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Lifton on DiEugenio on JFK offering the Vice Presidential nomination to LBJ . . .
Lyndon was is desperate straits with a vote on the Bobby Baker scandal scheduled for the Senate the afternoon of 22 November 1963. Nixon was quoted in the Dallas Morning News that day saying that he did not think JFK would run with him again in 1964. The TFX and Henry Marshall scandals were developing in the wings. He even sent Cliff Carter, his chief administrative assistant, to Dallas to make sure all of the arrangements for the assassination were in place. He had a huge argument with JFK that morning trying to get Big John out of limo and Ralph Yarborough in, where JFK overrode him on the ground that the chief executive of the state should ride with the chief executive of the United States. The change in the location where JFK would speak from the Women's Forum to the Trade Mart was arranged by John Connally on 18 November 1963, just three days before the event, who called Kenny O'Donnell at the White House, which was used to justify a change in the motorcade route to bring the target to the kill zone. If you want to make a game out of the use of the word "mastermind", be my guest. But there is no basis in the evidence for denying that Lyndon was the pivotal player who made it happen, where the CIA, the Joint Chiefs, the FBI, the anti-Castro Cubans, and the law enforcement authorities in Dallas were accomplices. Of that, there can be no serious doubt. If you can't figure it out now, given the evidence that I have provided (and vastly more that Phil and others have advanced), then the problem lies within you, Charles, in your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the central figure in the death of our 35th president, who had more to gain personally than anyone else in the world. Lyndon was the pivotal player without whom it would not have occurred.

Charles Drago Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Charles,

We've "been there, done that"! I am disappointed that you are continuing this
... assault on [a] man who has done more research on this topic (LBJ) than has anyone else in the world.

Don't worry, Jim. I for one will not sing another chorus of "It's the Same Old Song and Dance" (Sinatra, from the Capitol years). Instead I'll do nothing in this post but find points of agreement with you. To begin:

1. Nelson likely has done more research on LBJ within the JFK assassination context than almost anyone else in the world. More is more.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:He confirms and reinforces what I have learned from Jack Ruby, Madeleine Duncan Brown (personally), Billy SolvEstes, Barr McClellan, and E. Howard Hunt[.]

2. I'm sure Nelson does confirm everything you've learned from the likes of Ruby, Duncan Brown, Estes, McClellan, and E. Howard Hunt. No argument from me. Everything he writes smacks of their respective enlightenment, sophistication, moral character, emotional well-being, and truthfulness.

I'd even go so far as to say that Hunt is Nelson's spiritual father and role model. The old spook would be proud of Sinjin's blood brother.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:Those who discount or otherwise disregard the essential evidence they provide with regard to the character and conduct of Lyndon Baines Johnson are consigned to ignorance.

3. AGREED -- beyond all doubt and to the degree of metaphysical certitude. What they've taught me about the true role of LBJ in the SPONSOR/FACILITATOR-FALSE SPONSOR/MECHANIC assassination model cannot be overvalued.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:Believe what you will, but it you are looking for the truth, Nelson provides it.

4. AGREED! And I would be remiss if I did not credit Professor Peter Dale Scott for all he has taught me about how to recognize the appropriate opportunities to apply negative templates and the methods and values of their applications.

And from one of your earlier posts:

James H. Fetzer Wrote:Only someone of the warped character and consuming ambition of Lyndon Johnson, who was in the ideal position to make it happen ... would have allowed this to happen.

5. SPOT-ON! Sorta like how Allen Glick allowed the Mob to skim the Stardust.

Messages In This Thread
Lifton on DiEugenio on JFK offering the Vice Presidential nomination to LBJ . . . - by James H. Fetzer - 14-02-2011, 02:38 PM

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