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Lifton attacks Fetzer over 9/11 and Israeli Complicity

Having just received a copy of this memorandum attacking me for my
views about 9/11 and indications of Israeli complicity, I would observe
that David Lifton appears to be far removed from areas in which he is
competent. As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I have not only
maintained its web site at and authored all of
its press releases but also edited its first book, THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY,
organized its first conference, "The Science and Politics of 9/11", and
produced its first DVD, "9/11: What's Controversial, What's Not". In
addition, I have authored many articles, given many lectures, and
made many presentations about 9/11 around the world, including
in Athens, where I was featured for 3 1/2 hours on a TV program in
2006 broadcast world-wide by satellite, and twice in Buenos Aires in
2008 and 2009, where my first presentation received extensive news
coverage, including two articles in the News Service of the Republic
of Argentina, and the second event was held at The National Library.

Lifton seems to be upset that I have endorsed a book, STRANGER
THAN FICTION, which traces the history of Zionism from the late
1800s to the present day and advances evidence, not only of the
history of terrorism practiced by those who wanted to create the
State of Israel, but of Israeli involvement in the events of 9/11. I
had independently concluded Israel was involved in 9/11 before I
discovered this book. I must admit that I had no clear concept of
Zionism until relatively recently, when I began inviting experts on
the subject onto my radio program, "The Real Deal", including
Stephen Lendman (13 March 2010), Barry Chamish (30 March
2010), and Elias Davidsson (10 July 2010). I found the book to
be extremely compact, insightful, and illuminating, and read 6-8
chapters on the air STRANGER THAN FICTION (26 April 2010). I
interviewed the author, Albert Pastore, Ph.D., which is a pseud-
nym, on Friday, 28 May 2010, and had it rebroadcast Monday,
31 May 2010, which was Memorial Day. All of these programs
either are or will be archived on

That the Pastore interview was rebroadcast on Memorial Day
turns out to have been ironic, since that is the day Israel chose
to assault the flotilla attempting to breach the blockage of Gaza.
There is a front-page article about it in The New York Times (1
June 2010), in case David Lifton, who is preoccupied with his
new book on Oswald, hasn't been reading the papers. There
are many new articles about it, including several by Stephen
Lendman and by Jerry Mazza, that I am featuring or will be
featuring in my blog, One
of the best has just been published by James Petrus, entitled
"Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian"
Flotilla, It might
be wise for David Lifton to get up to speed on the atrocities by
Israel, which include the massacre of sailors aboard a United
States naval vessel during the Six Day War, which killled 34
sailors and wounded another 171, which Israel was planning
on blaming on its enemy Egypt as a classic false flag operation.

I participated in a "Freedom Rally" on the grass in front of the
United States Capitol on 15 April 2008, where I spoke about
the events of 9/11 and outlined the reasons for believing that
Israel had a hand. That presentation was published under the
title, "9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda", and can be found many
places, including an illustrated version
I have also dealt with the charge that research implicating the
State of Israel in 9/11 is anti-Semitic in "Is 9/11 research 'anti-
Semitic'?", both of which were published by OpEdNews and can
be readily accessed via google. I have also done research on
other Israeli false flag attacks, including two in Argentina in
1992 and 1994
and another in Mexico City shortly after 9/11 that was thwarted.

Why Lifton wants to attack me when he knows nothing about
the subject bewilders me, but I assume it is unrelated to my
defense of Judyth Vary Baker from his smears or to my effort
to recover $1,000 I lent him when his computer was stolen.
Whatever his motives, his conduct here is inexcusable. Even
if I were wrong about the history of Zionism, where I cannot
claim to be an expert, what entitles him to deny others the
right to freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, and freedom
of speech? Is it his position that, unless you toe the Israeli
line, you are acting in an irresponsible or reprehensible way?
This whole attack baffles me, because I do my homework on
the issues I address, whereas, in this instance, most notably,
Lifton has not. Let me also recommend a 9/11 web site that
has the courage to confront evidence of Israeli complicity in
9/11, which is I recommend it to
everyone who has a serious interest in the truth about 9/11.

As it happens, I am participating in an event in London soon:

A LONDON SYMPOSIUM: "Debunking the 'War on Terror':
Are the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?"
6-9:30 PM, 14 July 2010, Friends House opposite Euston Station

An international symposium, "Debunking the 'War on Terror'", is
scheduled to occur in London, UK, as an evening event from 6:30-9:30
PM on Wednesday, 14 July 2010. This symposium will feature James
Fetzer, Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Kevin Barrett, Co-Founder,
Muslims for 9/11 Truth, and Gilad Atzmon, jazz musician and
political commentator, who will offer their assessments of the
evidence that 9/11 has been misrepresented by the US government for
its own political purposes.

The speakers will focus on the use of the events of 9/11 to
manipulate American and British citizens into supporting invasions
of Iraq and Afghanistan in violation of international law, the UN
Charter, and even the US Constitution. The event will be held in The
Large Meeting Hall of Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London.
Friends House is on the south side of Euston Road directly opposite
Euston Station (BR main line, Victoria and Northern underground
lines). The doors will open at 6 PM with a £10 admission fee.

For more information, visit

Would that David Lifton were doing more for his county and the
advancement of truth than his own little world, which is entirely
dominated of, by, and for David Lifton, whose narcissism knows
no bounds. The fact of the matter is that logic and evidence are
on my side, not his, and if anyone is "unable to connect the dots"
in this case, it is he, not me. I am sorry to say that David Lifton
has once again demonstrated his incompetence in matters that
go beyond the boundaries of issues that concern David S. Lifton,
up close and personal. I have seen enough of him to know that,
beyond the confines of BEST EVIDENCE, his competence is next
to non-existent, where I offer this case as my own best evidence.

> Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 03:39:44 -0700
> Subject: FW: DSL Memo on Jim Fetzer, Israel, and 9/11
> From:
> To:
> I regret having to send out this memo, but the line has to be drawn
> somewhere.
> While I believe certain critical evidence was falsified in the JFK case (and
> that pursuing that constitutes a legitimate area for research and debate), I
> cannot be associated in any way whatsoever with the views of Prof. Jim
> Fetzer in the area described below.
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: "David S. Lifton" <>
> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 14:57:49 -0700
> To: David Lifton <>
> Subject: DSL Memo on Jim Fetzer, Israel, and 9/11
> DSL Memo to file:
> RE: Jim Fetzer, Israel, and 9/11
> In connection with his 9/11 activities, Jim Fetzer enthusiastically
> promotes a book titled ³Stranger than Fiction², by one Albert D. Pastore
> Ph.D. (a pseudonym). The book is available at a website called
> ³WhatReallyHappened.com²
> I just learned about the book‹and Fetzer¹s podcasts (which apparently have
> been around for some months)‹this morning. Fetzer sent me, and several
> others, an email in which he was highly critical of Jim DiEugenio¹s review
> of Doug Horne, and was giving me, and my work, high praise.
> So I of course clicked on the link(s) he provided, and was pretty surprised
> (to put it mildly) at what came up (links about 9/11) and then where one of
> them led‹to Fetzer¹s Internet radio broadcasts on his show ³The Real Deal.²
> In a series of podcasts, Fetzer reads the entire book‹³Stranger than
> Fiction²-- in about five segments.
> Below find a group of links to this book, i.e., to Fetzer¹s podcasts, etc.
> I listened to several of the podcasts‹it is the ³Israel did it² line, but
> much more: a rather broadbased revisionist history going back to the early
> 20th century, about the creation of Israel, how the Jews are responsible for
> the financial woes of the world (and the U.S.); for U.S. financial policy;
> how the Jews are responsible for World War II (which Hitler did not want, at
> all, according to this author‹i.e., it was all the fault of the Jews)‹and
> finally, of course, how Israel is responsible for 9/11.
> As Fetzer reads the book, there is an assortment of anti-Jewish and
> anti-Israel illustrations‹some might call it anti-Semitic political
> pornography. Each person will have to judge this for himself (or herself).
> I have to say (at this point) *and just to clear the air‹that I do not think
> Jim Fetzer is anti-Semetic. What I do believe (and most unfortunately) that
> he is not sufficiently discriminating (some would say indiscriminating) in
> choosing what to believe. In this issue, I do not think he is an
> enlightened radical; I think he is behaving like a complete fool.
> I do not know 20th century history as much as I¹d like, but I sure as hell
> know the JFK case, and I have watched Fetzer do this once before‹I have
> watched him journey down this ³Judyth² path, entering, subscribing to, and
> promoting a world of make-believe.
> This whole anti-Israeli line is another example of Fetzer¹s ability (if not
> propensity) to ³connect the dots² in some way that I find not just illogical
> but‹frankly‹just plain ridiculous.
> I have no idea what provokes Fetzer to go down this path‹but then, I have no
> idea why (in the area of the JFK case) Fetzer believes in Judyth, which I
> believe to be another case of subscribing to something that is part of the
> world of ³make believe.²
> In the next page of this document, I am listing the various links (but they
> are not ³live² because I am going to put this document in pdf format).
> Then, on the following pages, come the Amazon dot com page about this
> bizarre book; and a page with the major pro and con review. And then another
> book that is advertised as a ³cousin² of sorts (i.e., ³those who bought this
> book Œalso bought¹ that one² etc.). That book is titled ³The Life of an
> American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel²; and, as one rstates, it is ³Crude
> anti-semetic nonsense. . .strictly propaganda for the right wing loonies.²
> And then, finally, on the remaining pages, I am inserting the various
> imagery that is shown, on Fetzer¹s podcast, as he reads from ³Stranger than
> Fiction.² It is all virulently anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic
> propaganda‹really low class junk. Yet there is Jim Fetzer, reading from
> this book, while all this inflammatory anti-Semitic imagery is flashing on
> the screen.
> Of course, a collateral mystery (or ³mystery²) is just who is ³Albert D.
> Pastore, Ph.D.² who, as Fetzer points out, has ³some connection² (I think
> his words were) with philosophy.
> The imagery used by Fetzer appears at the end of the attached memo. It is
> violently anti-semitic and highly inflammatory.
> What this is: Basic links I have been surfing re Jim Fetzer and 9/11, the
> book he is promoting on his podcasts, and the graphics he is using to
> promote the thesis that Israel is responsible for much of the woes of the
> 20th century, for provoking Hitler to start World War II, and that Israel is
> responsible for 9/11.
> Immediately below are some links‹especially to the book, ³Stranger than
> Fiction,² which Fetzer strongly recommends (and is promoting).
> In Section two of this document are the Amazon pages pertaining to this
> book.
> In Section three of this document are the graphics Fetzer uses in connection
> with his podcasts, reading from the book, and promoting the thesis that Jews
> are responsible for many of the woes of the 20th century, and that Israel is
> responsible for 9/11.
> boil/
> Albert D. Pastore Ph.D.
> Link to the book ³Stranger Than Fiction *Part 1²
> To part 2:
> To parts 3, 4, and 5:
> HOME PAGE FOR ³What Really Happened . com²
I see you've ruffled a few feathers at the Ed Forum with this, James.

Good luck to you. They don't like being woken up over there. Good posts from Jack White too. Worth a read.
Before I became overly busy with work I was following the l-o-n- g thread at the other forum and saw Lifton's many attacks on you and Judyth. (I have long ceased to be registered there so could not respond) .

I have just two questions re the above: What about Jim DiEugenio's article did Lifton attack? (In brief)

And on 9-11. Clearly a false flag, inside job and I suspect Zionists had a hand, but recently someone told me that one of the things you believe about 9-11 is that there wer no planes at all. Not that the planes were remotely controlled but that there were none. Is this your belief? Please do not direct me to numerous web sites as I am in the mids of preparing for three trials, two this month so have not time to research this, just ask the question.

ps Good luck in getting back your grand. Smile

Here's some of the evidence that strongly suggests that it may have been easier to control the outcome by faking planes than using real ones, even though I believe a real 757 was flown toward the Pentagon before flying over it as a distraction. Check out "What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon", too, which is accessible via google. (And thanks for that good wish!)


Elias Davidsson, "No evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11"

David Ray Griffin, "Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners"

James H. Fetzer, "New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11"

Regarding the speed of Flight 175, here's an interview with an aeronautical
engineer, which you can hear

John Lear, among our nation's most distinguished pilots, even submitted
an affidavit in a lawsuit, which, along with many other statements he has
made, can be found at the Scholars for 9/11 Truth forum, using this link: and

Here are some studies about the passenger lists, which are incoherent:

Here are some more general discussions about the events of 9/11:

"Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed by Controlled Demolition"

"New 9/11 Photos Released"

"9/11: A Photographic Portfolio of Death and Destruction"

"What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon"

"Unanswered Questions: Was 9/11 an 'Inside Job'?"

"An Analysis of the WTC on 9/11", enter the title
Mr. Fetzer...are you suggesting that the CIA is secretly controlled by the Mossad ? I seriously doubt the circle of intelligence, the Mossad is the junior partner to the CIA, not the senior partner. And I seriously doubt that Nixon or anyone in the administration could be called "Zionist". Hell, with all the German names, the Nixon administration could have been called the Fourth Reich...and it damn near was. As I posit in my post "A New Theory Of The Assassination", if there was anyone who benefited from the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and the shooting of George Wallace, it was definitely Nixon. Remember, if Wallace had run in the election, Nixon would have likely lost, because Nixon's vote would have been split in half. Remmeber the 1992 election ? Clinton only won with 44% of the vote, and Bush had 40%. Where's the other 16% ? Ross Perot, that's where. And remember also...if Perot doesn't go on 60 Minutes and have a meltdown about supposed Bush dirty tricks (which were probably true), he would have possibly gotten enough votes to send the election to Congress. In summary, although the "Zionist" theory seems to have some support, the most likely candidate for masterminding the assassination, what with his connections with the CIA during the Eisenhower era, is Nixon. He is the ONLY one to benefit from all three of the abovementioned shootings. Understand, when you study history, behind all conspiracies, there is always a central figure...someone pushing the issue. The only person that I can see benefitting over Nixon. It's the only logical conclusion, when all the available facts are studied.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Oh yes...and it should also be noted that in his book The Ends Of Power, H. R. Haldeman, Nixon's chief of staff, solved a riddle that I have seen discussed by several researchers having to do with Watergate...the "Bay Of Pigs" references on the Watergate tapes. In the beginning of one of the chapters (I can't remember which offhand), he says that "Bay Of Pigs" was a code for the assassination, which makes a lot of sense when you hear the references to Richard Helms on the tapes. Nixon suggests that Helms be told that if the "Bay Of Pigs" is blown, it would be very bad for Helms. When you replace "Bay Of Pigs" with "Kennedy Assassination", it immediately becomes apparent what Nixon is doing...he is threatening Helms with exposure of his role in the assassination. would Nixon know enough to use the assassination to threaten Helms with exposure if he doesn't go along with the Watergate cover-up...unless Nixon knew of and actually participated in the assassination plans at a high level ? That would be the only way he would have leverage over Helms that I can think of. And also remember...E. Howard Hunt demamded and was paid $2 million to keep his mouth shut about the Bay Of Pigs/assassination...and that was a DAMN lot of money in 1972.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Nixon was involved, I have no doubt. He was at the ratification meeting held at the home of Clint Murchison the night before along with LBJ, Hoover, John J. McCloy, George Brown, H.L. Hunt, and others. I agree that Nixon was involved.
James Lewis Wrote:Mr. Fetzer...are you suggesting that the CIA is secretly controlled by the Mossad ? I seriously doubt the circle of intelligence, the Mossad is the junior partner to the CIA, not the senior partner. And I seriously doubt that Nixon or anyone in the administration could be called "Zionist". Hell, with all the German names, the Nixon administration could have been called the Fourth Reich...and it damn near was. As I posit in my post "A New Theory Of The Assassination", if there was anyone who benefited from the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and the shooting of George Wallace, it was definitely Nixon. Remember, if Wallace had run in the election, Nixon would have likely lost, because Nixon's vote would have been split in half. Remmeber the 1992 election ? Clinton only won with 44% of the vote, and Bush had 40%. Where's the other 16% ? Ross Perot, that's where. And remember also...if Perot doesn't go on 60 Minutes and have a meltdown about supposed Bush dirty tricks (which were probably true), he would have possibly gotten enough votes to send the election to Congress. In summary, although the "Zionist" theory seems to have some support, the most likely candidate for masterminding the assassination, what with his connections with the CIA during the Eisenhower era, is Nixon. He is the ONLY one to benefit from all three of the abovementioned shootings. Understand, when you study history, behind all conspiracies, there is always a central figure...someone pushing the issue. The only person that I can see benefitting over Nixon. It's the only logical conclusion, when all the available facts are studied.

But who was behind Nixon? Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush.

#9 may have a point, but the way I see it, Nixon is the only man with the connections to actually pull the strings to kill Kennedy and cover it up. Remember, Nicon was actually in Dallas the day of the assassination, lied about it, and to his dying day, claimed he had no clue what he was doing on November 22. And remember, the Bay Of Pigs was Nixon's project, not Kennedy's. Kennedy went along with it after the fact, and after he realized that he had been duped, he started to draw up plans to destroy the CIA. Dulles (Warren Commisioner), Charles Cabell (Deputy Director of CIA), and Warren Commisioner John J. McCloy were all Nixon loyalists. Nixon was the CIA's action man in the Eisenhower admistration when the coup of Mossadegh went down, and had close connections with almost everyone who covered up the assassination. I understand where you're coming from, but Nixon was the only man who benefited from all of the Sixties assassinations. Just my two cents Wink
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
James Lewis may have a point, but the way I see it, Nixon is the only man with the connections to actually pull the strings to kill Kennedy and cover it up. Remember, Nicon was actually in Dallas the day of the assassination, lied about it, and to his dying day, claimed he had no clue what he was doing on November 22. And remember, the Bay Of Pigs was Nixon's project, not Kennedy's. Kennedy went along with it after the fact, and after he realized that he had been duped, he started to draw up plans to destroy the CIA. Dulles (Warren Commisioner), Charles Cabell (Deputy Director of CIA), and Warren Commisioner John J. McCloy were all Nixon loyalists. Nixon was the CIA's action man in the Eisenhower admistration when the coup of Mossadegh went down, and had close connections with almost everyone who covered up the assassination. I understand where you're coming from, but Nixon was the only man who benefited from all of the Sixties assassinations. Just my two cents Wink

Nixon and most presidents are just FRONT MEN for the
NEW WORLD ORDER folks. JFK refused to be a front man.
it got him killed.


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