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Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard
David Guyatt Wrote:[quote=Drew Phipps]
Personally, think the series was doing pretty well until that last episode, but that it would've been somewhat better had it focused on more of the evidence that Gerard Williams and Simon Dunstan developed in their book Grey Wolf, rather than focusing entirely on the FBI archive and using Corsi's book title. But there were some gems in it too.

I've been keeping up with the "Hunting Hitler" series as well, although the thought has occurred to me that the series may be a "limited hangout" production, in that it may lay some of the groundwork and show a plausible escape route for these high ranking Nazis (including Hitler), but will put the blame everywhere except at the feet of the CIA. Why, for example, would a retired CIA operative be interested in exposing the truth on this unless maybe it's to provide a partial truth scenario that will end as a still unsolved mystery like, "Yeah, it probably happened, but without the missing links to prove anything beyond doubt, we'll never know. Oh, and by the way, the CIA had nothing to do with involvement...that's why ex CIA operative, Robert Baer is heading the mission and trying to dig up the past and expose the truth.

It's also interesting that Robert Baer has over the past few years, periodically been coming forward as a kind of a whistle-blower against the CIA by talking about operations he's been involved in for the purpose of destabilizing regimes (kind of like Economic Hitman, Perkins), such as his recent confession about the role he played in helping to widely distribute propaganda against the Serbs in Yugoslavia. I'm skeptical and having a tough time believing Baer has simply grown a conscience and can now be trusted (but obviously, I'm no judge of spy character or conscience, you understand). At any rate, I believe Dulles was being uncharacteristically honest when he pointed out to the WC, that it would be difficult to know when an agent was telling the truth, no matter who was doing the questioning. They are loyal to the agency first and foremost. As Richard Helms put it, he wore his perjury conviction like "...a badge of honor."

Messages In This Thread
Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - by Deborra Ann Low - 05-01-2016, 06:53 PM

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