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Lifton attacks Fetzer over 9/11 and Israeli Complicity
Just to highlight the points made in Peter's excellent post, check these:

Elias Davidsson, "No evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11"

David Ray Griffin, "Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners"

James H. Fetzer, "New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11"

The Editor,
The Daily Round Tabler


It is a fact - less well-known than it should be - that Newton's Third Law of Motion was suspended for the duration on 9/11, just like the US's air defence system, routine procedures for responding to hijack attempts (I here assume, purely for the purposes of mockery, the veracity of this element of the OCT fiction), not to mention the normal properties of steel under load and heat.

Perhaps the most amazing suspension of all concerned popular disbelief in an obvious lot of bilge.

Alternatively, the actual 9/11 conspirators used film in precisely the same way as their distinguished forbears on 11/22 - to obscure, befuddle and deceive. Spooks recycling triumphantly successful techniques of yore?


I remain, sir, in the money and beyond reach, your respectful servant,

A. Zapruder,
Langley, Virginia
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Two excellent posts by Peter. I totally agree with the sentiments.

For years sections of the 9/11 Truth movement told me to beware the ‘no plane at the Pentagon’ hypothesis. They said it was a trap, designed to suck us all in and then discredit the whole 9/11 Truth movement by triumphantly producing the evidence that a 757 did indeed crash.

Well, it’s been nine years now and still they haven’t sprung the trap.
Dawn...what Jim says is true. Regardless of what your relative
(or any "witness") has said, they must be mistaken if the
event did not occur as they described it to you. A huge airliner
simply cannot fly through a steel building at the same speed
that if flies through air. As those who have studied the evidence
know, this one bit of information is but a small part of a mountain
of contrary evidence. As you well know, "hearsay" has little
standing against physical evidence.

On the other hand, witnesses may be sincere in their reports
if they have been fooled by clever deception. Not to get too
far afield without proof, but John Lear and others report that the
military possesses secret technologies like projected holographic
images and sounds. This subject is far more complex that what
a "relative" may believe.

This reminds me of John Judge and his friend stewardess T. Carter.
Carter, who sometimes flew aboard AA77, was invited to the Pentagon
and shown the severed arm of a woman with a bracelet on it. She
identified the arm as a stewardess on the plane on the basis of the
bracelet. This bizarre episode convinces Judge that AA77 hit the
Pentagon, despite evidence to the contrary.

Good points, Jack. Unfortunately, I came on Black Op
Radio after John Judge had just presented this absurd
story about his friend, the stewardess, and made some
highly unflattering remarks about him. Anyone wanting
more about the Pentagon might want to check this out:

"What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon"
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Good points, Jack. Unfortunately, I came on Black Op
Radio after John Judge had just presented this absurd
story about his friend, the stewardess, and made some
highly unflattering remarks about him. Anyone wanting
more about the Pentagon might want to check this out:

"What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon"

The "absurd" story is from well known MLK researcher Tamera Carter (aka T Carter). That you would badmouth John Judge - who is and has been COPA for so long tells me more than I need to know. Or perhaps exactly what I needed to know.

And just why is it that you and Steven Jones are no longer speaking? (Never mind, it is a rhetorical question)

ps I don't tell you how to teach philosophy so do not tell me how to practice law. FWIW I am in the process of trying to find witnesses who were in NY. But I work full time at law so don't have the time of a - (possibly-) retired philosophy prof who was utterly unable to answer a question but instead directed me to web sites. I am open to the truth. Period. People may well have been fooled into thinking they saw something, that did not happen. I think certainly T could have been fooled as I have looked at Jack's stuff re the Pentagon.
But to badmouth John Judge on air is very telling of your arrogance. So frankly this discussion is, for me, over.
Someone who would be taken in by such an absurd account is not
qualified for the study of serious subjects like JFK and 9/11. You
ask about Steve Jones, where you appear to be as uninformed in
that matter as you are in these. Steve was fixated on thermite/
themate/superthermite as the explanation for the "collapse" of the
Twin Towers. I became convinced that thermite/thermate/super-
thermite could not possibly be the whole explanation and sought
to broaden the discussion of alternative hypotheses, which he and
his allies did not want to do. He resigned, they conducted a fake
vote of the membership (pretending to represent the society's
administrator), and even froze the site (which I had maintained
from scratch). I was forced to create a new site. All of this is
easily available in the archives of the society, which are found at under the heading, "Founder's Corner", as

Incorporating the Society as a Non-Profit Corporation
25 November 2006, James H. Fetzer

Jim Fetzer Responds to Steve Jones
9 December 2006, James H. Fetzer

Faction Freezes Society's Web Site:
Scholars for 9/11 Truth Threatened
29 December 2006, James H. Fetzer

More in sorrow than in anger...
4 January 2007, James H. Fetzer
Domain Name Dispute Decision
16 February 2007

I am very sorry, Dawn, but this juvenile outburst should have been
beneath you. I hope you do more homework for your practice than
you are demonstrating here. When John Judge is right, I support
him; and when he is wrong, I do not. The very idea that a stew
would be invited to the "crash site" and shown a severed arm of a
purported victim is quite fantastic. Do you understand that there is
no evidence of a Boeing 757 having hit the building? I gave you the
link to an article that would have taken fifteen minutes to read and
disillusioned you of that false belief. That you seem to regard John
as some kind of flawless human is stunning. This is less a question
of my arrogance than of your own gullibility. Nevertheless, I want
to tell you how much I have appreciated your good work in the past
and wish you the best for your future in your practice and research.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Good points, Jack. Unfortunately, I came on Black Op
Radio after John Judge had just presented this absurd
story about his friend, the stewardess, and made some
highly unflattering remarks about him. Anyone wanting
more about the Pentagon might want to check this out:

"What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon"

The "absurd" story is from well known MLK researcher Tamera Carter (aka T Carter). That you would badmouth John Judge - who is and has been COPA for so long tells me more than I need to know. Or perhaps exactly what I needed to know.

And just why is it that you and Steven Jones are no longer speaking? (Never mind, it is a rhetorical question)

ps I don't tell you how to teach philosophy so do not tell me how to practice law. FWIW I am in the process of trying to find witnesses who were in NY. But I work full time at law so don't have the time of a - (possibly-) retired philosophy prof who was utterly unable to answer a question but instead directed me to web sites. I am open to the truth. Period. People may well have been fooled into thinking they saw something, that did not happen. I think certainly T could have been fooled as I have looked at Jack's stuff re the Pentagon.

But to badmouth John Judge on air is very telling of your arrogance. So frankly this discussion is, for me, over.

I see that I did not actually answer your question, for which I apologize. At the very least, whatever hit the North Tower did not look remotely like a 767. Video fakery appears to have been used for the South Tower hit. A 757 flew toward the Pentagon, but swerved over it and did not hit it. And the 757 in Shanksville did not crash there but may have been shot down or landed in Cleveland! I know that sounds very odd, but, as I explain in my Powerpoint presentations, that is what the evidence supports--although there is also a lot of evidence (including no proof the hijackers were even on board the planes, that the phone calls turn out to have been faked, that no investigation of any of the crashes were ever conducted, that none of the 1.5 million of uniquely identifiable parts of the planes have been produced by the government, and that FAA Registration data, which I have in hand, show that the planes corresponding to Flights 11 and 77 were not de-registered until 2002 and corresponding to Flights 93 and 175 not until 2005) that suggests the situation may be even more drastic than that. I gave you links that substantiate many of these points, but I did not appreciate that you were engaged in a trial and did not have time for any of this. I am terribly sorry about that and wish I had been more directly responsive to your query. I hope that you were not distracted.


Dawn Meredith Wrote:Jim:
Before I became overly busy with work I was following the l-o-n- g thread at the other forum and saw Lifton's many attacks on you and Judyth. (I have long ceased to be registered there so could not respond) .

I have just two questions re the above: What about Jim DiEugenio's article did Lifton attack? (In brief)

And on 9-11. Clearly a false flag, inside job and I suspect Zionists had a hand, but recently someone told me that one of the things you believe about 9-11 is that there wer no planes at all. Not that the planes were remotely controlled but that there were none. Is this your belief? Please do not direct me to numerous web sites as I am in the mids of preparing for three trials, two this month so have not time to research this, just ask the question.

ps Good luck in getting back your grand. Smile
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Good points, Jack. Unfortunately, I came on Black Op
Radio after John Judge had just presented this absurd
story about his friend, the stewardess, and made some
highly unflattering remarks about him. Anyone wanting
more about the Pentagon might want to check this out:

"What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon"

The "absurd" story is from well known MLK researcher Tamera Carter (aka T Carter). That you would badmouth John Judge - who is and has been COPA for so long tells me more than I need to know. Or perhaps exactly what I needed to know.

And just why is it that you and Steven Jones are no longer speaking? (Never mind, it is a rhetorical question)

ps I don't tell you how to teach philosophy so do not tell me how to practice law. FWIW I am in the process of trying to find witnesses who were in NY. But I work full time at law so don't have the time of a - (possibly-) retired philosophy prof who was utterly unable to answer a question but instead directed me to web sites. I am open to the truth. Period. People may well have been fooled into thinking they saw something, that did not happen. I think certainly T could have been fooled as I have looked at Jack's stuff re the Pentagon.
But to badmouth John Judge on air is very telling of your arrogance. So frankly this discussion is, for me, over.

Dawn, despite Jim's hair-trigger heavy-handedness, he is correct on
everything he has said re 911, Steven Jones, and John Judge.

Jim possibly is the MOST informed of all 911 researchers. Steven Jones
closed his mind when he discovered nano-thermite and rests on his
pride of authorship. John Judge (and T.Carter) were fooled by a very
odd bit of propagandaship. Defending these people when they are
wrong demonstrates a lack of understand of the evidence.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:Dawn,

I see that I did not actually answer your question, for which I apologize. At the very least, whatever hit the North Tower did not look remotely like a 767. Video fakery appears to have been used for the South Tower hit. A 757 flew toward the Pentagon, but swerved over it and did not hit it. And the 757 in Shanksville did not crash there but may have been shot down or landed in Cleveland! I know that sounds very odd, but, as I explain in my Powerpoint presentations, that is what the evidence supports--although there is also a lot of evidence (including no proof the hijackers were even on board the planes, that the phone calls turn out to have been faked, that no investigation of any of the crashes were ever conducted, that none of the 1.5 million of uniquely identifiable parts of the planes have been produced by the government, and that FAA Registration data, which I have in hand, show that the planes corresponding to Flights 11 and 77 were not de-registered until 2002 and corresponding to Flights 93 and 175 not until 2005) that suggests the situation may be even more drastic than that. I gave you links that substantiate many of these points, but I did not appreciate that you were engaged in a trial and did not have time for any of this. I am terribly sorry about that and wish I had been more directly responsive to your query. I hope that you were not distracted.


Dawn Meredith Wrote:Jim:
Before I became overly busy with work I was following the l-o-n- g thread at the other forum and saw Lifton's many attacks on you and Judyth. (I have long ceased to be registered there so could not respond) .

I have just two questions re the above: What about Jim DiEugenio's article did Lifton attack? (In brief)

And on 9-11. Clearly a false flag, inside job and I suspect Zionists had a hand, but recently someone told me that one of the things you believe about 9-11 is that there wer no planes at all. Not that the planes were remotely controlled but that there were none. Is this your belief? Please do not direct me to numerous web sites as I am in the mids of preparing for three trials, two this month so have not time to research this, just ask the question.

ps Good luck in getting back your grand. Smile

Thanks, is far better to present valid evidence as above than
to berate those who have not studied the evidence as thoroughly
as you and I have. They need to be informed, not criticized.
It is an opportunity to teach.


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