofton
Ed Lozick
Marlin Maddoux
Marion (Mac) Magruder
Peter Marshall, Jr.
Connaught Marshner
James Mather
Pat Matrisciana
Donald S. McAlvany
Ed McAteer
Norm McClelland
James McClure
Jim McCotter
Larry P. McDonald
Hon. Edwin Meese III
Major F. Andy Messing, Jr.
Chuck Missler
Barbara Monteith
Dr. Stanley Monteith
Dr. Raymond Moore
Sam Moore
Dr. Henry M. Morris
N - Z
Don Nickles
David A. Noebel
Grover Norquist
Dr. Gary North
Lt. Col. Oliver North
Dr. Paige Patterson
Robert J. Perry
Howard Phillips
William M. Polk
Lawrence D. "Larry" Pratt
Judge Paul Pressler
Jim Price
Ed Prince
Elsa Prince
Dr. Charles E. Rice
H.L. "Bill" Richardson
Rich Riddle
Dr. "M.G." Pat Robertson
James Robinson
Kathleen Teague Rothschild
Howard J. Ruff
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony
William Rusher
Phyllis Schlafly
Lynda Scribante
Ron Seeley
Jay Sekulow
Hans Sennholz
Beurt SerVaas
Frank Shakespeare
Richard Shoff
Major General John K. Singlaub
Dr. W. Cleon Skousen
Mark Skousen
Baker Armstrong Smith
Dr. Lowell Smith
Jim R. Smith
Gerry Snyder
LaNeil Spivy
Scott Stanley, Jr.
Robert Waring Stoddard
John A. Stormer
Lt. General Gordon Sumner
Gaylord K. Swim
John H. Sununu
Dr. Lewis Tambs
The Hon. Helen Marie Taylor
Stacy Taylor
Dr. Edward Teller
Herbert Titus
Sherman E. Unkefer
Mike Valerio
Guy Vander Jagt
Richard Viguerie
Christine de Vollmer
Craig Welch
Paul Weyrich
James Whelan
John W. Whitehead
Rev. Donald Wildmon
Dr. John Wilke
Wonder if Susan Klopfer, or her husband are related to Dr. H. Warner Klopfer, who appeared in Oswald's address book? Would that not be somewhat revealing?

Susan Orr-Klopfer Author of: The Emmett Till Book; Where Rebels Roost, Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited. My husband, Fred, and I lived in the Mississippi Delta for two fascinating years on the grounds of Parchman Penitentiary where he was a psychologist while I roamed the Delta.

Sure sounds like her husband is a H. Warner Klopfer acorn. A psychologist just like dear old dad.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Susan Klopfer, Civil Rights History Author & Speaker

Articles About Susan Klopfer's Work

"Author Revisits Mississippi Delta Civil Rights Cases"

Susan Klopfer's Mississippi
* * * * *

I moved to the Mississippi Delta in 2003 just as the Till murder was being re-examined by the FBI and found myself living in the epicenter of the Land of Emmett Till. It was a good time to roam the Delta and learn its history from the people who still live there and have stories to tell.

[Image: 092209SK043.jpg]

M. Susan Orr-Klopfer
404 North Main Street
Mount Pleasant, IA 52641
505-728-7924 ©
BLOG: Who Killed Emmett Till?

Speaking Topics
Who Killed Emmett Till? Why Do We Care?
FBI Cold Cases: Who and Why?
There's a Book in You
Retire and Write Books For Money

"Susan Klopfer, the leading authority on the history of the Mississippi civil rights movement ... Thank God for enterprising historians like Susan Klopfer who have the courage to state the obvious."

"The Iowa historian’s master work, Where Rebel’s Roost: Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited, demonstrates how opposition to the Massive Resistance movement in Mississippi during the 1950s and 60s led inevitably to harassment and, in most cases, financial ruin." Alan Bean, Ph.D., Friends of Justice

"An amazing achievement. By far the most comprehensive guide to Mississippi's unsolved civil rights murders." Tom Head, Mississippi activist and Guide to Civil Liberties

" ... an absorbing and substantial work that speaks in many provocative ways ..." Lois Brown, director of the Weissman Center for Leadership and Liberal Arts, Mount Holyoke College

"Susan Klopfer is determined to tell the truth about Mississippi and about America ... Klopfer follows the money, showing how the lines of culpability lead into the offices of New York industrialist Wycliffe Draper, whose Pioneer Fund fueled Mississippi's fight against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and provided millions of dollars for the private academies, established to keep white children out of integrated schools after Brown v. Board of Ed. (More recently, the Pioneer Fund financed the research for the controversial book, The Bell Curve, a best selling, racist tract published in 1994.)" Ben Greenberg, poet, essayist and activist and author of the blog Hungry Blues

"You won't be ready to stop reading until you finish and then I read it several more times. It's a part of history that I lived through and the story just hasn't been told like this before. Her interviews and descriptions made me feel like I was there both during and after. I have a feeling I'm still not ready to put this book down." Elizabeth L. Smith, Newbet's Choice

"Susan Klopfer has conducted in-depth personal research for her civil rights writings. She has walked the land where these atrocities occurred and still occur. Susan has experienced the pain and secrecy felt in these stories as she conducted first hand interviews with relatives of victims. All well worth reading, Susan Klopfer tells it like it is, and like it was." Pat Fua, librarian, White Pine High School

* * *

Articles About Susan Klopfer's Work

"Author Revisits Mississippi Delta Civil Rights Cases"

Susan Klopfer's Mississippi

Education _Indiana Wesleyan University, Masters Business Administration; Hanover College, BA Communication; Certified Professional Manager, The Institute of Certified Professional Managers, James Madison University, No. 03283

* * * * *
New Book Announcement

Release of the first audio book of the Emmett Till story − Who Killed Emmett Till? − is set for January 15, in time for February’s Black History month.

The story of Till, a 14-year-old Chicago boy killed in the Mississippi Delta in the summer of 1955, has resurfaced as the FBI continues to focus on this and other cold cases from the modern civil rights movement.

“Emmett Till’s lynching sparked the modern civil rights movement. There are many people who still do not know this important story and this audio book will help fill the gap,” Susan Klopfer, the book’s author, said.

While visiting the home of his uncle, in the small cotton town of Money, Emmett Till, his cousin, and several other black youth went into the town’s general store. What actually happened is still disputed, Klopfer says, but according to several versions, Till was dared by one of the other boys to flirt with white store owner’s wife, 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant.

“Some accounts state he whistled at her while others say he grabbed her hand and said ‘Bye, baby,’ as he left.”

At about 12:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 28, Till was kidnapped from his uncle’s home and taken to a weathered shed on a plantation in neighboring Sunflower County, where he was beaten and shot. A 70-pound cotton gin fan was tied to his neck with barbed wire to weigh down the body, which was dropped into the river near Glendora, another small cotton town north of Money.

Till’s corpse, surfacing three days later, was returned to Chicago where his mother decided it should be publicly displayed to show the world the brutality of the killing.

An estimated 100,000 people viewed the open casket, bringing worldwide attention to racism in the United States. Till was buried Sept. 6 in Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois.

Less than three weeks later, on Sept. 23, the men accused of killing Emmett Till − J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant − were found innocent by an all white jury, after 67 minutes of deliberation.

Twelve weeks after the acquittal of the two men, who later confessed to the murder in a national magazine, Rosa Parks decided to sit at the front of a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

“She was not the first activist to make this move. There had been other attempts. But Parks had been planning her personal protest, and along with the NAACP knew the right time had arrived,” Klopfer said.

There had been two recent murders of black citizens, shortly before Till’s visit to the Delta. Rev. George Lee and Lamar Smith were shot to death, their murders instigated by anger over increased voter registration activities and by the United States Supreme Court’s 1954 landmark decision, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.

Brown I declared racial discrimination in public education unconstitutional and a second decision, Brown II, ordered one year later that desegregation occur "with all deliberate speed."

“The Delta already was an unsafe place for any black person, considering the heightened tension. It was particularly unsafe for anyone violating Jim Crow standards for acceptable behavior in the segregated south. Emmett Till was a young man who had never experienced living in such hostility. He was known to be a prankster and had no idea that his action of harassing a white woman would end his life.”

No mass movement starts all of a sudden. “Before the Civil War began and well into the 1940s and early 50s, many years before the modern civil rights movement made the pages of the white press and then television, there were brave souls trying to right wrongs. Some worked in the North and others tried their best from inside “the belly of the beast” −Mississippi.”

Who Killed Emmett Till? covers this entire time period and comes from a unique perspective. “My husband and I moved to the Mississippi Delta in 2003 and one year later, the Till cold case was opened. Because Fred was a prison psychologist, we lived on the grounds of Parchman Penitentiary, a notorious place with a fascinating history.

“I quickly learned we were living near the location outside of Drew where Till was killed, and close to Sumner, where the trial took place. I interviewed the mortuary assistant who worked all night back in 1955 to prepare Emmett Till’s body as best he could for Emmett’s mother, before he put it on the train to be shipped back to Chicago. While meeting several such eyewitnesses to history and discovering new information about this cold case and others, I knew it was time to write this book.”

Hedquist Productions, a Libertyville, Iowa group, recorded and produced the 6-CD set. “I’m really delighted at the quality of their work. The audio book was read by Jeffrey Hedquist, a well-known voice talent whose work is associated with projects by St. Martin’s Press, Chicken Soup For the Soul and many other well known organizations,” Klopfer said.

“Hedquist has won over 700 awards, including most of the big awards – from Clio, IBA, ADDY, Hatch, New York International, Sunny, Silver Microphone, Mobius, RAC, London International, ANDY, EFFIE, The One Show, and hundreds of regional awards,” Klopfer said.

Who Killed Emmett Till? − featuring the regional music of delta blues musicians − is set for distribution in major online bookstores and in selected regional, independent bookstores.
Posted by Susan at 8:30 AM [Image: icon18_email.gif]
Labels: blogger, civil rights, civil rights speaker, Emmett Till, speaker, Susan Klopfer, writer

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:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
I am looking into this further. Linking Guy Banister through Robert Morris to James O. Eastland and the Miss Sov Comm files, just might be some big time late breaking news. Banister headed up the Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean and his own detective agency in New Orleans from the same building where both United Fruit was headquartered and where Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers ran his "For America" publishing operations. Maurice B. Gatlin and Guy Banister incorporated the ACL using the address of the United Fruit building. Both Robert Morris, James Eastland and Bonner Fellers were discussed in the novel by Richard Condon, The Manchurian Candidate, written in 1958-59 and have long been at the top of the list in Condon's so called Dirty Dozen (my naming convention)

Many people seem to forget that Edwin A. Walker was named directly by Jack Ruby in his Warren Commission testimony as being one of the Dallas leaders of the plot to kill JFK. They also might not know that Walker visited Byron De La Beckwith quite often in prision after he killed Medgar Evers, Jr. Or that Walker led the Ole Miss Riots in Oxford, Mississippi probably at the behest of good old boy, Senator James O. Eastland. Walker is SO IMPORTANT to the case, you just can not imagine how important. He also started the rumor that it was Oswald who tried to shoot him in order to make him out to be a frequent assassin. Walker, Walker, Walker. Morris, Morris, Morris. Willoughby, Willoughby, Willoughby. All probably run and controlled by Draper and Eastland. Sorry to tell you, but none of these guys were in the CIA, either. Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society. Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society. Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society. Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society. Repeat after me:

Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society.
Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society.
Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society.
Army Intel, ONI and the John Birch Society.

And all of them were pegged and fingered by Richard Condon.

Note: The name should have been Robert Morris and not Robert Morrison regarding the meeting among Guy Bannister, Robert Morris and James Eastland in the 1950's.

And who the heck is that John McLoughlin person referenced herein? (LOL) And why did she change the name from Robert Morris into Robert Morrison anyway? Did she think that I GOT IT WRONG SOMEHOW?

Trying to get the full newspaper article now about this Banister, Morris and Eastland meeting about 1956.

45 Years Ago JFK Assassinated; Were There Mississippi Roots?

[Image: doddsvilledscn3100-2.jpg]
Few structures remain in Doddsville, Miss., plantation home of Sen. James O. Eastland.

On Friday November 22, 1963, news bulletins hit the airwaves as rifle shots interrupted President John F. Kennedy's Dallas motorcade. The resulting three-day news marathon concluded only after the young president was buried.

Reporters moved on to the investigative phase of JFK's assassination but finally left the topic for fresh news. Yet conspiracy theorists and others have kept the debate alive over what happened forty-two years ago, who was involved, and why.

Interestingly, there are numerous asides to Mississippi's civil rights story but perhaps none quite so compelling (and less known) as this: Seven years before JFK was assassinated, the magnolia state's Sen. James O. Eastland met for the first time with Guy Banister, a controversial CIA operative and retired FBI agent in charge of the Chicago bureau.

Banister -- remember him as the man who "pistol-whipped" David Ferrie in Oliver Stone's film "JFK" -- was later linked to Lee Harvey Oswald and Mississippi's senator through Eastland's Senate Internal Security Subcommittee or SISS (sometimes called "SISSY").

The New Orleans Times-Picayune on March 23, 1956, reported that Robert Morrison (sic) should be Robert Morris not Morrison, a former chief counsel for Sen. Joseph McCarthy's House Unamerican Activities Committee or HUAC, and Banister traveled to Greenwood, Mississippi, to confer personally with Senator Eastland for more than three hours. Describing the conference as "completely satisfactory," Morrison told the reporter that "Mr. Banister has complete liaison with the committee's staff which was the main object of our trip."

Apparently cozying up to Eastland and "SISSY" was Banister's goal. And it worked.

Known as a notorious political extremist who was later described as the impetus for James Garrison’s 1967-1970 Kennedy assassination probe, Banister earlier became a brief focus of Mississippi's secret spy agency, the Sovereignty Commission, when it was suggested Banister should be hired to set up an "even tighter" domestic spying system throughout the state.

A second Eastland operative, private investigator John D. Sullivan of Vicksburg, made this suggestion to the commission just months after the JFK assasination, according to released Sovereignty Commission records.

Former FBI agent Sullivan had worked under Banister (both inside the FBI and privately) and as a private self-employed investigator who often did work for hire for the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission; the private white Citizens Councils, of which he was an active member; and for SISS, as had Banister and Lee Harvey Oswald.

When Sullivan reportedly committed suicide following the assassination, Sovereignty Commission investigators tried to acquire his library and files, but most of his confidential files were either reportedly burned by his widow or they had been lent out, and she "could not remember" who had them, Sovereignty Commission files disclose.

Then some twenty-nine years later, in testimony before the Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board during a Dallas hearing on November 18, 1994, the late Senator Eastland was directly implicated in the president’s assassination by one of the author/theorists invited to testify.

“Lee Harvey Oswald was quite possibly an agent of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and he was doing the bidding of [Sen. Thomas J.] Dodd and Eastland and Morrison,” author John McLaughlin swore.

Documentation that could support or even discredit such assertions could perhaps be present in the Eastland archives at the University of Mississippi, but no objective scholar has been allowed to search these archives since the day they arrived on campus. Instead, Eastland's records were managed for years by a former associate and devoté who followed the papers from Washington, D.C. to Oxford.

Finally in 2005, after an unsuccessful Freedom of Information Act or FOIA request by this author, a historian was hired to organize the archives based in the James O. Eastland School of Law at Ole Miss. But there would still be a waiting period before any of the files could be viewed, according to the school's dean.

The plan was to release first all press releases, according to the historian who also confirmed that"many important files" were probably missing -- that the files looked “cleaned out.”

(The Dean of the law school, when presented a FOIA for access to Eastland archives, asked while laughing if he could “just show the rejection letter written to the last person who asked for this information." Later it came back to this author that “people at Ole Miss were really angry” over the FOIA request.)


[1] “Banister, FBI Chief Since February, to Leave Post Nov. 30,” Chicago Daily Tribune, Nov 19, 1954, Part 2, Page 12.

[2] Citation for this newspaper article (“NOTP, March 23, 1956, p. 1”) comes from the online Jerry P. Shinley Archive “Re: Jim Garrison and the SCEF Raids.”

[3] William Davy, “Let Justice Be Done,” (Jordan Publication, May 12, 1999), 1. On the weekend of the assassination, Banister pistol-whipped his employee Jack Martin, after Martin accused him of killing Kennedy. Martin eventually spoke to authorities.

[4] Sovereignty Commission documents SCR ID # 7-0-8-89-1-1-1 and SCR ID # 2-56-1-20-1-1-1.

[5] Sovereignty Commission documents SCR ID # 99-36-0-2-1-1-1 SCR ID # 1-16-1-21-1-1-1, SCR ID # 1-26-0-5-2-1-1, SCR ID # 2-2-0-19-1-1-1, SCR ID # 1-24-0-11-1-1-1

[6] After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, A. J. Weberman, a “Dylanologist,” “garbologist” and Kennedy conspiracist wrote that he received this communication from Sullivan's grandson, Jeremy Sullivan: "I was told that he commited suicide but my dad didn't think so. He told me there was an investigation and the FBI was involved. They deemed it suicide. The story I heard had changed depending on who told it, I believe that they had been out fishing all day and John Daniel had been drinking. After they got home, he was alone in his room and there was a gunshot and he was found dead." Also, Weberman stated that Jim Garrison had an undisclosed case against Sullivan in 1961. Per a “Memo for the Director” by Betsy Palmer on April 19, 1978, regarding the “HSCA.” From A.J. ajweberman and Michael Canfield, “Coup D'Etat in America, The CIA and the Assassination of John Kennedy,” (New York City, The Third Press, 1975) Nodule II.

[7] Online minutes of testimony before the Assassination Records Review Board, November 18, 1994. Dallas, Texas. Testimony of John McLaughlin aka John Bevilaqua, Harvard University graduate and systems analyst, also a Kennedy assassination theorist. McLaughlin was testifying why he needed to see documents from HUAC and SISS. He had also requested military records of Wycliff P. Draper, head of the Draper Committees and Pioneer Fund. Mississippi had been the benefactor of Draper money in its fight against the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and in funding of private white academies per Sovereignty Commission reports.

[8] Eastland’s name has also been associated with the murder of civil rights leaders Medgar Evers, Dr. Martin Luther King, U. S. Senator Robert Kennedy and with the mass murder at a U. S. Army base located in Mississippi of potentially 1,000 black soldiers during World War II.

[9] The former Eastland aid has since retired.
Posted by Susan at 8:53 AM [Image: icon18_email.gif] [Image: icon18_edit_allbkg.gif]
Labels: Banister, Bannister, Eastland, JFK, Mississippi

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From the Jerry Shinley Archives.... Re: Garrison and the
SCEF Raids...

Subject: Re: Jim Garrison and the SCEF Raids
Date: Fri, Dec 4, 1998 15:48 EST
Message-id: <749hro$qua$> In article <>, (Dreitzes) wrote:
> Take care,
> Dave
Thanks for the kind words. Here is some additional info about the SCEF.
New Orleans Times-Picayune January 31, 1964 S1-P7
Two Attorneys' Blast Charges
Act Unconstitutional, Say Smith, Waltzer
[Benjamin Smith's statement on Jim Garrison's indictments:]
These are simply indictments, or accusations, of course - not convictions. But they are particularly sinister accusations since they constitute a deliberate attempt to destroy the reutations of two civil rights attorneys and civil rights organizations. [SCEF and the National Lawyer's Guild]
Neither my partner nor I nor SCEF is, or has ever been subversive, and I cannot believe that our community will swallow so phony an effort to link integration with communism.
The statute under which we have been indicted is obviously unconstitutional. We are preparing to attack it -- in fact, it is already being appealed to the United States Supreme Court.
When it is finally found unconstitutional, the state's entire case will collapse. And the state knows it - thus these hasty and premature indictments. I am ashamed for our entire state that such things can happen here.
[Bruce Waltzer's statement:]
I think that this indictment is going to shock the entire legal community of our country.
But perhaps it is good that Louisiana's irresponsible and unconstitutional so-called "subversion law" will now have to endure the scrutiny of our nation and its courts.
I am confident that this assault on a perfectly respectable bar association [National Lawyer's Guild] will be struck down by the courts.
The Martin Luther King, Jr., FBI File
edited by David J. Garrow
Univerity Publications of America, Frederick MD, c1984-c1987.
Reel 3, Frame 400
Memorandum dated 5/26/64, file 100-106610
F. J. Baumgardner to W. C. Sullivan
[A 5/18/64 article in the Jackson, Mississippi Daily News reproduced a check from the SCEF made out to Martin Luther King. Baumgardner stated the th 11/19/63 report of the Lousiana Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities was the probable source of this information. He goes on to say ...]
The above mentioned report sets forth the results of the hearings of the State of Louisiana Committee and for the most part is unspecific as to dates of Communist Party membership on the part of the SCEF director, also contains many conclusions, inferences and hearsay evidence which nevertheless lead to specific factual conclusions by the Committee. These hearings resulted in [sic] a raid on the SCEF on 10/4/63 by Louisiana State Police and New Orleans Police. As a result of the raids, leaders of the SCEF were arrested for violation of the Louisiana Subversive Activties and Communist Control Law, the constitutionality of which is being tested in the courts. We have stayed out of this entire matter in view of the considerable legal and political implications involved.

The SCEF is currently under investigation as a Communist Party front group...
Congressional Record - Senate Feb 3, 1965 pp 1943-53
Statement by Senator James Eastland
Communist Forces Behind the Negro Revolution in this Country
[Senator Eastland was worked up over the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. So he was attacking its supporters. Here is what he said about Benjamin Smith, of SCEF raid fame.]
Along with [Arthur] Kinoy and [William] Kunstler, Benjamin E. Smith as named as one of the three who guide the legal affairs of the Freedom Party. Whether or not because of his position as legal counsel, this Benjamin Smith is indeed a very strong supporter of the Mississippi Freedom Party and its objectives. He was at one time, and may still be, one of two men in charge of the activities of a special task force sent into Mississippi by the National Lawyers Guild to aid in registration of Negroes to vote.
Benjamin E. Smith is a member of the firm of Smith & Waltzer in New Orleans, La.
Smith is a member of the National Lawyers Guild and has served on its executive board. He is a politically minded man, and was active in left-wing politics before he could vote. In 1948, at the age of 21, he was named a presidential elector on the Henry Wallace ticket.
Benjamin Smith had an early association - more than 10 years ago with Hunter Pitts O'Dell, then a Communist Party District organizer, who subsequently, and much more recently, became an assistant to Martin Luther King.
In October 1954, Benjamin E. Smith was one of 175 signers of a letter to President Eisenhower urging him to grant amnesty to "political prisoners convicted under the Smith Act."
In 1956, in sworn testimony before the Internal Security Subcommittee at a hearing in New Orleans, La., Smith denied that he had ever been a member of the Communist Party.
[Smith was serving as an attorney for a witness at the hearings.]
In Sping of 1958, Benjamin E. Smith was appointed assistant district attorney of the parish of New Orleans [sic]. This came about in an interesting way. The newly elected district attorney was one Richard A. Dowling, who had been identified in the July 1938 issue of _Equal Justice_ as an attorney for the Internation Labor Defense in New Orleans, who had been a member of the National Committee of the International Juridical Association in 1942, and who was listed in 1938 as a member of the Lawyers' Committee on American Relations with Spain. District Attorney Dowling appointed one J. David McNeil as his executive assistant. Mr McNeil had been a member of the International Labor Defense and had been identified with the National Lawyers' Guild and with the Southern Conference for Human Welfare. At the same time that he appointed McNeil as his executive assistant, Dowling named Benjamin E. Smith as assistant District Attorney.
Benjamin E. Smith went to Cuba near the end of December, 1960, and stayed about 2 weeks, reportedly as a guest of the Mational Lawyers' College of Cuba, to attend events commemorating the second anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Smith reportedly has claimed that Fidel Castro has done a great deal to help the Cuban people and that the American press has given a distorted picture of the Castro Regime.
[Who "reported" this to Eastland? Guy Banister?]
In October of 1961 or prior thereto, Smith was employed by the Republic of Cuba; and in 1964 both Benjamin E. Smith and his partner, Bruce C. Waltzer, were registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act as agents of the Republic of Cuba.
Smith was elected a vice president of the National Lawyers Guild at its national convention in Detroit, Mich., in February of last year [1964].
[End of Eastland's rant.]
Since Eastland mentioned O'Dell and the 1956 N. O. SISS hearings, I might as well throw in the following:
Warren Commission Document 794 deals with certain statements made by a "citizen of American origin who is presently a member of the Communist Party [CP]." This person expressed concern about "press references to [Lee Harvey] OSWALD's activities in New Orleans, Louisiana, before he went to Russia" which would link Oswald to the Communist Party. The FBI's investigation focused on the brief time Oswald was in New Orleans in September of 1959, before sailing for Europe. However, I suspect it would have been more logical to examine the time between January, 1954, and July, 1956, when the teenaged Oswald and his mother lived in New Orleans. (Warren Commission Report, GPO Edition, pp 679-681)
One New Orleans acquaintance of Oswald's, Palmer McBride, reported that "Oswald praised Khrushchev and suggested that he and McBride join the Communist Party 'to take advantage of their social functions.'" (WCR, p. 384) Viewed out of context, Oswald's interest in joining the CP may seem a juvenile fantasy, but, in the light of the intense public interest in Communist activity in New Orleans during the early part of 1956, Oswald's desire to contact the CP could have been realized through a number of avenues.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune (NOTP) for January 11, 1956, featured a front-page story from Baton Rouge reporting that Baton Rouge District Attorney J. St. Clair Favrot and the FBI were "checking on Communist literature mailed here [Baton Rouge] attacking segregation in the South." The article included the address of the Southern Regional Committee of the Communist Party, "P. O. Box 464, St. Louis, Mo." A similar mailing in March, a leaflet urging support for the Montgomery bus boycott and signed by the Louisiana Communist party, was also reported. (NOTP, March 28, 1956, p. 2)
The next incident to draw attention to alleged Communist activities in New Orleans occurred in March of 1956. The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), chaired by Mississippi Senator James Eastland, questioned Herman Liveright, the program director of New Orleans television station, WDSU, in Washington, D. C. Liveright, without invoking the fifth amendment, refused to answer a number of question dealing with his alleged involvement with the CP in New York and New Orleans. (NOTP, March 20, 1956, p. 1) WDSU promptly fired Liveright. (NOTP, March 21, 1956, p. 1)
The Liveright incident spurred New Orleans Mayor deLesseps Story "Chep" Morrison to order a probe of "subversive activities in New Orleans." Morrsion stated that he had contacted SISS chairman Eastland and asked for any information the subcommittee had. Morrison selected Assistant Police Superintendent Guy Banister to head the investigation. (NOTP, March 21, 1956, p. 1) Banister later was a figure of interest in the Garrison probe and has been alleged to have been personally acquainted with Oswald.
Morrison and Banister traveled to Greenwood, Mississippi, to confer personally with Senator Eastland for more than three hours. "Describing the conference as completely 'satisfactory,' Morrsion said, 'Mr. Banister has complete liason with the committee's staff which was the main object of our trip.'" (NOTP, March 23, 1956, p. 1) Less than a week later, plans to hold SISS hearings in New Orleans were announced. (NOTP, March 28, 1956, p. 1) The subcommittee issued subpenas for ten witnesses. Efforts to locate one witness, Hunter Pitts O'Dell, resulted in the seizure of books and documents from a rented room which O'Dell had vacated. Banister termed the library "the finest collection of Communist literature in the South that I have ever seen or heard of." (NOTP, March 23, 1956, p. 1; March 31, 1956, p. 1) Hunter Pitts O'Dell is a figure of some importance because of his later association with Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. O'Dell's alleged Communist ties were used to discredit Dr. King. (Garrow, David J. The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr. New York: Penguin Books, 1981) Interestingly, Louisiana political boss and notorious segregationist Leander Perez publicly linked King and O'Dell in March of 1960. (NOTP, March 12, 1960, section 3, p. 2) -
The SISS held public hearings on April 5 and 6. The NOTP devoted extensive space to coverage of the hearings, including detailed summaries of the testimony of each of the witnessess. (NOTP, April 6, 1956; April 7, 1956). At follow-up hearings in Washington, three additional witnesses, including O'Dell were heard. (NOTP, April 12, 1956, p.1; April 13, 1956, p. 1) The Orleans Parish District Attorney's office announced it was considering prosecuting O'Dell and other SISS witnesses under Louisiana anti-subversion laws. Charges were finally filed in 1957. (NOTP, May 9, 1956, p. 1; March 26, 1957, p. 1; April 4, 1957, p. 8)
Jerry Shinley
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Richard Condon may have been the first person to accuse the Angleton's of being Fascist sympathizers, but he was certainly not the last. The father of James J. Angleton, Hugh B. Angleton, was described by Jim's biographer as being extremely sympathetic to the aims and goals of the ultra-fascist Mussolini while Hugh ran the NCR franchise in Italy just before World War II. Now Richard Condon may be implying that Hugh was much more than a Fascist sympathizer, in fact that he may have been an officer in the feared Death's Head Brigade known as the Waffen SS, and that he may have laid his share of "Crossed Birch branches" across the graves of fallen comrades-in-arms, which was the tradition among the Waffen SS. Condon made other similar references to Nazis in wolves or sheeps clothing as follows:
"Johnny said he doesn't speak German but he knows it when he hears it because they speak a lot of it in his home state. There this Eskimo began to take off his furs in that way a man takes off his coat when he wants to start a fight, yelling all the time in German... when Johnny sees that this man is wearing a German officer's uniform under the skins. As this was the first time Johnny had ever believed that there was any enemy, he said he was absolutely flabbergasted."26

And lest you think that this Willoughby, Draper, Angleton nexus was just an alliance of rather recent
vintage, you better think again my friends. Charles A. Willoughby, Hugh J. Angleton (Angleton's father), William F. Buckley, Sr. (William F. Buckley, Jr.'s father) and George Otis Draper, Wickliffe's uncle go back together to 1917, when they all rode together under General John J. Pershing into Mexico chasing after Pancho Villa himself, after his raid into Columbus, New Mexico. Guess these guys enjoyed riding into an underdeveloped country and taking pot shots at the locals even then. They must have thought that it was a form of "selective population control via Yankee imperialism" at that time, too.

Since Major George Racey Jordan is a relatively new entity who has been introduced as a possible Willoughby clone, it seem appropriate that at least one other corroborating reference be found in The Manchurian Candidate to cement Jordan and Fellers as well as the Wedemeyer, Stratemeyer and Cline nexus with this cast of characters.

Condon refers to a group headed by "Fightin Frank" Bollinger (Bonner Fellers) involving John Yerkes Iselin (Ray S. Cline) called "Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Tomorrow". It was an obvious reference to the real group called "Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice" (abbreviated: TMA) which was a McCarthyite support organization. The national chairman was Lieutenant General George E. Stratemeyer, who was also one of the national directors of "For America", the Bonner Fellers directed organization. Stratemeyer on the Board of Policy of The Liberty Lobby.

Consider this quote from Cross-Currents:

"Which is why the anxious efforts of Rear Admiral John G. Crommelin (soon to be the Presidential Candidate of the NSRP that Joseph A. Milteer was involved with in 1963) and Major George Racey Jordan to turn TMA's mass following into a permanent national body are failing."27

"The big Madison Square Garden rally, held by TMA on November 29 (1955) was an obvious fizzle. Gerald L. K. Smith, Joseph P. Kamp (another notorious anti-Semite), and a generous representation of other 'pros' were sprinkled around the vast auditorium."28

Others associated with the real TMA included General Pedro A. del Valle of Shickshinny Knights of Malta fame, General George Van Horn Moseley the "man on the white horse" who was chosen as champion of the 1942 Smith-Vonsiatsky coup d'etat attempt, John B. Trevor, Sr. of The American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, Draper's crony, Louis D. Carroll, active very early in both of these eventual Willis Carto organizations: the Constitution Party (1952) and the Congress of Freedom (1955).

The attitude of the TMA and Congress of Freedom crowds towards Chou En-lai can be seen in one of the quotes from one of the cadre of "Park Avenue Patriots", attorney George S. Montgomery of New York, at a "Congress of Freedom" convention:

"Portions of the American press were also found wanting, particularly the New York Times, which, he charged, 'printed more favorable pictures of Chou En-lai, the Red Chinese premier, in recent weeks than they have of Senator McCarthy during his whole career.'"29
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
I have invited Susan Klopfer to join this site to share any insights she may have into Robert J. Morris, Guy Banister and Senator James O. Eastland in regards to the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, Wickliffe Draper and others whom she has researched.

Former area author revisits civil rights cases By Terry Housholder Sunday, 11 October 2009 00:00

Susan Klopfer believes the long, sad chapter of American history surrounding the civil rights struggles of African Americans should never be forgotten. Using her journalistic talents, she’s authored two books focused on unsolved atrocities in the Mississippi Delta region that have brought new light to several cases.

The former Kendallville resident now living Mount Pleasant, Iowa, is a writer and blogging journalist. A Hanover College graduate who received her M.B.A. from Indiana Wesleyan University, she’s been a newspaper reporter and an acquisitions and development editor for Prentice-Hall.

Klopfer, whose husband, Fred, is a psychologist, has authored several non-fiction books in the past, including a computer book for Prentice-Hall, “Abort! Retry! Fail!” that was an alternate selection for the Book-of-the-Month Club. She’s now marketing two books she wrote while living in the Mississippi Delta: “Where Rebels Roost: Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited,” and “The Emmett Till Book.”

Klopfer lived two years in Mississippi and was fascinated when meeting interesting people who were part of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. They inspired her to collect their stories and to do extensive research and writing over a 23-month period.

“Every time I turned around, I was running into people who wanted to talk about what they knew, about what happened during the civil rights years,” Klopfer said. “Many had relatives who were killed or disappeared. I started working like crazy because I was excited about what I was discovering and learning.”

Klopfer said she read several hundred books, dissertations and reports. She visited every regional, state and university library and archives in Mississippi, looking for materials. She found volumes more on the Internet. She also read a number of documented oral histories and interviewed people with incredible stories to tell.

The tragic story of Emmett Till is one of the most fascinating she’s researched. Till was the 14-year-old African American polio victim from Chicago, Ill., who was murdered in Money, Miss., a small town in the Delta region, on Aug. 28, 1955, after reportedly whistling at a white woman.

The murder was one of the leading events that led to the growing civil rights movement in the nation. Till was beaten, had an eye gouged out, and was shot through the head. His body, with a 70-pound cotton gin fan tied to it with barbed wire, was found in the Tallahatchie River.

Till’s mother, grieved by the brutality of the killing, insisted on a public funeral, with an open casket. Nearly 50,000 people viewed the body. The main suspects in the case were acquitted by an all-male, all-white jury after 67 minutes of deliberations.

In her research, Klopfer met an attorney who was born the same year as Till, in the same Delta town where Till was murdered. The attorney was the first black law student at the University of Mississippi. He had been highly influenced by the Till murder and spent years investigating it and other civil rights murders.

“His papers disappeared six months following his murder (in 1997) and few friends and family in Mississippi want to talk about him or what happened,” Klopfer said. “Some are ashamed because he was gay. Others seem just don’t know the ‘official’ story has so many holes. His best friend in Alabama may have been murdered three years before he was.”

Klopfer said the most interesting information she uncovered in her research was the story of two teachers who were apparently murdered in 1966. They were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan for their activist roles in promoting voter registration after the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The women were run off the road on their way home from a meeting in Jackson, Miss. “There was no police report,” said Klopfer. “These murders were not investigated… A family member came to me and asked me to look into it because something wasn’t right.

“I was most surprised when discovering the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission,” she said. “It was a spy agency funded by the state from 1955 to 1972 to halt integration. Former military intelligence and FBI agents were hired and they, in turn, used the services of the Klan as enforcers. I was able to go through these papers and trace a money trail to an East Coast foundation that gave money to Mississippi to fight the Civil Rights Act and to fund private, segregated academies in Mississippi. Even today, few Mississippians know this history.

“I feel very obligated to tell these stories, of true civil rights heroes who have lost their lives,” she said.

Everything she collects is shared with other professionals. An investigative organization for which she is a senior investigator keeps all the records and data she collects. “I keep no secrets,” she said.

Klopfer says the reaction to her books (available at about the civil rights issues in Mississippi has ranged from “interest to anger.” She’s enjoyed giving away free copies on CDs to people in the Delta region whose families have been affected over the years.

“This history is not taught — much of it has not been collected,” she said.

Anger has come from some officials and some academics who don’t want to see these stories told or who believe they should be telling them, rather than Klopfer. “Sometimes the competition and ownership issues get a little silly,” she added.

Klopfer has been blogging her newest book, “Who Killed Emmett Till?” at and she is set to turn it into an e-book next week. She soon will turn to writing a book about “writing books in today’s digital/Internet environment.” And she’s working to find more information on the FBI agent who was possibly killed because he knew too much about the assassination of President Kennedy.

But telling the untold stories of the civil rights movement remains dear to her. “In Mississippi, it’s said ‘the past is the present.’ And it was and still is.”

Gwen Dailey - community activist | |2009-10-13 09:32:21 Dear Susan,

Keep it coming. I support all that you do to get the information out to an ignorant society. We have so much work to do and so many hills to climb before we can reach the plateau of what it means to be human on this earth.

Take care of yourself and don't overwork so that your health is challenged.

Gwen Reply http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:JOSC_vo...2yes%22%29 http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:JOSC_vo...22no%22%29 Matin L. Graber - News Article | |2009-10-11 12:43:33 Hello Susan,

Great article!! I enjoyed reading it and getting caught up on
what you are currently doing. Will be interesting to see the reactions to your

Good luck with the ebook.

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3.26 Copyright © 2008 / Copyright © 2007 Alain Georgette / Copyright © 2006 Frantisek Hliva. All rights reserved."

Images [Image: klopfer1011.jpg] Susan Klopfer [Image: till1011.jpg] Emmett Till !
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
When I talked to Nathaniel Weyl, perhaps 5-6 years ago, maybe a little more, he was quite lucid, in full charge of his senses and his memory and he was quite talkative, too.

And, yes, I told him that what he just described to me about Operation Red Cross, made him an accessory to murder, and a bona fide violator of The Neutrality Act as well and he stammered, stuttered and harrumphed as well. It was only later that I read where he concocted that story about this gigantic ocean going vessel plowing between the mother ship and the shoreline, running parallel to he shoreline which allegedly swamped the speed boat. Well bull crap to that as well. There is no frigging way that these little rafts, inflated with air could have made it out to a point 10 miles from shore after trying to murder Castro or after running a major boom and bang operation against
Castro. No way in hell. And how about trying to find the mother ship in the pitch black darkness? Again, no way in hell. I honestly can not recall now whether he said that these rafts were oar powered or motorboat powered but to cover 10 miles at 10 miles an hour would have taken an hour. This implies that the mother ship was much closer to shore than ever admitted.

1) The mother ship was within the 10-mile statutory limit.

2) Weyl only added this little safety zone buffer after I called him a 2-time felon and a Neutrality Act violator.

3) Weyl only made up this ocean going vessel story with the wake allegedly swamping the speed boat story long after I put the fear of God in him. How many vessels large enough to swamp a speed boat would be travelling left to right within 5 miles of shore in the middle of the night anyway? Another total fabrication. Most ocean going vessels that large would be going nose in, perpendicular to the shore, within well defined, well lighted, channels in order to avoid scraping bottom.

4) Weyl described with a certain sadistic glee in his voice the pleasure with which he watched these "lying sons of bitches" and infiltrators sink beneath the surface, riddled with 50-caliber machine gun bullets, and weighed down by their boots, gunbelts and ammo clips.

5) He stated that these infiltrators had tried to make fools of the entire crew, by making up the stories about the alleged Russian Missile Officers and he indicated that the terrible swift sword and the 50-caliber machine guns had been used as cover upon their departure since they were suspected of possibly leading the boat into some sort of ambush, and then used to wreak revenge and punishment because they returned empty handed. When everyone realized that they had been had, the response was swift, sure and lethal, very lethal. Bayo and company were not even allowed to board the mother ship. They were shot as they sat in the raft or rafts. Plain and simple. It is also possible that Weyl mentioned that whoever was in charge of the mission, was worried that if they were caught near Cuban shores with these commandoes in tow or on board, that it would have been a very difficult thing to establish plausible deniablility as I am sure you can understand.

6) "A review of Cuban army documents relating to the capture or killing of anti-Castro raiders, (based on) research done in June 1997, revealed no record of Bayo." No body, no evidence, no record of ever catching the infiltrators. EXACTLY what Weyl had described to me.

7) As to your bald faced "assumption" about the role of the CIA in this little gambit. Even Weyl put that to rest when he related how John Martino in an article in 2003, who was a close friend of Dr. Revilo P. Oliver a founder of the John Birch Society where they often appeared together on the John Birch Speaker's Tour Platforms, was the one who actually approached Nathaniel Weyl, a Eugenicist and a right wing extremist, in the Wickliffe Draper mold and someone who wrote about Frederick Osborn, a Pioneer Fund director in the early 1950's and even co-authored a book with him. So in fact Operation Red Cross was a John Birch gambit and a Pioneer Fund project since Bayo specifically insisted that he would have nothing to do with the CIA, due to the perceived double cross at the Bay of Pigs. And
now I am certain that not only the anti-Castro exiles, but even E. H. Hunt IN 2007, plus many members on multiple JFK forums have a distinct personal or political grudge against the CIA, and just automatically respond with a knee-jerk reaction whenever they think they can blame something on the CIA when in fact the event in question, had NOTHING TO DO with the CIA. E. H. Hunt lamented the fact that he was sold down the river after Watergate, blaming the CIA himself, and he probably spent the rest of his life writing and selling books in order to put food on the table. Even William F. Buckley, Jr. had long since parted company with the CIA and turned to proselytizing, writing and wagging that serpentine tongue. Billy Buck did not even need the income from the CIA since he was "The Mastah" and very wealthy.

So can we all agree that Operation Red Cross was indeed, a John Birch, Pioneer Fund and SISS project of James Eastland, Robert Morris his legal counsel and Nathaniel Weyl and put this one to bed once and for all?

"In 1963, John Martino came to me with a fascinating story. He had attended a meeting in Palm Beach at which a Cuban who used the nom de guerre of Bayo claimed that the Soviets had deceived President Kennedy and that Russian missiles were still in Cuba. Bayo said he knew this because two of the Soviet officers guarding these clandestine missiles had defected, were being hidden and guarded by the remnants of the anti-Castro underground and were desperately anxious to tell their story.

I was told that this was an emergency. The Russians could be captured by Castro's forces at any time. John Martino said that their Cuban protectors could get them safely to the northern coast of the island and thence by boat to some agreed-upon rendezvous point in the Bahamas if we acted immediately.

Martino added that Bayo and the other Cuban patriots would have nothing to do with anyone from the CIA because they believed that the Agency had betrayed them at the Bay of Pigs.

Could I get a yacht, designate a time and place to meet on some remote Bahamas island, get there and bring the Russian officers to the American mainland? If it was to be done, it must be done immediately."

You can debate as long as you want what a "better strategy" would have been, or what "publicity value" could have been obtained by coming home with no Russian Missile Officers, with a tale of woe about murdered patriots and murdered Freedom Fighters, but I am telling you what Weyl told me. Nothing more nothing less. I forgot to add the fact that Weyl also told me that the Cuban patrol boats with
spotlights and the aerial reconnaissance planes also with spotlights were circling around in the near vicinity trying to locate either the raft(s) or the mother ship. Not knowing whether or not they would be able to evade the Cuban search party, they decided that discretion was
the better part of valor, and they destroyed the incriminating evidence, the commandos, their guns and their raft(s), rather than run the risk of creating a major international cause celeb and an international crisis which might end up putting them in jail or causing a whole lot of
headaches for Life Magazine, C.D. Jackson, Henry B. Luce, the other occupants of the boat including any case officers, SOFs, and Senators Eastland and Goldwater, and for whomever Weyl was working for at that time. This next conclusion is just a supposition on my part, but somehow they must have felt that coming back from Cuba WITH Missile Officers, and WITHOUT being buzzed and identified by patrol boats or reconnaissance planes would result in their being declared conquering heroes, and they could have made up any lies about territorial waters they wanted to since, after the fact, they would never have been EVER SEEN in Cuban territorial waters. Plus with either their "captured prizes" or "willing defectors" (yeah right) in tow whatever they did to accomplish their task would ostensibly have been either ignored or forgiven. I am certain that Eastland and Goldwater thought that JFK would either have been summarily impeached or even chickened out on a run for re-election in 1964, had their little plot worked out as planned. In any event, having failed at character assassination, they moved on to the real thing. I used to think that NSAM 263 (was it ?) about the ICBM gap was the FINAL denouement of JFK and the final nail in his coffin, but in fact Operation Red Cross might have sealed his fate instead and NSAM 263 was just icing on the cake. Not so hard to swallow, right?

The fact is, that the occupants of that boat, whomever they worked for, decided very quickly that the best strategy was to kill the bastidges, and sink the bastidges to the bottom of the sea. Now they sleep with the fishes. And dead men tell no tales.

And since Weyl and his associates feared discovery with their hands in the cookie jar more than anything else (as I have since surmised) they exercised their first, best option and eliminated the evidence, escaped the search posse, and then headed back to Florida only to face the wrath of Goldwater and Eastland. Plus Richard Billings realized that he had been totally taken in as well. What could he write after he came back with no officers and no commandos? Oh, gee, I violated the Neutrality Act, trying to get a story, I watched as these guys came back empty handed, and stood by as their raft and the men themselves were shot full of holes, and went to visit Davey Jones Locker, or whatever, while I did nothing. Does that make William Pawley an accessory to murder as well as all the occupants of that boat and maybe even C. D. Jackson and Henry Luce, too? Of course it does. Just another case of Knight takes Pawn, Bishop takes Pawn and King advances to safety quite covering the Queen.

For JFK it would have been better had they actually found some incriminating evidence of Russian Missiles or Officers however flimsy. Then at least Goldwater and Eastland would have or could have waited for the election to determine the next president. As it was, this failure at Character Assassination quickly turned into the next logical step: the plot for Physical Assassination. The rest is history.

And I know who Clare Booth Luce's contact with a name something like: "Julio Fernandez" was, too. He he he.

This post has been edited by John Bevilaqua: Today, 06:38 AM
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:I have invited Susan Klopfer to join this site to share any insights she may have into Robert J. Morris, Guy Banister and Senator James O. Eastland in regards to the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, Wickliffe Draper and others whom she has researched.
Thank you John. Star Susan would be very welcome here.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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