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6th Floor Museum has a surprising supporter - Debra Conway
6th Floor Museum has a surprising supporter - Debra Conway
[Maybe this has been posted before - but I missed it - Dawn just emailed it to me and others - I feel sick!]
Dallas' JFK museum to oversee Dealey Plaza events for 50th anniversary
of assassination

By DAVID FLICK Staff Writer
Published: 30 October 2011 11:38 PM

For the past few months, officials at the adjacent Sixth Floor Museum
have been quietly at work, trying to ensure that what those cameras
capture won't embarrass the city.

For one thing, they have been conducting a campaign to raise $2.2
million to complete the restoration of Dealey Plaza in time for the 50th
anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

And to avoid the carnival atmosphere that has often prevailed at
previous anniversaries on the plaza, museum officials are planning to
take over commemoration activities there.

"We have reserved Dealey Plaza for that date," said Nicola Longford, the
museum's executive director. "I think, for the 50th anniversary, we have
an opportunity to offer a dignified, appropriate event for the city of

That has not always been the case.

Many people assume the annual gatherings at the plaza which have
attracted hundreds and, in some years, thousands of spectators have
had some official sanction. But the museum's decision actually reverses
a hands-off policy by both the museum and the city of Dallas that has
lasted decades.

Only once before, when the plaza was dedicated as a National Historic
Landmark district in 1993, has there been an official ceremony
commemorating the assassination.

Museum and city officials have said in the past that by avoiding such
events, they were honoring the Kennedy family's wishes that the
anniversary receive no official recognition in Dallas.

In the organizational vacuum that resulted, ordinary people who came to
the plaza to quietly honor the slain president found activities there
often dominated by conspiracy theorists, performance artists and
assorted publicity-seekers.

Critics charged that on what should be a solemn day, a circus atmosphere
has sometimes prevailed on the plaza.

"I don't think we know yet what will take place. It may be simply a
moment of silence," Longford said of the 50th anniversary commemoration.
"It will absolutely not be a festival. It will be a dignified and
appropriate commemoration."

Museum officials have been working with some of the city's cultural
institutions to help commemorate the event, but Longford said such talks
were in the early stages and declined to elaborate.

She said museum officials contacted the John F. Kennedy Library
Foundation, chaired by Kennedy's daughter, Caroline, about the decision
to conduct an official commemoration in Dealey Plaza.

Longford declined to characterize the reaction, but added, "I don't
think the Kennedy family has changed their stand."

In response to a request for comment by The Dallas Morning News, a
foundation spokesman emailed a brief statement that officials of the
Kennedy Presidential Library and Kennedy Library Foundation were still
in the early stages of planning, "but how others choose to mark the
anniversary will be up to them."

Among those supporting the museum's takeover of the ceremonies perhaps
surprisingly is Debra Conway, president of JFK Lancer, the
organization that for most of the past two decades has held the speaking
permit for the plaza on the anniversary.

"I'm kind of glad," she said of the museum's plans. "I don't think a lot
of those things that have happened will happen when the museum takes
over. I think they'll have a ceremony that won't get out of hand."
Conway describes her Southlake-based organization as a clearinghouse for
information on the JFK assassination and other topics.

She acknowledges that representatives affiliated with her group have
used the commemorations to espouse conspiracy theories. But she said the
comments were respectful, and she blamed any inappropriate behavior on
other participants.

Despite having reserved the plaza, she said, her group has had no power
to enforce who speaks.

"We've tried to stop them and they ignore us," she said.
Museum officials are hoping that the fundraising drive to upgrade Dealey
Plaza will also help project a better image of the city.

"When they broadcast from the plaza, we don't want Dallas to be
embarrassed by what they see in the background," Longford said.
The work was envisioned as the second phase in the restoration of the
plaza, which has deteriorated over the decades. The $500,000 to complete
the first phase came from a 2003 bond issue.

Phase I restored the fountains and peristyles along Houston Street, the
most visible part of the plaza. The partial restoration may have worked
too well, according to Willis Winters, assistant director of capital
projects for the Dallas Park and Recreation Department.

"Phase II was never included in the 2006 bond program, probably because
what we did in 2003 looked so good," he said.

The city has pledged to kick in $750,000 for the second phase, which
will improve paving, lighting, irrigation and signs, and in the most
visible change will restore the pergolas on top of the grassy knoll.
Phillip Jones, CEO of the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau, said
JFK assassination anniversaries have always posed a challenge to people
trying to draw visitors to the region.

The assassination is among the darkest days in the city's history. On
the other hand, there is no doubting that Dealey Plaza is a major
tourist draw.

"I think it's a balancing act," he said. "I think the Sixth Floor Museum
can celebrate the life of the president, but we'll have to be very
selective on how we promote it."

The 50th anniversary will also mark a kind of watershed, he said. After
five decades, the death of President John F. Kennedy is passing from
being a personal memory to becoming a purely historical event.

"One of the things we need to do is to educate the younger generation,"
Jones said. "I think it allows us to position ourselves as a new city,
very different from what it was 50 years ago.

"There's an opportunity there we haven't had in a while."


Over the next two years, the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza will:

Oversee a $2.2 million campaign to finish the restoration of Dealey Plaza.

Plan details of the 50th anniversary commemoration on Nov. 22, 2013.

Discuss the participation of major Dallas cultural institutions.
Other efforts

Officials at Love Field, where Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president
aboard Air Force One, are planning to have a historical panel about the
event erected by spring 2013.

A memorial garden honoring President John F. Kennedy is planned for the
new Parkland Memorial Hospital, opening in 2014 or early 2015.

SOURCES: Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, City of Dallas Office of
Aviation; Parkland Foundation

Posted by Joseph Backes at 5:15 AM
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
So, from what I understand from the article, "conspiracy theorists" are part of the disruptive circus and the ghoulish official lie institution known as the 6th Floor Museum is part of the acceptible norm?
Albert Doyle Wrote:So, from what I understand from the article, "conspiracy theorists" are part of the disruptive circus and the ghoulish official lie institution known as the 6th Floor Museum is part of the acceptible norm?

A bit more complicated than goes, perhaps, to the reason there are two groups who present Conventions in Dallas now....divide and conquer......why the split...and who was behind the split. [NB - not all those who speak at the break-away [Conway] Conventions would I accuse of anything, but I think a certain mechanism is being used here, as it has been all along. All along certain people posing as 'researchers' were nothing of the kind...the list is long and some really sneaky ones are only now be outed. Nothing about the cover-up is acceptable. The take over of Dealey Plaza by the likes of Dunkel and his Museum Freak Show of Lies and Distortions is not acceptable. I call for everyone to be there in an occupation next year and on the 50th especially - let the People speak and not the voices and pawns of the Secret Government who had JFK killed in the first place [along with so many other horrors!]. I'm sorry, I can't put this down to just a 'different take on the events, JFK, or the Museum....this is foul play on top of treason on top of treachery, IMHO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Between the Church Lady of the Lone Gunman and the newspaper which told President Kennedy he was Caroline on her bicycle, what precisely is the point of this 50th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Militocracy. A day of shame stifling justice.


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Phil Dragoo Wrote:Between the Church Lady of the Lone Gunman and the newspaper which told President Kennedy he was Caroline on her bicycle, what precisely is the point of this 50th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Militocracy. A day of shame stifling justice.


It is sad to note that the American 'Reich' has lasted much longer than the oft vilified German one! I hope the Occupation Movement brings it to its knees and we who care about the truth of the government sponsored murder of JFK fill DP from end to end on the 50the and not let the would be appologists for the Big Lie even speak - let alone control any part of what goes on. They have their circus for that - paid for by some friends of those originally involved and others who just want to keep the smiley face on good 'ol matter what lies need being perpetuated. Sickening! Had the JFK case been solved Bobby wouldn't likely have been killed - nor MLK - many wars would have been stopped and bankster ops still ongoing. 9-11 and many that came in between wouldn't have been possible either. They keep the secrets of 11/22/63 to allow all the murder, mayham, wars, theft, and lies to continue. BASTA!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thanks for posting this Peter. I sent it to MANY people (bbc'd) and the response- just like that here- has been incredibly underwhelming. Oh well, football is on after all.

The fascists won long ago and it seems very few care.

I'm so disillusioned that I think I will spend my time on more things like mystery novels, music, getting to the beach etc. (And of course my work: law).

That THIS "revelation" has received so little attention says a lot.

I am feeling physically ill just typing these words. I received exactly ONE email response and I cannot even say how many this went out to, over 100 JFK assassination folks.

My AIB- (Assassination Information Bureau)- friends "moved on" decades ago. Maybe they were smart.

Occupy Dealey Plaza.

No restrictions. Full access.

Long ago I addressed a JFK Lancer conference and described the Plaza as sacred ground. Like Little Bighorn.

I said that it should be renamed the JFK Battlefield National Monument.

I said that we must return the fire aimed at us that day.

Fuck The Sixth Floor. No museums until the war is over.

Fuck all who wish to keep us off sacred ground.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:A bit more complicated than goes, perhaps, to the reason there are two groups who present Conventions in Dallas now....divide and conquer......why the split...and who was behind the split. [NB - not all those who speak at the break-away [Conway] Conventions would I accuse of anything, but I think a certain mechanism is being used here, as it has been all along. All along certain people posing as 'researchers' were nothing of the kind...the list is long and some really sneaky ones are only now be outed. Nothing about the cover-up is acceptable. The take over of Dealey Plaza by the likes of Dunkel and his Museum Freak Show of Lies and Distortions is not acceptable. I call for everyone to be there in an occupation next year and on the 50th especially - let the People speak and not the voices and pawns of the Secret Government who had JFK killed in the first place [along with so many other horrors!]. I'm sorry, I can't put this down to just a 'different take on the events, JFK, or the Museum....this is foul play on top of treason on top of treachery, IMHO.

As part of one of my presentations at JFK Lancer, I spoke sadly of the Lancer/COPA division and the manner in which it so neatly summarizes the divide-and-conquer strategy used by the few to control the many.

I urged a cessation of hostilities.

I urged the creation by Lancer of what I termed a Fair Play for COPA initiative. This brought Debra Conway to tears -- of anger and self-righteousness.

And we are all mortally wounded.
Charles, you must have been a big 'hit' speaking about the two Conferences over there! :mexican: I like the idea of no museums until the War is over. It certainly is not yet over; in fact, enemy attacks are definitely on the increase now. I say fight - as our Nation and our Nation's honor and true history depend on it! Stick in those picket-pins and don't back down or ever retreat! Forward until the enemy of our Country [though it lurks within] is vanquished with the truth of their lies and misdeeds! Occupy the Battlefields - Dealey Plaza, being the most obvious and identifiable!! In the spirit of Crazyhorse (and all the Native American's sacrificed unjustly defending what was rightfully theirs), and in the spirit of JFK in his last years (and the millions who were needlessly killed for profit alone after the Coup Cabal had more firmly taken control upon eliminating him, their main political barrier); for the sake of all that we hold dear in what America could and should be, and Humanity should be - FIGHT ON! In the memory of those who have fought before us and fallen in battle or because of time.....

Don't give up! Dawn or anyone! We are an occupied Nation now, and that is why I support the Occupy Movement - to take it back! We are almost there now!

"When righteousness withers away and evil rules the land, we come into being, age after age, and take visible shape, and move, a man among men, for the protection of good, thrusting back evil and setting virtue on her seat again."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Yeah, it would be great seeing CNN report the "mass hysteria" of tens of thousands of Occupiers (Conspiracy Theorists) storming in to Dealey Plaza on the anniversary to express their respects. I can't wait to hear the media protest how that mob ruined the solemnity of the moment.

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