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Did the Mob kill JFK? Jim DiEugenio
Jim has asked that I post the link only because the article is long...
so...happy reading. I think we all know the answer to this question!

Unless you consider The John Birch Society, The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, the World Anti-Communist League, the Pioneer Fund, SISS or The Shickshinny Knights of Malta to be a "Mob" then I would say the answer is decidedly NO! Nothing like beating a dead horse or raising straw men!

Here is a Full Text Searchable Index of CTKA for anyone to use:

There are only about a half dozen hits on CTKA for "John Birch" and zero hits on either Shickshinny, Draper, Robert Morris or Vonsiatsky. To me that is just amazing, just totally non-comprehensible. Try some others like Misssissippi, WACL, Eastland, Sovereign, Knights of Malta, "Jesse Helms", "Strom Thurmond", SISS, HUAC, Willoughby, del Valle, Buckley, YAF, Congress of Freedom, Milteer, ANP, George Lincoln Rockwell, MacArthur, McCarthy, etc.

That is not to say that one can not use the CTKA site to obtain some more gigantic gems of information, however.
Having established in a previous post that Guy Banister was NOT WITH THE CIA, but rather in the employ of both Robert J. Morris and Senator James O. Eastland as well as the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission of Wickliffe Preston
Draper since that Greenwood, Mississippi meeting with Eastland, Banister and DeLesseps Morrison (NOT Robert Morris as originally reported by Susan Klopfer), this note from a review of Dick Russell's TMWKTM on the CTKA site has just GIGANTIC IMPLICATIONS:

"From here, Russell describes some of the characters and events from Oswald's last summer on earth. Which he spent in New Orleans with a now famous cast of characters. He quotes William Gaudet saying he saw Oswald leafleting and Oswald did not know what he was doing. Guy Banister had put him up to it. (p. 253)"

Hope you folks realize the implications of what is being said here. Banister was NEVER in the CIA, even Reitzes saw through that little ruse, but he WAS in the orbit of these obvious SISS operatives, like Eastland, Draper, Morris and company including Leander Perez the political boss of Plaquemines Parish, all of whom had been handling Oswald for years now for some yet to be determined role, from Klein's Sporting Goods through the Clinton, LA Voter Registration, and now even including the FPCC Leafleting Incident with Oswald.

And weren't either Morris, Eastland or Banister or all of them, involved with those studies of truants in New Orleans as well where they probably first discovered Oswald and realized his potential as a programmed assassin? Help me out here.

Then people like H. Werner Klopfer helped out by monitoring both his progress and his potential as a Candidate (Manchurian). After Raikin highjacked Oswald from the docks in Hoboken and sent him to de Mohrenschildt he was in front of Klopfer shortly after that, correct? And both Raikin, Willoughby and Nunez Portuendo were involved together at the Foreign Intel Digest of Stetsko's ABN right? Just show me where there is any CIA involvement in this orbit of characters! Sounds like a bunch of White Russians, John Birchers, Pioneer Fund types, SISS members, Eugenicists and miscellaneous malcontents.

Garrison was indebted to and dependent upon the racist boss of Plaquemines Parish, Leander Perez, for his very existence and I am sure that nothing he would find would ever point back to the person who held Garrison's political future in his hands.

Guy Banister, apparently now confirmed as a paid agent of Eastland, Morris and Draper had the sole role of setting Oswald up in as many ways as he possibly could. And set him up, he did. And so did both Angel and Leopoldo, one of whom was the person whose name appeared as the tenant in my neighbor's house rented out by Bernard Barker's Keyes Realty. And Robert Morris lived only 3 doors away on the same street in Grapeland Heights. Now do you know why I feel that not only was I an "eyewitness to history" but also the only one in that category who actually has pursued the case as an investigator? And a damn good one, too, if I may say so myself. Banister worked for Eastland, Draper and Morris since at least 1956 and perhaps even before that going back to the days of McCarthyism. And Draper was the one who paid Dr. Hans J. Eysenck to give him the secrets of MK/ULTRA which old Hans could easily have stolen during his official work on that project.

Damn. Damn. Damn. And I only overlooked or minimized the possible roles of Banister in the past because I just felt that Garrison was way off base in even thinking that either Ferrie or Banister were ever in the CIA, or even considered CIA material for that matter. And I always suspected Leander Perez who ostensibly called that meeting at the Jung Hotel in New Orleans the week before the JFK hit of some very strong involvement in the JFK hit. Harry Augustus Jung (as in Augustus Caesar), the owner of the Jung Hotel even once employed Albert Osborne there, the person running those Oaxaca, Mexico assassination camps for wandering wastrels. Jung once ran the American Vigilante Intelligence Assoc., a Draper project, along with that Army Major and his son, who worked with Draper on the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies and as a Director of The Pioneer Fund, Major John B. Trevor, Sr. and Jr. Turns out that John B. Trevor, Sr. was also a big time Eugenicist and a Hitler supporter as well and later with the American Security Council of Morris, Willoughby, Angleton and Cline. The Trevors, father and son, loom large in the whole Segregation struggle and in the JFK hit, too.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

And now Jim Garrison starts smelling, once again, like a dedicated Leander Perez crony in the back pocket of the political boss of Plaquemines Parish, who might have been in fact part of the deliberate cover-up ruse while starting the 50 year lie about an official CIA-dominated and CIA-centric plot, rather than really being a Citizen in Search of the Truth about the Kennedy assassination. Damn. Damn. Talk about Mind Control! Wowza! How many others fall into that category do you think? Hundreds, dude, thousands, hundreds and hundreds of thousands. Ferrie as a CIA agent? <LMFAO> Guy "retired FBI Agent" Banister as a CIA agent? <LMFAO> How many people actually EVER retired from the FBI as a previously exposed psychopath, with a violent temper, and blatantly obvious psycopathological tendencies ever transitioned to becoming a CIA agent? Name one, just one! <LMFAO> And Mr. Banister, said the CIA HR rep during the interview, what about all these racist statements and your tendency towards violence and the cases of physical intimidations, the beating of suspects and other threats to the safety of individuals?

Banister: "Aw shucks, that waren't nuthin at'all. Just using a couple Police Dept. interrogation tricks and FBI tactics to squeeze out da truth from a passle of lying suns of biatches."

CIA HR rep: "Welcome to the CIA Mr. Banister. Here is your benefits package and your key to the executive men's room. Just check those brass knuckles at the door."

Banister was a thug, a moron and a little Fascist bastidge.
He was NOT A CIA AGENT, Garrison, nice try though. And neither were Ferrie or Shaw for that matter. You think the CIA hires costume party attendees at gay bashes who are cross-dressers, transvestites, wearing pantyhose and active pole dancers? You must be thinking of the FBI or something. Imagine the risk of exposure (no pun intended) the risk of blackmail and the dereliction (no pun intended) of duty charges. And where were you last night during the Mardi Gras parade, Shaw? You say you were elected the Queen of the Mardi Gras parade and on the Lead Float? Well good for you then! Conference call in my office at 10:00 AM. Wipe off that damn makeup, first, though. <LMFAO>

Damn. I could have solved this 20 years ago given enough time, money and resources. 20 years ago. I coulda been a contendah!

And how did I even come up with this reference in the New Orleans Times-Picayune from 1956 to that Banister, DeLesseps Morrison and Eastland meeting in Greenwood about the MissSovComm?

By doing a Google on myself, that's how. I think I used my name, Draper and Mississippi with or without the Klopfer or Eastland names and I found the link on Susan Klopfer's website about Eastland, Draper, Banister, the MissSovComm and COLD CIVIL RIGHTS CASES related to the State of Mississippi. What goes around, comes around. Imagine that! Amazing! Just amazing. Sometimes I manage to even impress myself, and this is indeed one of them. And I just indexed CTKA for grins and giggles then I find out that it was Guy Banister who put Oswald up to that little self-incrimination ruse. Guy "MissSovComm" Banister from that 544 Camp Street address. Damn.

Here is her article, with all the misspellings intact...

On Friday November 22, 1963, news bulletins hit the airwaves as rifle shots interrupted President John F. Kennedy's Dallas motorcade. The resulting three-day news marathon concluded only after the young president was buried.

Reporters moved on to the investigative phase of JFK's assassination but finally left the topic for fresh news. Yet conspiracy theorists and others have kept the debate alive over what happened forty-two years ago, who was involved, and why.
Interestingly, there are numerous asides to Mississippi's civil rights story but perhaps none quite so compelling (and less known) as this: Seven years before JFK was assassinated, the magnolia state's Sen. James O. Eastland met for the first time with Guy Banister, a controversial CIA operative and retired FBI agent in charge of the Chicago bureau.
Banister -- remember him as the man who "pistol-whipped" David Ferrie in Oliver Stone's film "JFK" -- was later linked to Lee Harvey Oswald and Mississippi's senator through Eastland's Senate Internal Security Subcommittee or SISS (sometimes called "SISSY").
The New Orleans Times-Picayune on March 23, 1956, reported that Robert Morrison (sic) (should be DeLesseps Morrison), the Mayor of New Orleans and NOT the former chief counsel for Sen. Joseph McCarthy's House Unamerican Activities Committee or HUAC... Thanks to Bill O'Neill for pointing this error in the Klopfer article out to me), and Banister traveled to Greenwood, Mississippi, to confer personally with Senator Eastland for more than three hours. Describing the conference as "completely satisfactory," Morrison told the reporter that "Mr. Banister has complete liaison with the committee's staff which was the main object of our trip."

Apparently cozying up to Eastland and "SISSY" was Banister's goal. And it worked.

Known as a notorious political extremist who was later described as the impetus for James Garrison’s 1967-1970 Kennedy assassination probe, Banister earlier became a brief focus of Mississippi's secret spy agency, the Sovereignty Commission, when it was suggested Banister should be hired to set up an "even tighter" domestic spying system throughout the state.

A second Eastland operative, private investigator John D. Sullivan of Vicksburg, made this suggestion to the commission just months after the JFK assasination, according to released Sovereignty Commission records.
Former FBI agent Sullivan had worked under Banister (both inside the FBI and privately) and as a private self-employed investigator who often did work for hire for the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission; the private white Citizens Councils, of which he was an active member; and for SISS, as had Banister and Lee Harvey Oswald.

When Sullivan reportedly committed suicide following the assassination, Sovereignty Commission investigators tried to acquire his library and files, but most of his confidential files were either reportedly burned by his widow or they had been lent out, and she "could not remember" who had them, Sovereignty Commission files disclose.

Then some twenty-nine years later, in testimony before the Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board during a Dallas hearing on November 18, 1994, the late Senator Eastland was directly implicated in the president’s assassination by one of the author/theorists invited to testify.

“Lee Harvey Oswald was quite possibly an agent of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and he was doing the bidding of [Sen. Thomas J.] Dodd and Eastland and Morrison (sic) (should be Morris) ,” author John McLaughlin swore.

Documentation that could support or even discredit such assertions could perhaps be present in the Eastland archives at the University of Mississippi, but no objective scholar has been allowed to search these archives since the day they arrived on campus. Instead, Eastland's records were managed for years by a former associate and devoté who followed the papers from Washington, D.C. to Oxford.
Finally in 2005, after an unsuccessful Freedom of

Information Act or FOIA request by this author, a historian was hired to organize the archives based in the James O. Eastland School of Law at Ole Miss. But there would still be a waiting period before any of the files could be viewed, according to the school's dean.

The plan was to release first all press releases, according to the historian who also confirmed that"many important files" were probably missing -- that the files looked “cleaned out.”
(The Dean of the law school, when presented a FOIA for access to Eastland archives, asked while laughing if he could “just show the rejection letter written to the last person who asked for this information." Later it came back to this author that “people at Ole Miss were really angry” over the FOIA request.)
[1] “Banister, FBI Chief Since February, to Leave Post Nov. 30,” Chicago Daily Tribune, Nov 19, 1954, Part 2, Page 12.

[2] Citation for this newspaper article (“NOTP, March 23, 1956, p. 1”) comes from the online Jerry P. Shinley Archive “Re: Jim Garrison and the SCEF Raids.”

[3] William Davy, “Let Justice Be Done,” (Jordan Publication, May 12, 1999), 1. On the weekend of the assassination, Banister pistol-whipped his employee Jack Martin, after Martin accused him of killing Kennedy. Martin eventually spoke to authorities.

[4] Sovereignty Commission documents SCR ID # 7-0-8-89-1-1-1 and SCR ID # 2-56-1-20-1-1-1.

[5] Sovereignty Commission documents SCR ID # 99-36-0-2-1-1-1 SCR ID # 1-16-1-21-1-1-1, SCR ID # 1-26-0-5-2-1-1, SCR ID # 2-2-0-19-1-1-1, SCR ID # 1-24-0-11-1-1-1

[6] After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, A. J. Weberman, a “Dylanologist,” “garbologist” and Kennedy conspiracist wrote that he received this communication from Sullivan's grandson, Jeremy Sullivan: "I was told that he commited suicide but my dad didn't think so. He told me there was an investigation and the FBI was involved. They deemed it suicide. The story I heard had changed depending on who told it, I believe that they had been out fishing all day and John Daniel had been drinking. After they got home, he was alone in his room and there was a gunshot and he was found dead." Also, Weberman stated that Jim Garrison had an undisclosed case against Sullivan in 1961. Per a “Memo for the Director” by Betsy Palmer on April 19, 1978, regarding the “HSCA.” From A.J. ajweberman and Michael Canfield, “Coup D'Etat in America, The CIA and the Assassination of John Kennedy,” (New York City, The Third Press, 1975) Nodule II.

[7] Online minutes of testimony before the Assassination Records Review Board, November 18, 1994. Dallas, Texas. Testimony of John McLaughlin aka John Bevilaqua, Harvard University graduate and systems analyst, also a Kennedy assassination theorist. McLaughlin was testifying why he needed to see documents from HUAC and SISS. He had also requested military records of Wycliff (sic) (should be Wickliffe) P. Draper, head of the Draper Committees and Pioneer Fund. Mississippi had been the benefactor of Draper money in its fight against the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and in funding of private white academies per Sovereignty Commission reports.

[8] Eastland’s name has also been associated with the murder of civil rights leaders Medgar Evers, Dr. Martin Luther King, U. S. Senator Robert Kennedy and with the mass murder at a U. S. Army base located in Mississippi of potentially 1,000 black soldiers during World War II.

[9] The former Eastland aid has since retired.

Article Source:

Did the Mob kill JFK?

Unless you consider The John Birch Society, The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, the World Anti-Communist League, the Pioneer Fund, SISS or The Shickshinny Knights of Malta to be a "Mob" then I would say the answer is decidedly NO! Nothing like beating a dead horse or raising straw men!

Here is a Full Text Searchable Index of CTKA for anyone to use:

There are only about a half dozen hits on CTKA for "John Birch" and zero hits on either Shickshinny, Draper, Robert Morris or Vonsiatsky. To me that is just amazing, just totally non-comprehensible. Try some others like Misssissippi, WACL, Eastland, Sovereign, Knights of Malta, "Jesse Helms", "Strom Thurmond", SISS, HUAC, Willoughby, del Valle, Buckley, YAF, Congress of Freedom, Milteer, ANP, George Lincoln Rockwell, MacArthur, McCarthy, etc.

That is not to say that one can not use the CTKA site to obtain some more gigantic gems of information, however.
Having established in a previous post that Guy Banister was NOT WITH THE CIA, but rather in the employ of both Robert J. Morris and Senator James O. Eastland as well as the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission of Wickliffe Preston Draper since that Greenwood, Mississippi meeting with Eastland and Morris, this note from a review of Dick Russell's TMWKTM on the CTKA site has just GIGANTIC IMPLICATIONS:

"From here, Russell describes some of the characters and events from Oswald's last summer on earth. Which he spent in New Orleans with a now famous cast of characters. He quotes William Gaudet saying he saw Oswald leafleting and Oswald did not know what he was doing. Guy Banister had put him up to it. (p. 253)"

Hope you folks realize the implications of what is being said here. Banister was NEVER in the CIA, even Reitzes saw through that little ruse, but he WAS in the orbit of these obvious SISS operatives, like Eastland, Draper, Morris and company including Leander Perez the political boss of Plaquemines Parish, all of whom had been handling Oswald for years now for some yet to be determined role, from Klein's Sporting Goods through the Clinton, LA Voter Registration, maybe even the adolescent truancy study involving Oswald, and now even including the FPCC Leafleting Incident with Oswald and Banister.

And weren't either Morris, Eastland or Banister involved with those studies of truants in New Orleans as well where they probably first discovered Oswald and realized his potential as a programmed assassin? Help me out here. Then people like H. Werner Klopfer helped out by monitoring both his progress and his potential as a Candidate (Manchurian). After Raikin highjacked Oswald from the docks in Hoboken and sent him to de Mohrenschildt he was in front of Klopfer shortly after that, correct? And both Raikin, Willoughby and Nunez Portuendo were involved together at the Foreign Intel Digest of Stetsko's ABN right? Just show me where there is any CIA involvement in this orbit of characters! Sounds like a bunch of White Russians, Fascists, John Birchers, Pioneer Fund types, SISS members, Eugenicists and miscellaneous malcontents.

Garrison was indebted to and dependent upon the racist boss of Plaquemines Parish for his very existence and I am sure that nothing he would find would ever point back to the person who held Garrison's political future in his hands.

Guy Banister, as a paid agent of Eastland, Morris and Draper had the sole role of setting Oswald up in as many ways as he possibly could. And set him up, he did. And so did both Angel and Leopoldo, one of whom was the person whose name appeared as the tenant in my neighbor's house rented out by Bernard Barker's Keyes Realty. And Robert Morris lived only 3 doors away on the same street in Grapeland Heights. Now do you know why I feel that not only was I an "eyewitness to history" but also the only one in that category who actually has pursued the case as an investigator? And a damn good one, too, if I may say so myself. Banister worked for Eastland, Draper and Morris since at least 1956 and perhaps even before that going back to the days of McCarthyism. And Draper was the one who paid Dr. Hans J. Eysenck to give him the secrets of MK/ULTRA which old Hans could easily have stolen during his official work on that project.

Damn. Damn. Damn. And I only overlooked or minimized the possible roles of Banister in the past because I just felt that Garrison was way off base in even thinking that either Ferrie or Banister were ever in the CIA, or even considered CIA material for that matter. And I always suspected Leander Perez who ostensibly called that meeting at the Jung Hotel in New Orleans the week before the JFK hit of some very strong involvement in the JFK hit. Harry Augusts Jung, the owner of the Jung Hotel even once employed Albert Osborne there, the person running those Oaxaca, Mexico assassination mills. Jung once ran the American Vigilante Intelligence Assoc., a Draper project, along with that Army Major and his son, who worked with Draper on the Amer Coalition of Patriotic Societies and as a Director of The Pioneer Fund, Major John B. Trevor, Sr. and Jr. Turns out that John B. Trevor, Sr. was also a big time Eugenicist and a Hitler supporter as well and later with the American Security Council of Morris, Willoughby, Angleton and Cline.
Damn. Damn. Damn.

And now Garrison starts smelling like a Leander Perez crony in the back pocket of the boss of Plaquemines Parish, who was actually in on the cover-up ruse, rather than really being a citizen in search of the truth in the Kennedy assassination. Damn. Damn. How many others fall into that category do you think? Hundreds, dude, hundreds.

Damn. I could have solved this 20 years ago given enough time, money and resources. 20 years ago. I coulda been a contendah!

And how did I even come up with this reference in the New Orleans Times-Picayune from 1956 to that Guy Banister, DeLesseps Morrison and James Eastland meeting in Greenwood about the MissSovComm? (Susan Klopfer, in her blog and perhpaps in her book, too, originally wrote that this meeting involved a "Robert Morrison" but she was incorrect on this score. Thanks to Bill O'Neill for pointing this out to me. At the time of that meeting, Robert Morris was either the current or the former Chief Counsel to James Eastland and Thomas J. Dodd on SISS, which is how she probably made that mistake. But for her to be able to link together James Eastland and Guy Banister and the MissSovComm and Draper is a major feat of research regardless.) When you combine this piece of information with what I have just published about Operation Red Cross, which in fact was also a non-CIA sponsored SISS-based Senatorial project of James O. Eastland, Barry Goldwater, Nathaniel Weyl, William Pawley and probably Wickliffe Draper, you begin to see why these 2 stories when taken together essentially confirm major portions of my central thesis first proposed way back in the early 1990's. It was Draper, Morris, Banister, Eastland and both MissSovComm and SISS and Company who handled Oswald, who framed him, who used him as their agent and who placed him in Dealey Plaza. And it was indeed Morris, Willoughby, Draper and Vonsiatsky who snuffed JFK. Game, Set and Match.

In 1993 a wrote about the DEATH anagram: Draper, Eastland, Angleton, Thurmond and Helms (and The Pioneer Fund and OSJL)

Not much has changed in over 15 years on that score. Just more info to CEMENT that thesis as Gospel. Oh ye of little Faith. Now you have spent another 15 years dancing around the mulberry bush with little or no progress. Having fun yet?

By doing a Google on myself, that's how. I think I used my name, Draper and Mississippi with or without the Klopfer or Eastland names and I found the link on Susan Klopfer's website about Eastland, Draper, Banister, the MissSovComm and COLD CIVIL RIGHTS CASES related to the State of Mississippi. What goes around, comes around. Imagine that! Amazing! Just amazing. Sometimes I manage to even impress myself, and this is indeed one of them. And I just indexed CTKA for grins and giggles then I find out that it was Guy Banister who put Oswald up to that little self-incrimination ruse. Guy "MissSovComm" Banister from that 544 Camp Street address. Damn.

There is some infinitesimal possibility that if we can provide enough information classifying the JFK hit as an unsolved Civil Rights based Cold Case that a group associated with Susan Klopfer "might" convince the powers that be to open the case again. Call me a dreamer. Let's give it a shot. Her associates have opened and successfully obtained prosecutions in over a dozen other Civil Rights Cold Cases since the 1990's so why not?

And here are a couple other full text search indexes.... more to come.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

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