29-06-2015, 06:35 AM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:BTW, let me add here, Bugliosi actually printed the Ida Dox drawing of the rear skull wound in his book, with no comment as to how it had been altered.
That was a giveaway for me that Vince was not being honest and had thrown his lot in with the Single Bullet Fantasy clowns e.g. Dale Myers, Von Pein, Sturdivan, Rahn, McAdams etc.
Let's see...all of the clowns you list put JFK's back wound at T1.
So do Cyril Wecht, Pat Speer, David Mantik, Martin Hay, John Hunt, Stu Wexler.
What difference does it make if the clown puts on LN make-up or CT?