05-01-2016, 07:52 PM
Quote:It's also interesting that Robert Baer has over the past few years, periodically been coming forward as a kind of a whistle-blower against the CIA by talking about operations he's been involved in for the purpose of destabilizing regimes (kind of like Economic Hitman, Perkins), such as his recent confession about the role he played in helping to widely distribute propaganda against the Serbs in Yugoslavia.
The above rang a bell as I'd just read this Robin Ramsay piece a few days earlier. Baer has been outspoken about a number of issues, but I'd take that recent confession with a grain of salt.
[scroll down to the 'Global Research' entry]
Quote:If you're reading this there's a good chance you have also looked at the site Global Research. Lots of good people have essays on that site and I agree with most of its positions. And yet I never quite trust it. There is so much material on it, unless there is an army of people working for it - of which there is no evidence - there is no way most of it can be edited or checked. There's not enough quality control. Its motto, if it had one, would be something like that of Rolling Stone in its first incarnation: all the news that fits.
I look at it pretty regularly and every once in a while see something really striking. Recently that was a purported interview with the former CIA officer, Robert Baer, 'Confession of a CIA Agent: They Gave Us Millions to Dismember Yugoslavia'.
I read only a few lines before becoming suspicious, did a little checking and, of course, it's a fake; it took just one Google search for the 'new book' by Baer upon which the 'interview' is based to discover there is no such book.
Not only is it a fabrication, it was put out before, by the same author, under a different heading, on a different pretext; and it's a fake I spotted at the time but had forgotten about.
[It first appeared in 2012 at
and was commented on at
under subhead 'Disinfo']
Evidently no-one at Global Research thought it surprising that Baer was talking in this startling way, nor thought it worth a Google search before posting it. As I said: not enough quality control.