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Mr. Fetzer I have been to your site
Why all this harassment? If I have better things to do than to be subjected to your bickering, then I have better things to do. Noel has diagrams of the relationships that I think are basically correct. Charles has others that go higher up, but I have already sketched my take on the assassination and I do not understand why this guy doesn't acknowledge as much. I have not been convinced of Israeli complicity in the death of JFK, even if Ben-Gurion and he were at odds over Israel's development of nuclear weapons. I have no problem with his believing what he likes, but he really ought to grant the same right to others. Incidentally, is the thread's founder able to post again?

Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Gentlemen,

Before you can fill in the blanks, you must have ...


I respectfully submit to my good and true friends Jim Fetzer and Mark Stapleton that your respective arguments would be best served were you to share with us your respective organization charts of the conspiracy.

As you may know, I have offered my own version (jointly developed with George Michael Evica) more than once on this website ( and on at least one other. Feel free to review it and, if you deem it worthy in part or in full, work with its structure.

If you deem it to be unworthy, and/or if you already are confident in your own model(s), then please share your hypotheses with us.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I remain of the informed opinion that the parties each of you identify as bearing culpability in the JFK murder belong on what in the Evica/Drago model is termed the "Facilitator" level of the plot.

Just trying to help, gentlemen. Please carry on.


Well it seems Mr. Fetzer doesn't want to reply on this thread anymore and I am no wiser about his hypothesis of the who and why, and importantly, its basic structure.

My basic argument that Israel's motive trumps any of the others is contained in post #20, which I have now completed.

Needless to say Charles, I would have Israel as the sponsor in my model.

I understand that you are not accusing me of harassing you. My respect for your work is not dependent upon our marching in lock-step.


We'll agree to disagree respectfully on Israel's Facilitator/False Sponsor role -- my characterization, hardly yours -- in the assassination.


The apex of the pyramid is relatively tiny.

... and "he" who has the most money pays the piper who calls the tune.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Why all this harassment? If I have better things to do than to be subjected to your bickering, then I have better things to do. Noel has diagrams of the relationships that I think are basically correct. Charles has others that go higher up, but I have already sketched my take on the assassination and I do not understand why this guy doesn't acknowledge as much. I have not been convinced of Israeli complicity in the death of JFK, even if Ben-Gurion and he were at odds over Israel's development of nuclear weapons. I have no problem with his believing what he likes, but he really ought to grant the same right to others. Incidentally, is the thread's founder able to post again?

James, the first post in this thread asked the question as to why the possibility of Israeli complicity in the assassination does not rate a mention on your website.

Bob's question was a good one, imo, and I added my voice to that question with a brief outline of JFK's battle with Ben-Gurion over Dimona and the curious way that all Israel's problems conveniently dissolved after Dealey Plaza (all that info comes from Cohen's "Israel and the Bomb" btw). In fact, there is a good case to be made that Israel effectively took control of US foreign policy after JFK's death, but that's an argument for another day.

In any case, the question which formed the theme of this thread has yet to be answered. To generalise it a little, why, given the weight of incriminating evidence, does Israel rarely feature as a potential suspect in the works of high profile assassination researchers? Why does it lie outside the spectrum of acceptable discourse? The evidence implicating Israel is there. Jack Ruby was strongly sympathetic to the cause of Israel, as were his colleagues like Mickey Cohen and Meyer Lansky. In the forties and fifties these guys arranged fund raisers for Israel. During the time he spent in California, Menachem Begin was often present at these functions.

Regarding your question about Bob, as far as I know the software glitch is yet to be fixed, but he's following the thread with interest.

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